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本文旨在梳理国内外有关外侧缰核作用于抑郁神经生理机制的研究成果,以期为今后抑郁研究提供借鉴和参考。首先,阐明了外侧缰核的过度兴奋会加强对下游奖赏中心单胺能脑区的抑制从而诱发抑郁的内在通路。然后,进一步论述了介导外侧缰核过度兴奋的分子机制。最后,未来要重点以人类为被试,采用纵向设计,加强外侧缰核对抑郁的影响、作用机制及其性别差异的研究,同时考察遗传基因和环境在其间的调控效应等问题。  相似文献   
Although organisational interventions have shown promising results in improving employees' health and wellbeing, reviews of the effectiveness of such interventions conclude results are inconsistent. Realist synthesis is considered an appropriate method of literature review to improve the consistency of empirical evidence by developing generalisable statements of ‘what works for whom in which circumstances’. In this article, to identify and synthesise existing evidence from the empirical studies of organisational interventions, we conducted a realist synthesis according to the RAMESES publication standards. We reviewed 28 articles. Six realist programme theories were developed that explain how different mechanisms of organisational interventions may bring about different outcomes in different contexts. These realist programme theories are based on the process mechanisms of implementation adherence, communication, employees' participation, senior management support, middle management support and external consultants/researchers support. This realist synthesis enhances the understanding of how organisational interventions may improve employees' health and wellbeing, in which contexts, and for which group of employees. As such, it makes an important potential contribution to designing, implementing and evaluating future organisational interventions.  相似文献   
This paper presents research that uses cognitive and affective semantic differential scales to construct an attitude measuring instrument to be used in the services domain in the context of long applications to buy a service. The scales measure ‘Attitude to the Application Process’ (AAP) which represents satisfaction, as an internal ‘buying process’ attitude, which moderates the buying intention. Data collected over a three‐year period between 1996‐9, was analysed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. The results provide evidence of a robust and useful cognitive scale. Although there were anomalies in the exploratory and confirmatory analysis of the affective scale, a robust scale is presented which represents either one or two factors. The whole measuring instrument of 14 items was developed as a means to access applicant attitudes during the application process to university — an extended and extreme application situation for first‐time consumers. The results identify that the instrument is sound and can be used in its original or modified form, depending on the context of the service‐process monitoring situation. The scales represent aspects of attitude not dealt with extensively in the literature and measure the perception of the application process as simple, open, friendly and helpful. These aspects of satisfaction mirror three attributes of service quality: assurance, responsiveness and empathy identified in previous research. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   
大量脑科学的研究揭示,应激对与海马相关的陈述性记忆的调节主要通过应激激素,尤其是糖皮质激素的分泌而发生作用,而影响的方向取决于一些调节变量,包括糖皮质激素升高的水平以及记忆的不同阶段等。研究发现基底外侧杏仁核是糖皮质激素对记忆不同阶段产生差异性影响的关键部位。因此,在教育过程中,既要科学地认识应激对记忆的消极影响,又要有效利用应激对记忆产生的调节作用,来提高学生的学习效率。  相似文献   
承诺续扩现象及其心理机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
承诺续扩是指决策者在面对失败的结果时,仍然决定向先前的行动持续投入资源的现象。目前,自我申辩理论、前景理论和决策困境理论是承诺续扩解释机制中较有影响的三种理论。以往的相关实证研究所发现的影响承诺续扩的因素可以归为计划因素、心理因素、个体差异因素以及情境因素等四类。今后的研究有必要关注各解释机制的整合、相关变量之间关系体系的构建和因果路径的确定以及承诺续扩对决策者心理与行为可能造成的影响等问题  相似文献   
目标内容效应及其心理机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以自我决定论为基础的目标内容理论认为,内部目标是指反映个体的内在成长趋向的目标,如自我接受、亲密关系、健康等;外部目标是指如何获得外部奖赏或社会赞许,通过获得外部的价值给别人留下深刻的印象等目标,如财富、权力、地位等。大量的研究表明内、外部目标有着不同的效应,而基本心理需要(关系、胜任、自主)是被证实的能解释内、外部目标内容效应的心理机制。在未来的研究中除了更深入地去探讨其心理机制之外,还要积极进行本土化的实证研究  相似文献   
流行病学研究显示幽门螺杆菌可能与某些胃肠外疾病发生有关,根除治疗可能缓解缺铁性贫血、ITP、酒糟鼻等疾病的临床症状和实验室异常。从粥样硬化相关心血管疾病、血液系统疾病、皮肤病的研究结果看,尽管有证据显示该类疾病患者幽门螺杆菌感染率高于普通人群,但二者是因果还是伴随现象仍不得而知,同时尚无根除治疗远期效果的报道。对相关胃肠外疾病是否需要进行幽门螺杆菌检测和治疗尚无定论。鉴于流行病学研究的局限性和发病机制的不确定性,对二者关系应持慎重态度,避免对幽门螺杆菌检测和根除治疗的过度滥用。二者关系的阐明有待机制研究的进展。  相似文献   
同性恋形成机制探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尽管人们对同性恋越来越宽容,但它仍是一种反常规现象。让现有同性恋者放弃同恋行为来减少同性恋难度很大,也不人道。在同性恋形成机制的问题上,有生理机制说和社会心理机制说。本文倾向于社会心理机制说。尝试从同性恋的社会心理机制上把同性恋分为两个形成亚型,并说明了每个亚型形成的具体过程。  相似文献   
医疗纠纷非诉讼解决机制与和谐医患关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
医疗纠纷的急剧攀升与解决医疗纠纷的方式和途径较为单一、过分倚重诉讼有直接的关系。要改变医疗纠纷的现状,构建和谐医患关系,必须克服法治等于诉讼的误区,建立以法律规范为指导,以预防机制为基础,以非诉讼解决机制为主要方式,以法律诉讼为最终途径的多元化的医疗纠纷解决机制。  相似文献   
采用事件相关电位方法,以面孔、汽车、鸟和椅子为刺激,在汽车搜索作业及分类判断作业两种条件下考察了N170面孔特异性效应。结果发现,面孔在两种条件下均引起明显不同于其余三类物体的N170。实验任务对汽车刺激有明显的影响,具体表现为:在搜索作业下,汽车N170有接近面孔N170的趋势,其波幅显著大于鸟、椅子N170的波幅;在分类作业中,则没有这种显著的差异。从而为证明存在面孔识别的特异性神经机制提供了证据。  相似文献   
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