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Children have many opportunities to learn from others through oral and written sources. Recent evidence suggests that early readers place more trust in written over oral testimony when learning names for unfamiliar objects. Across three studies, we examined whether the authority of print extends beyond mere naming to guide children's actions in the physical world. In Study 1, 3‐ to 6‐year‐olds received conflicting oral and print‐based advice from two puppets about how to operate a novel apparatus. Whereas pre‐readers were indiscriminate in their trust, early readers preferred to follow the print‐based advice. In Study 2, we replicated this finding, controlling for the amount of corroborating evidence presented by both sources, and the location of the print. In Study 3, we explored whether readers' preference for print‐based information was due to a global preference for external representations, or a more specific preference for text. Children were presented with conflicting instructions based on text versus a coloured circle. Whereas pre‐readers preferred to follow the colour circle, readers preferred to follow the text. Together, the results suggest that when children learn to read, they rapidly come to regard the written word as a particularly authoritative source of information about how to act in the world.  相似文献   
Children have a bias to trust spoken testimony, yet early readers have an even stronger bias to trust print. Here, we ask how enduring is the influence of printed testimony: Can the learning be applied to new scenarios? Using hybrid pictures more dominant in one animal species (e.g., squirrel) than another (e.g., rabbit), we examined 3–6‐year‐olds' (N = 130) acceptance of an unexpected, non‐dominant label suggested only orally or via print. Consistent with previous findings, early readers, but not pre‐readers, accepted printed labels more frequently than when spoken. Children were then presented with identical but unlabelled hybrid exemplars and frequently applied the non‐dominant labels to these. Despite early readers' prior greater acceptance of text, when oral suggestions were accepted they retained a greater influence. Findings highlight potential implications for educators regarding knowledge being applied to new scenarios: For early readers, unexpected information from text may be fragile, while a greater confidence might be placed in such information gained from spoken testimony.  相似文献   
不同年级和专业大学生精神信仰的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
采用问卷对1100名大学生进行调查,发现不同年级和专业的大学生精神信仰存在如下特点:随着年级的升高,大三是宗教信仰和神灵崇拜的转折,大二是政治信仰、民族主义和国家主义信仰的转折;法科比其他专业更易产生宗教信仰、神灵崇拜和金钱崇拜,工科、农科比其他专业的政治信仰、民族主义和国家主义信仰要高。  相似文献   
This paper presents a critical appraisal of the recent turn in comparative religious ethics to virtue theory; it argues that the specific aspirations of virtue ethicists to make ethics more contextual, interdisciplinary, and practice‐centered has in large measure failed to match the rhetoric. I suggest that the focus on the category of the human and practices associated with self‐formation along with a methodology grounded in “analogical imagination” has actually poeticized the subject matter into highly abstract textual studies on normative voices within traditions, largely in isolation from considerations of socio‐historical context, political and institutional pressures, and the lived ethics of non‐elite moral actors. I conclude with some programmatic suggestions for how the field of comparative religious ethics can move forward.  相似文献   
本研究遵循PRISMA-Protocol, 运用元分析的技术, 以心理健康素养的知识、污名态度和求助为结果变量, 考察干预效果及影响因素, 以期为更高效地提升心理健康素养提供参考。元分析共纳入38项研究。结果发现:干预对知识、污名态度和求助的即时效果量达到显著的中到大的效果(知识:g = 0.70, 污名态度:g = -0.52, 求助:g = 1.18)。亚组分析结果表明:心理健康素养的干预效果受地域、被干预者类型、干预中的互动与接触以及试验类型等多个变量的影响。后续研究应进一步探索心理健康素养的调节变量, 并结合中国文化, 制定针对不同干预对象的个性化干预方案, 以提升干预效益。  相似文献   
While psychotherapy is related to both science and art, it is primarily a craft activity requiring the development of skilful practice, epitomized by the discipline of the analytic attitude. In terms of the forms of knowledge outlined by Aristotle, this places psychotherapy in the realm of ‘technê’ (arts and craft) rather than epistêmê (science). In particular, the technê of psychotherapy is concerned with the development of phronesis (practical wisdom) in both patient and analyst and its ultimate aim is concerned with the promotion of eudaimonia, a state of well-being considered by Aristotle to be definitive of ‘the good life’. It is therefore fundamentally an ethical endeavour. The nature of psychotherapeutic skill is illustrated by analogy with three other forms of technê – music, meditation and pottery. Clinical examples illustrate the crafting of interpretations and the art of patient holding.  相似文献   
Parents are thought to play an integral role in adolescents’ and young adults’ help-seeking, yet parental influences on university students’ help-seeking intentions have been largely overlooked. A total of 118 parent-student dyads completed questionnaires. Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that increased student attachment to parent and lower levels of student distress were associated with informal help-seeking. Actor-partner interdependence models demonstrated that parent variables had no influence on students’ help-seeking intentions. Counseling and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   
This essay presents an account of what it takes to live a philosophical way of life: practitioners must be committed to a worldview, structure their lives around it, and engage in truth-directed practices. Contra John Cooper, it does not require that one’s life be solely guided by reason. Religious or tradition-based ways of life count as truth directed as long as their practices are reasons responsive and would be truth directed if the claims made by their way of life are correct. The essay argues that these three conditions can be met by progressors as well as sages. Making progress in how one acts in the world, and improving one’s understanding and direction through being part of a community is living a philosophical way of life. The offered view acknowledges more ways to develop the art of living and enables a broader range of people to count as living philosophically.  相似文献   
This research examines the relationship between literacy and consumer memory. The effects of a variety of stimuli at exposure (i.e., brand names, brand signatures, and products in usage) on memory (i.e., recognition, stem-completion tasks) were examined for a range of literacy. In a series of experiments, we find that the use of pictorial representations of brands (i.e., brand signatures) results in superior brand memory for individuals with lower literacy levels when compared to those at higher literacy levels. This effect is shown to occur not due to pictorial elements per se, but due to pictorial elements with a 1-to-1 correspondence with reality, i.e., which match the form in which they were originally encoded in memory. Moreover, this effect does not persist with stimulus-rich pictures of brands in usage, pointing to boundary conditions with the use of pictorial information.  相似文献   
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