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The aim of the present study was to test whether the maladaptive personality traits of self-criticism and neediness predict suicide ideation when controlling for general distress. Further, potential interactive effects on suicide ideation of the two traits and distress were also evaluated. Two studies with nonclinical samples were conducted. The first investigation was cross-sectional and involved a final sample of 202 community adults while the second study was longitudinal with a final sample of 207 college students. Results of Study 1 demonstrated that self-criticism, but not neediness, associated with suicide ideation and, in doing so, also interacted with distress. Neediness also tended to interact with self-criticism in the prediction of suicide ideation. Results from Study 2 were similar and confirmed the Study 1 results. Changes in self-criticism, but not changes in neediness, predicted changes in suicide ideation after statistically controlling for changes in distress. Changes in the interaction between self-criticism and distress predicted changes in suicide ideation and changes in the interaction between self-criticism and neediness tended to predict changes in suicide ideation. Results are discussed with regard to their implications for psychological intervention.  相似文献   
Computational metaphors for determining the orientation of planar surfaces represented in line drawings have exploited a postulate that often surfaces are rectangular. Previous research implies that people follow such logic with real surfaces in ecological viewing. However, this research is problematic methodologically and some research does not directly address the issue. The stimuli used in this study were rectangular and trapezoidal; the latter shape was used to mislead with regard to orientation under the rectangularity postulate. Viewing conditions were monocular and binocular, with and without observer movement. The results suggest that the rectangularity postulate was important under stationary monocular viewing but diminished with movement and was not apparent during binocular viewing. General arguments about the importance of secondary depth cues in ecological viewing are developed.  相似文献   
The first section of this article will provide the rationale for all occupational therapists to learn extensively about the isease of alcoholism regardless of area of practice or type of agency where employed. It will offer su estions on how this learning can take place. The second section will take an historic look at occupational therapy literature documenting the use of occupational therapy in alcoholism rehabilitation from 1941 to the present. It will describe modalities currently being used by occupational therapists in alcoholism rehabilitation and discuss expansion of occupational therapy in this practice area.  相似文献   
In many respects the status of psychotherapy in public health-care systems is similar to that of alternative medicine. The roots of training are outside universities. Legitimation and public funding have been non-existent or insufficient as compared with other fields of health care. Also a great deal of mysticism is attached to both. It is therefore relevant to study the role of psychotherapy from the frame of reference given by research into alternative health care.

Formal health care is characterised by (1) legalised status, (2) access to public funding and (3) integration in the formal medical curriculum. On the other hand there are several treatment philosophies which remain as outsiders from the point of view of formal health care. Informal health care approaches are characterised by (1) lack of legalised status, (2) no access to public funding and (3) no integration in the medical curriculum. Alternative medicine is a term usually attached to forms of informal health care like acupuncture, Spa-culture etc.

Psychotherapy in the public health sector lies somewhere between formal and informal health care. While it has no legalised status, anyone may call himself ‘psychotherapist’. Its definition remains obscure and its public accountability poor.

In this paper I have tried to show how one country — Finland — has tried to grapple with this problem as it attempted to set up psychotherapy services whose quality could be properly monitored — ‘Quality Assurance’ — allowing for public accountability. Now that psychotherapy is well established as a valuable treatment in the field of mental health it is possible to consider future expansion as a cost-effective way to improve the general mental health of the country.  相似文献   
In this paper I have described a short-psychotherapy treatment with a mother, a 3-year-old girl, and occasionally a father, over the difficulty in separating and settling down at nursery. The mother's unresolved mourning for the early miscarriage of her second baby was one important factor. She held on to the company and comfort provided by the little girl, who had become the vessel of maternal projections. Filled with Poppy's projections, the mother had also felt unable to withstand and process them. Mr Green was a conflictual element in the family, rather than a supportive husband and father, and Poppy's care and problems were left with the mother. Nine sessions unblocked the situation and allowed Poppy to settle down at a private nursery.  相似文献   
Masochism is a complex and intriguing phenomenon. Self-attack may serve many purposes. Some patients suffer through harsh self-criticism, bodily harm, or even tormenting thoughts of death, without actually killing themselves. Some of these patients ultimately may go on to die by suicide, but for many, the self-torturing aspect may exist independently in acute or chronic forms. This paper addresses the complex relationship between masochism and suicide as two separate yet interconnected phenomena.  相似文献   

During a pre-suicide state, the enactment of a suicide fantasy is the motive force. The nature and function of a suicide fantasy is explored in this paper in the context of the impact of puberty on the female body image and against the background of the pre-Oedipal and Oedipal father's relationship with his daughter. Case material from the analysis of an adolescent girl is presented to illustrate the crucial role of the father, in the transference, prior to a suicide attempt.

