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易、道相关"舆"象索隐   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物象、象喻在<易经>和道家文献中的大量运用,不仅表现为一种修辞手段,而更表现为一种思维方式.破解其中的象喻是探得这些经典文献的理蕴以及相互之间的内在联系所必须的.道家文献与 <易经>在相关于"舆"象的象征意义上有很多相互关联之处.本文在道家思想受<易经>影响的认识基础上,对<易经>中的<坤>、<姤>、<剥>、<大壮>、<乾>等卦与道家文献的相关车舆之象的象征意义进行相互阐发,并据以对<易经>与道家文献中涉及到车舆之象的文句进行诠释,以此探讨道家文献与<易经>在内在思想上的异同关联.  相似文献   
付佳  张明 《心理与行为研究》2009,7(4):265-268,294
联合空间cue—target范式和空间Stroop任务,考察了空间注意在解决空间Stroop效应中所起的作用。结果表明:(1)与空间Stroop刺激出现在非线索化位置相比,出现在线索化位置上时,被试对位置和空间维度不一致试验的反应更快,且空间Stroop的量显著减少;(2)返回抑制影响空间Stroop效应量的大小,返回抑制对非空间Stroop效应量的调节和对空间Stroop效应量的调节有所不同,无论一致条件,还是不一致条件下,对空间Stroop反应的反应速度要快于非空间Stroop。  相似文献   
东莨菪碱对大鼠空间参考记忆和工作记忆的不同影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察东莨菪碱对空间参考记忆和空间工作记忆的编码、保持和提取过程的作用。应用Morris水迷宫实验测定大鼠的空间参考记忆和空间工作记忆,分别在训练的不同阶段腹腔注射东莨菪碱(1mg/kg)和相同容量的生理盐水,比较各东莨菪碱组和生理盐水组之间游泳潜伏期、路径长度、轨迹和游泳速度的差异。结果发现:与注射生理盐水相比,在训练前和探测实验前注射东莨菪碱的大鼠在探测实验中对目标象限不表现出空间偏爱,说明东莨菪碱干扰参考记忆的信息编码和提取过程;而在训练结束后注射东莨菪碱的大鼠探测实验的结果与生理盐水组相比没有显著差异,说明东莨菪碱对参考记忆的保持过程没有影响。在工作记忆实验中,无论第一次测试前、第一次测试后和第2次测试前注射东莨菪碱,均造成大鼠游泳潜伏期延长,说明东莨菪碱干扰工作记忆的编码、保持和提取过程。研究提示M受体在空间工作记忆和参考记忆中发挥不同作用  相似文献   
谐音型歇后语是汉语特殊的语汇表达形式, 对其加工常常需要通达后一语节的同音线索来完成语音、语义隐喻映射。本研究通过2个实验探讨相对熟悉度和同音线索类型对谐音型歇后语加工的作用。实验1结果表明, 在高熟悉度条件下, 被试对语汇的加工策略取决于歇后语的同音线索类型。当后一语节为同音字时, 加工较为快速; 当后一语节为谐音字时, 通达歇后语隐喻意义的路径受阻。对熟悉度较高的谐音型歇后语进行加工, 语义通达表现出预存性; 在缺乏同音线索的条件下, 语料加工时间较长, 反应准确率较低, 支持概念隐喻模型和概念合成假说。而对熟悉度较低的歇后语进行加工, 被试更倾向于采用即时(on-line)策略, 支持概念合成理论和基于心理模型的语用推理假说。实验2结果表明, 呈现“错误同音”线索对歇后语的加工形成干扰, 不支持概念合成理论和基于心理模型的语用推理理论。总的结果表明, 相对熟悉度和同音线索类型影响谐音型歇后语的通达, 谐音歇后语加工需要同时激活语音和语义两条通道。  相似文献   
The problem of constructing computational models of space that mimic those found in human spatial reasoning is addressed. This paper extends a formal model that addressed point objects in a 2D world to include the presence of line objects and barriers. The problem consists of determining an appropriate global model for the spatial configuration given a sequence of local views or observations. A formal model is proposed based on constraint network theory. The model leads to the identification of stable regions within which perceptual information about the environment changes slowly, and zones of transition within which the perceptual information changes more quickly. A special case of transition zones is a gateway, which may be viewed as a kind of discontinuity or singularity in the model. It is expected that the model obtained will be used to mimic human mental representations of navigable outdoor environments.  相似文献   
The role of locomotion in the acquisition and transfer of spatial knowledge was investigated in 144 five-, seven- and eleven-year-old children. Two experiments were conducted in the Kiel locomotor maze. In the first experiment, one group of children explored the spatial layout by walking through the maze, while another learned the maze by surveying the layout. In the second experiment, children were exposed to one of two orientation tests in the maze, one of which could be solved using "landmark orientation", the other only using a "relational place orientation". Children sitting by the side of the experimental chamber surveying the maze needed fewer trials to learn the spatial layout than children exploring the environment in the locomotion condition, but in the orientation test demanding the "relational place orientation" children who had explored the maze in the locomotion condition outperformed the children in the non-locomotion condition. Results are discussed in the context of cognitive mapping models.  相似文献   
Behavioral geneticists sometimes use metaphorsto describe the role of genes in humanbehavior. In this paper, five sample texts areanalyzed: a popular book, a textbook, ascientific review article, and two originalscientific articles representing differentapproaches in behavioral genetics. Metaphorsare found in all the different kinds of sampletexts, not only in the popular book and thetextbook. This suggests that metaphors are usednot only for rhetorical or pedagogical purposesbut play a more fundamental role in scientificunderstanding. In the sample texts, themetaphors tend to be antideterministic, i.e.,they do not imply genetic determinism butstress the interaction of multiple genes andmultiple environmental factors. No conclusioncan be drawn, however, as to whetherantideterminism is representative ofpresent-day behavioral geneticists in general.Certain historically important metaphors thatmay imply genetic determinism are qualified,avoided, or explicitly rejected. There aretensions between some of the metaphors, makingthem difficult to combine. All the metaphorsthat are used appear empirically apt, howeversometimes only with certain qualifications.  相似文献   
In this article we describe a child affected by right parieto-occipital lesion due to head injury. The patient showed left hemianopia, but not unilateral spatial neglect on traditional paper-and-pencil tests and on "ecological" tests. However, his parents reported frequent collisions with obstacles on the left side. A specific test was set up: The patient had to kick down skittles put on both sides of a route traced on the floor. He kicked down 89% of skittles on the right, but only 38% on the left side. These findings are discussed in light of recent theories on unilateral neglect.  相似文献   
人体系统非优性的进化论诠释   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
从进化论的角度论述了人体系统非优性的成因,说明了生物竿化在人体系统中保留下大量的时空沉迹,其形式与特征表现为层次套叠,多元集合,转化退化。从而成为新与旧,高级与低级,复杂与简单,一句话就是优 与非优相互缠绕,相互作用,互补关联的协同统一性,而疾病的发生则是这种辩证统一的失调或破坏。  相似文献   
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