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During sleep, emotional memories are preferentially strengthened. However, most studies on sleep and emotional memory focus on comparing negative valence with neutral valence stimuli. This study compared the sleep-dependent memory effects for stories and images, each comprising negative, neutral, and positive stimuli. It was hypothesized that a sleep effect would be seen for negatively and positively valenced stimuli. A novel story memory task (comprising three stories), and photographs from the Nencki Affective Picture database were presented for learning to 61 healthy adults (ages 18–25). They were tested for memory on the two tasks immediately, and then again after either a 2-hr nap (= 31; 17 women, 14 men) or 2-hr wake period (= 30; 13 women, 17 men). At second testing, the sleep condition had significantly better recall compared to the wake condition on both tasks. There was a relationship with valence only for the story task, with better performance for the sleep condition on the negatively and positively valenced texts, but not on the neutral text. There were no significant relationships between memory measures and sleep-stage duration and EEG power variables. The story memory findings support the hypothesis that memory consolidation prioritizes emotional memory, whether positively or negatively valenced.  相似文献   
《易经》卦爻辞中"用"字句有两种句法格式,一是"用+名词或名词性词组",二是"用+动词或动词性词组"。从"用"字词义与词性的发展来看,有一个从具体义向抽象义,从实词向虚词转变的过程,而《易经》文本正是此一过程的过渡阶段。通过对《易经》"用"字含义和用法的分析,我们可以纠正对某些含"用"字卦爻辞的误解与误读。  相似文献   

We test the hypothesis that changes in physical and psychological health are associated with construals of stressful life events. At two points in time, approximately 10 years apart, participants (n=1038) rated their physical health and psychological distress. At the second assessment, participants also reported their most stressful life event since the first assessment and indicated whether they considered the event a turning point and/or lesson learned. Lower self-ratings of health and higher ratings of psychological distress, controlling for baseline health and distress, and relevant demographic factors, were associated with perceiving the stressful life event as a turning point, particularly a negative turning point. The two health measures were primarily unrelated to lessons learned. How individuals construe the most stressful events in their lives are associated with changes in self-rated health and distress.  相似文献   
自动化项目生成是近年来兴起的测量领域, 是一种以项目认知加工理论为基础的原则性项目设计(principled item design)模式。其中, 如何在项目认知模型基础上, 通过任务结构分析的方式系统全面的鉴别和提取任务特征是一个关键环节。基于已有文献中代数应用题的命题分析法、网络语言分析法、关系-函数分析法、任务分析地图等四种结构分析方法, 研究探索了能够服务于自动化项目生成的代数应用题任务结构分析方法。该分析表明, 前三种方法分别对应于个体解题过程需要形成的三种中介表征, 即问题陈述背后的命题表征、事件时空关系的情境模型、以及变量间数量关系的问题模型, 第四种方法从过程角度分析了问题解决的认知需求。然而, 要实现项目生成的特征提取需求, 尚需对现有四种方法所揭示问题特征的心理现实性、特征提取的系统性和完备性、任务领域的适用范围、以及不同方法的整合等问题开展进一步研究。  相似文献   
研究一以时间距离和封面故事为变量考察对认知相关性的影响, 结果发现时间距离、封面故事及二者间的交互作用显著。坏封面故事中, 人们对1年后发生的事件要比1周、5年与50年后事件的认知相关程度都高, 即最重视; 好封面故事中, 4个时间距离间的认知相关程度差异不显著。研究二在1周、1年、5年和50年四个时间距离下, 探讨封面故事、框架和概率对风险偏好的影响, 结果表明:仅当时间距离为1周时, 不同概率在坏封面故事中风险倾向的差异显著。同时, 大概率下, 封面故事、封面故事与框架的交互作用对风险偏好的影响达到显著水平, 表现出在坏封面故事中, 与负面框架相比, 正面框架下风险回避的比例更高, 符合框架效应。结合研究一、二发现框架效应正发生在认知相关程度最低时。  相似文献   
杨昭宁  王东石  朱婷 《心理科学》2013,36(4):842-847
倾斜恒常性理论是一种新的解释Ponzo错觉的理论,但是似乎存在一些局限。本研究采用调节法通过两个实验考察了四种Ponzo错觉版本在各种条件(视角和水平线段间距)下的错觉量情况,以此来检验倾斜恒常性理论。实验一中,对称Ponzo错觉变异版本在50mm时的错觉量情况和Prinzmetal(2001)的结果相似,但是在85mm和120mm时得到了较多的错觉量,这和倾斜恒常性理论的理论预期不符。实验二对不对称Ponzo错觉的考察得到了和实验一类似的结果,只有50mm时的情形符合倾斜恒常性理论预期。通过以上实验得到水平线间距和视角因素都是产生Ponzo错觉的重要因素,而倾斜恒常性理论过分强调了背景线的倾斜诱导效应,忽略了其他结构因素对Ponzo错觉的影响,所以倾斜恒常性理论具有一定的局限性,不能有效地解释Ponzo错觉的产生机制。  相似文献   
关于<周易·震>卦爻辞,古今传注大多以雷声震动解之,根据卦爻辞内容及其所描述的情形,此解显然不合情理.若以地震释之,则豁然贯通,且文理顺畅.故本文从训诂学的角度对震卦卦爻辞加以重新解读,认为震即地震,卦爻辞乃记录了古代一场地震的完整过程.  相似文献   
丁若镛是朝鲜后期实学思想的集大成者,一生写了500余卷著作,收录在<与犹堂全书>中,其有关易学的著作有<周易四笺>二十四卷和<易学绪言>十二卷.在解<易>的方法上多继承我国汉代以来易学家的诸种方法,尤其注重互体和爻变,本文旨在探讨茶山的象数解<易>之法,以探析他的易学思想.  相似文献   
The current paper examines systematic differences in life story high and low points. Narratives from a young adult sample (n = 145) and a late midlife adult sample (n = 154) were coded for vividness, meaning, and coherence. An automated linguistic coding technique was also used. Mean level comparisons found high and low points had similar levels of vividness and coherence. Among the young adults, but not the late midlife adults, there was greater total meaning making (positive and negative combined) in low points than in high points. Across high and low points, levels of positive meaning were greater than negative meaning, in both samples, suggesting a positivity bias in meaning making in valenced life stories. Moreover, the bias was large in both samples (68% in young adults, 450% in late midlife adults). Preliminary analyses suggested midlife adults, when compared to young adults, had a greater bias towards producing more positive than negative meaning. In both samples, automated linguistic analyses indicated that low points displayed greater word counts and usage of cognitive mechanism words, suggesting greater cognitive processing in low points at the level of word usage. Findings are framed within autobiographical memory and narrative research and socioemotional selectivity theory.  相似文献   
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