La force motrice qui sous-tend l'état pré-suicidaire est la mise en acte d'un fantasme suicidaire. Cet article explore la nature et la fonction du fantasme suicidaire dans le contexte de l'impact, chez une adolescente, de la puberté sur son image du corps avec, en toile de fond, la relation que le père, pré?dipien et ?dipien, entretient avec sa fille. Un matériel clinique extrait de l'analyse d'une adolescente est présentée afin d'illustrer le rôle crucial du père au sein du transfert avant la tentative de suicide.

Mots-clés: État pré-suicidaire, fantasme suicidaire, puberté et image du corps chez la fille, père pré?dipien et ?dipien, transfert, contre-transfert

Riassunto: Durante lo stato pre-suicidio, il motivo forza è la messa in atto di una fantasia di suicidio. Nell'articolo viene esplorata la natura e la funzione della fantasia di suicidio considerando l'impatto della pubertà sull'immagine del corpo femminile e sullo sfondo di una relazione pre-edipica ed edipica del padre con sua figlia. Viene presentato il materiale dall'analisi di una adolescente per illustrare il ruolo cruciale del padre, nel transfert, precedente al tentato suicidio.

Parole chiave: stato pre-suicidio, fantasia di suicidio, immagine corporale femminile e della pubertà, padre pre-edipico ed edipico, transfert, contro-transfert

Während eines prä-suiziden Zustands, ist das Ausagieren einer Suizidphantasie die motivierende Kraft. Die Eigenschaft und Funktion einer Suizidphantasie wird in diesem Artikel im Zusammenhang mit dem Einfluss der Pubertät auf das weibliche Körperbild und mit dem Hintergrund der prä-ödiplaen und ödipalen Beziehung des Vaters zu seiner Tochter exploriert. Es wird Fallmaterial aus der Analyse eines adoleszenten Mädchens vorgestellt, um die wichtige Rolle des Vaters in der Übertragung vor einem Suizidversuch zu illustrieren.

Keywords: Prä-suizider Zustand, Suizidphantasie, Pubertät und das weibliche Körperbild, prä-ödiplaer und ödipaler Vater, Übertragung, Gegenübertragung  相似文献   

The current study had two purposes: (1) to describe the reliability and validity of a measure of quality of life (QOL) in HIV-infected psychiatric outpatients, and (2) to predict cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) preferences from disease stage, depression, and other QOL factors. We studied 63 patients, who were seen in one year at an HIV/AIDS psychiatry clinic. The results provide evidence for the validity of our instrument as a measure of health status in an HIV-infected psychiatric population. Overall symptoms were the strongest associates of functional limitations. disability, and perceived health, but depression was also significantly associated with all measures of QOL. Twenty-two patients (35.5%) would not have wanted to be revived if their heart stopped beating the day of the study. Disease stage and poor mental health were independent predictors of this preference, but severity of depression, social support, fatigue, perceived health, functional limitations, and life satisfaction were not.  相似文献   
The study aimed at exploring suicide ideation and its relationship to depression in university students in Botswana. Data were collected from 122 undergraduate students (68.9% females, 31.1% males) with a mean age of 20.02 years. Depressive symptoms were measured with an adapted version of Beck's Depression Inventory-II. In total, 47.5% of the respondents reported suicide ideation, 28.7% reported previous suicide attempts, and the mean depression score was 19.14. Suicide ideation correlated strongly with total depression scores. The level of depression severity was linearly related to suicide ideation but 14.3% of respondents who scored at the level of minimal depression and 53.8% of those who scored at the level of mild depression had also contemplated suicide. The level of education of respondents’ mothers had an inverse relationship with suicide ideation and with depression in that those whose mothers had a tertiary level education were less likely to engage in suicide ideation and had significantly lower depression scores. The results are discussed from within the specific social ecological context of Botswana.  相似文献   

This paper describes how a counsellor in education has to take on and respond to a number of transferences in the clinical work in addition to holding onto a number of centres within the institution and personally. It takes a close look at one student presentation and speaks to the quality of the emotional and psychological impact on the counsellor. It argues for the need to be both thoughtfully containing and thoughtfully penetrating in the clinical work despite the bombardment of conscious and unconscious material. Over all, the paper states how important it is for the counsellor to stay in touch with his/her own feelings, thereby effectively maintaining the depressive position, though this is painful given the current predominance of suicide and serious suicidal intentions among adolescents and young adults.  相似文献   
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