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组织创新气氛的概念、测量及相关研究热点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组织创新气氛是Litwin所提出组织气氛概念中有关创新维度的深入延伸和具体阐述,是个体对其创新能力养成、发展和运用产生影响的心理认知与组织情境体验。该文在总结回顾近二十年该领域的相关研究后,对组织创新气氛的概念构建、影响因素、测量工具及相关变量的实证研究进行了系统的梳理总结与评价;同时,指出目前该领域研究中在概念建构、工具开发、相关实证研究等方面存在的问题,并就今后国内开展本土化研究所应注意的方面提出建议。  相似文献   
创新一直是学术界关注和探讨的热点。过去40多年里, 有关创新的研究层出不穷, 取得了丰富的成果。然而, 这些研究主要集中在如何激发员工的创新行为上, 即创意产生这一环节。至于创意产生之后能否转化以及如何转化的问题没有引起足够的重视。创意是开端, 但需要把创意转变为现实, 否则创新难以转化为价值。研究创意实施的条件及其作用机制是推动创新研究深化的重要任务。目前已有的创意实施研究在研究层次和研究视角上都存在不足, 未来有必要在方法上把量化研究与质化研究结合起来, 从不同的层次和视角, 进一步拓展研究的范围, 揭示创意从产生到实施的条件和作用机制。  相似文献   
朱滢 《心理科学》2016,39(2):474-478
本文评述了《科学》和《自然》杂志2015年的两篇文章。《科学》上的文章“心理科学的重现性”对100项心理学实验进行了重复验证。结果表明,只有大约多于1/3的原始研究能够重复。该文章对出现这样结果的原因作了分析,并指出这不是心理学的挫折。我们强调科学精神在于它的不确定性,因而科学才能处在不停的探索中。《自然》上的文章“P值仅仅是冰山的一角”,批评了个别心理学杂志禁用P值的做法,指出研究者应该在实验设计、数据处理等实验的前期阶段下功夫,才能防止心理科学的坍塌。我们结合国内研究生培养的现状,就改进心理学研究生的实验训练提出了建议。  相似文献   
本文首先简要介绍了组织行为和领导力的研究特色和该领域国内外的研究现状。从中可以看出, 在过去的10多年中, 中国学者在该领域中进步快速, 并蕴含巨大的潜力。随后, 比较了国际和国内学术界的研究话题和采用的方法, 指出国内目前研究存在的问题。文章的第三部分介绍了当今组织行为和领导力领域在理论、方法和研究范式上的创新。针对当前中国经济和社会发展的现状, 文章指出了学者可以重点关注的领域。学者可以借鉴学术界已有的理论和方法, 选择恰当的角度对这些问题进行深入而系统的探索。为此, 本文第三部分还介绍了几项近年来具有重大影响的研究, 旨在启发学者关注中国社会的重要现象, 敏锐地发现适合本学科研究的问题, 并以严谨且有创造力的方式去开展研究, 进而对国际学术界做出贡献。  相似文献   
知识创新与心理学的发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在知识经济时代,创新能力决定国家的前途命运,建设国家创新体系是提高国家创新能力的重要举措。知识创新是国家创新体系的一个重要组成部分,是提高我国整体创新能力的关键所在。心理学是一门横跨自然科学和社会科学的交叉科学,其成果在人类生活的许多方面有重要影响。根据当前国家需求和心理学的发展前沿,我们认为,在知识创新活动中,应当将心理健康与创新能力、认知与复杂信息环境、社会经济与心理行为作为重要研究方向。  相似文献   
从历史到现代,人类实践体系中总是不时地孕育出某种破坏性力量(本文称之为“自然破坏力”),这种破坏力与一直被视为实践积极成果的物质生产力密切相关,共同影响社会发展。以前我们仅仅正面地看待实践,遗忘了孕育出“自然破坏力”的实践的负面性。其实,引入“生产力”与“自然破坏力”的对立,才能使生产力和生产关系的理论对于现代发展更富有解释力。  相似文献   
通过统计诺贝尔生理学和医学奖获得者群体的年龄构成、学位结构、毕业院校和研究领域等基本信息,试图阐明杰出医学工作者成长及创造世界尖端医学科技成就可能遵循的基本途径,从而为我国在医学体系中的培养科研创新方面提供较为细致的新思路.  相似文献   
There are five different, although not mutually exclusive, styles exhibited by military officers when making decisions: rational, intuitive, dependent, avoidant, and spontaneous ( Scott & Bruce, 1995 ). The purpose was to investigate if elected leaders of military planning teams had a different configuration of decision-making styles than their team members. Participants were 98 army captains organized in 16 brigade-level planning teams. The results indicate that team leaders tended to be more spontaneous and less rational, dependent and avoidant in their style configuration than their team members. One possible explanation is that the style configuration exhibited by many of the elected leaders comes through to others as forcefulness and decisiveness and that such a profile is in line with a general leadership culture. The results also provide support for the General Decision-Making Style inventory as a measurement of decision styles, because they suggest that the self-reports coincide with displayed, observable behavior.  相似文献   
Clark and Fox Tree (2002) have presented empirical evidence, based primarily on the London–Lund corpus (LL; Svartvik & Quirk, 1980), that the fillers uh and um are conventional English words that signal a speaker’s intention to initiate a minor and a major delay, respectively. We present here empirical analyses of uh and um and of silent pauses (delays) immediately following them in six media interviews of Hillary Clinton. Our evidence indicates that uh and um cannot serve as signals of upcoming delay, let alone signal it differentially: In most cases, both uh and um were not followed by a silent pause, that is, there was no delay at all; the silent pauses that did occur after um were too short to be counted as major delays; finally, the distributions of durations of silent pauses after uh and um were almost entirely overlapping and could therefore not have served as reliable predictors for a listener. The discrepancies between Clark and Fox Tree’s findings and ours are largely a consequence of the fact that their LL analyses reflect the perceptions of professional coders, whereas our data were analyzed by means of acoustic measurements with the PRAAT software (www.praat.org). A comparison of our findings with those of O’Connell, Kowal, and Ageneau (2005) did not corroborate the hypothesis of Clark and Fox Tree that uh and um are interjections: Fillers occurred typically in initial, interjections in medial positions; fillers did not constitute an integral turn by themselves, whereas interjections did; fillers never initiated cited speech, whereas interjections did; and fillers did not signal emotion, whereas interjections did. Clark and Fox Tree’s analyses were embedded within a theory of ideal delivery that we find inappropriate for the explication of these phenomena.  相似文献   
The design, conduct, and analysis of prevention research efforts present formidable challenges, but as the papers in this volume illustrate, the problems of prevention research are probably not altogether intractable; they simply require the best of our thinking and the firmest of our commitments. The papers included in this issue represent some of the best thinking likely to be available, and, in aggregate, they give reason for some optimism about prevention research. Which is fortunate, because it is by now abundantly clear that treatment of all the assorted personal and social maladies that afflict us individually and as a society, is impossibly intrusive and expensive, even if we were certain we knew what to do, and we are not. Treatment research is only a step or two ahead of prevention research in nearly any field.  相似文献   
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