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The discussion of Islamic and Protestant revivalisms inflames not only believers but secularists as well. This paper is about standpoint and perceived standpoint in relation to carrying out feminist research about why some women in a liberal democracy join revivalist movements. The article also discusses the variegated nature of power relations within the research process. Situated within a Women's Studies Centre the author found herself in the crossfire between secular feminists and religious revivalists—some members of each group insisting she represented the position of the opposing view. This paper explores the conflictual situation and resulting ‘epistemological vertigo’ in circumstances where revivalists and secularists each believed in the stereotype of the other and assumed the researcher embodied it.  相似文献   
Book Reviews     

There are many brief, demanding, aborted cases that no one ever writes about. The typical psychoanalyst or psychoanalytic psychotherapist, however, has many outpatient cases that are shortlived, intense encounters with very disturbed patients. Rather than ignore these encounters as non-analytic or non-instructive, I think these cases add to our knowledge about the mind and its functions. In addition, it is unrealistic to think we can always help a very anxious and disturbed person to enter the treatment process with immediate success. It is more instructive to apply the analytic method and offer the patient what we can and have both analyst and patient learn as much as they can in the time they are able to stay together. Using case material, I show the Kleinian approach to working analytically with these difficult patients. Whether focusing on transference or extra-transference material, the analyst interprets the patient's internal phantasies and anxieties regarding the self and the self's important objects. This analytic stance tends to relieve the immediate anxiety and set the stage for potential self-reflection and the start of basic working-through processes.  相似文献   
In the course of a psychoanalytic treatment, many clinical situations create countertransference pulls or invitations to participate in enactments of various degrees. In these projective identification-based transferences, the patient is often successful in drawing the analyst into archaic object relational patterns of acting out. During these moments, the analyst must struggle to find a way to stay therapeutically balanced. The urge to rush to judgment with punitive, seductive, rejecting, controlling, or manipulative comments rationalized as interpretations must be managed. If these unavoidable countertransference enactments are managed and studied, they can provide useful information about the patient's internal struggles and can show the way to making more helpful and more therapeutic interpretations. Case material is used for illustration.  相似文献   

This paper offers a case study of a survivor of childhood incest who in adulthood has become a victim of violence in her relationships with chosen partners and is concerned that she herself may be a perpetrator of sexual abuse. It examines selected literature on attachment, dissociation, transference/countertransference, role responsiveness and sadomasochistic therapeutic enactments, the two-system superego model, and the triadic self. The paper focuses on long-term treatment dynamics with survivors of cumulative trauma and explores such psychodynamic psychotherapy issues as the therapist as a perpetrator of violence, the development of sacred space, authenticity, and the importance of both offering hope and embracing despair in this work.  相似文献   

This study is an exploration of non-verbal forms of communication which have become ritualised, particularly m the care of people with dementia. Rituals, which are culturally determined, may be inclusive or exclusive; they may lose their meaning or send out mixed messages, but m general they uphold the structure of society. There is a strong link between religion and ritual and for people with dementia, ritual may be extremely important m maintaining their sense of belonging within the community of faith. It looks at some of the issues to be addressed when worshipping with people with dementia.  相似文献   

Spirituality and religious practices can buffer people from stressful life circumstances and promote positive biopsychosocial outcomes. The beneficial effects of spirituality and religious practices have been documented in aging and HIV. Unfortunately, little is known about spirituality and religious practices in older adults with HIV. As the number of older adults with HIV increases, with an estimated 91,000 adults over 50 being diagnosed with this disease in the United States, spirituality and religious practices may help HIV-positive people to age successfully. Crisis competence and spiritual trajectories are ways of conceptualizing spiritual development when confronting aging with a life-changing event such as a being diagnosed with HIV. Methodological issues in studying spirituality in adults aging with HIV are identified including defining spirituality and religiosity, heterogeneity of the population, timing of diagnosis, mode of transmission, sexual orientation, religious and cultural stigma, and hardiness. Implications for possible interventions are also posited.  相似文献   
This study examines the relationship between body image (weight/shape concerns), eating pathology, and sexual harassment among men and women (N = 2446). Hierarchical regressions controlling for depression revealed main effects of gender such that women reported greater weight/shape concerns, eating pathology, dietary restraint, eating concerns, and binge eating compared to men. Main effects for sexual harassment indicated that as harassment increased, participants reported increased weight/shape concerns, eating pathology, dietary restraint, eating concerns, binge eating, and compensatory behaviors. There were small but significant interactions between gender and harassment for eating pathology total score (which included each of the domains listed above), weight/shape concerns, dietary restraint, and eating concerns such that the relationship between increased harassment and increased pathology was stronger for women compared to men. The largest interaction was found for compensatory behaviors, such that while women and men's scores both increased as harassment increased, the relationship was stronger for men.  相似文献   
关于生活事件对个体情感反应和行为选择的影响研究, 均试图从不同生活事件和行为决策关系的角度对个体的影响机制进行解释, 但不同理论之间存在争议。行为/经济理论认为人“绝对理性”, 而平均/累加模型、峰-终定律和心理账户认为人“有限理性”。详细比较发现, 各理论在解释的视角、研究方法的选择、生活事件的界定等方面均有不同。未来研究应围绕理论之间的鉴别与整合、生活事件属性与个体属性之间的交互影响以及研究方法的多元化等方面展开。  相似文献   
The theory of motivation is a theory which takes the executora's motivation as the basis of moral judgment. One presupposition of the theory is that motivation can be a common object of understanding. However, motivation exists only in the heart of the executor, and cannot be known exactly by others, so motivation cannot be perceived like a common object, and thus, logically, cannot be the basis of moral judgment. Even if the executor's motivation is accepted by others and turned into a common object, the motivation still cannot become the valid basis of a moral judgment. This is the dilemma of the theory of motivation. In practice, the dilemma appears as follows: if one insists on the theory of motivation, one can be led to the result that people do evil with good intentions. However, just because motivation cannot be the basis of moral judgment does not mean that motivation is of no significance. Good motivation is always better than evil motivation. Therefore, in moral education we should carry out motivation education and teach people to strive to have good motivations for their behavior. This is the value of motivation theory.  相似文献   
Emerging research has documented greater risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression among young adults with prior adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Building upon prior findings, we hypothesised that religious/spiritual (R/S) struggles may serve as an intervening pathway through which accumulation of ACEs impacts mental health symptom severity in this population. Young adults (N?=?458) were recruited from a southeastern university to complete an online self-report survey that assessed for ACEs, lifetime trauma exposure, R/S struggles, PTSD and depressive symptomatology. Bivariate correlations yielded significant positive relationships between ACEs and all six types of R/S struggles, depression, and PTSD. Additionally, when accounting for non-childhood trauma exposure, the mediational analyses indicated an indirect effect of struggles with ultimate meaning on the well-establish association between ACEs and mental health symptoms. Clinical implications (such as the importance of fostering meaning making), study limitations, and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   
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