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该文采用注意线索技术探讨颜色、角度和空间方位对视觉选择性注意的影响。研究结果表明:1)随着突现刺激呈现角度的变化,表现出从左至右的明显的倒“V”字型效应,当突现刺激特征显著时(颜色明显变化),“V”字型效应消失;2)随着SOA的延长,空间角度对选择注意加工的影响越来越显著;3)综合处理空间角度结果表明,被试对“上”方目标的反应速度最快,其次是左和右,对“下”的目标的反应速度最慢,而且相对受SOA的影响较小。  相似文献   
王瑞明  莫雷  伍丽梅  李利 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1320-1323
探讨空间信息对语义相关判断的影响。实验材料是具有内在纵向空间关系的词对,纵向呈现在计算机屏幕上,呈现顺序与指代物的空间位置次序一致或不一致,要求被试对词对进行语义相关判断。综合2个实验的结果表明,语义相关判断任务中被试会自动激活指代物的空间信息,并且其对空间信息的表征是知觉符号表征,而非表象表征。研究结果进一步支持了知觉符号理论。  相似文献   
The delayed-matching-to-sample procedure was modified to study pigeons' spatial memory. Nine pecking keys, arranged as a three-by-three matrix, served as the spatial cues. Trials began with a brief "ready" stimulus (dimming of the houselight). Then a randomly chosen key was lit briefly as a sample. After a short delay the sample key was lit again along with one of the other eight keys. A peck at the key that had served as the sample produced grain reinforcement, where as a peck to the other key produced only the intertrial interval. After delayed matching of key location was learned, the effects of sample and delay duration, number of keys illuminated as sample and comparisons, and organization of three-key samples were studied. Matching accuracy decreased as sample duration decreased, delay increased, the number of locations serving as samples increased, the number and proximity of comparisons increased, and when the three-key samples were "discontinuous" rather than "lines".  相似文献   
蔡厚德 《心理学报》1996,29(2):209-214
用半视野速示术检查阿拉伯数字和汉字大写数字在三种任务加工条件(认读、简单相加、奇偶概念异同判断)下进行认知的大脑两半球机能活动一侧化效应。结果表明:以被试正确反应的百分数为指标,两类数字的三种任务加工均没有表现出明显的视野(大脑半球)优势。以被试正确反应的反应时为指标,两类数字的认读和简单相加也未出现视野(大脑半球)的明显差别,而两类数字的奇偶概念异同判断却出现了差异显著的右视野(左半球)优势。  相似文献   
大学生空间思惟的性别差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验运用填图和拼图两项测验,通过对137名大学生被试进行研究,结果表明,就大学生这一层次而言,男女两性的空间思惟在整体上表现出的差异不具显著性,整个分布情况是:在连续分布的两端男生均高于女生。研究结果也表明,在空间思惟上,大学生也存在着明显的个性差异。  相似文献   
In their initial study of the development of children's spatial concepts, Piaget and Inhelder (1956) designed the “water-level” and “plumb-line” tasks to assess children's Euclidean abilities to perceive and represent horizontals and verticals. Surprisingly, subsequent research has shown that many adults perform badly on these tasks designed for children. Here we studied whether adults (N=160) would also have difficulty on a shadow projection task developed to assess theoretically related projective spatial concepts. The data showed that some adults had difficulty on the shadow task, whether tested by a drawing or by a selection task, and whether scored with respect to qualitative shape or metric accuracy. Performance was significantly worse on complex than simple forms, and when sex differences emerged, they favored males. As hypothesized, the best predictor of shadow performance was performance on the Euclidean tasks. Scores on the Embedded Figures Test and participant sex accounted for small (but significant) additional variance on shadow performance. Implications for theories of spatial development and for modeling individual differences in spatial cognition are discussed.  相似文献   
赵民涛  牟炜民 《心理学报》2005,37(3):308-313
让被试在没有外界参照线索的条件下,从三个观察视点学习物体场景,首次以局部场景再认范式探讨了空间记忆中场景表征的朝向特异性。结果表明:(1)多视点学习条件下,场景空间表征依然是依赖于特定朝向的,不支持空间表征独立于朝向和空间表征依赖于多个观察朝向的观点。(2)场景空间表征的朝向依赖性不仅表现于方位判断任务,也同样表现于场景再认任务。(3)场景本身的内在结构对空间表征中参照系的选取有重要影响。  相似文献   
In this article the authors report insights into autism developed through their extensive experience of psychoanalytic therapy with children with autism. The fi rst stages of body psychic development are seriously disrupted by this pathology, resulting in primitive anxieties of falling and of being liquefi ed. These anxieties are connected to the fragile development of body ego and of its related spatiotemporal organisation. The changes in children observed by the authors during the therapeutic process lead them to offer a psychodynamic assessment tool, which revolves principally around the development of body ego. After the initial state of 'severe autism', the authors describe three stages: the stage of 'recovery of the skin' (Bick); the established 'symbiotic phase', subdivided into 'vertical then horizontal splitting of the body ego'; and fi nally the stage of 'individuation'. First, the authors describe the principal psychoanalytic approaches to autism and refl ect on the links possible with nonpsychoanalytic work.  相似文献   
可旋转地图和固定地图的定位效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用两个分实验,分别比较了在空白背景与复杂背景上地图旋转与地图固定两种导航方式下被试的方位判断反应时之间的差异,然后考察两种背景在两种导航方式差异上的一致性问题。结果发现,在运动点的运动方向为朝上、朝左和朝右时,对于空白背景,地图旋转方式下的反应时显著低于地图固定方式;而对于复杂背景,两种导航方式下的反应时之间不存在显著差异。在运动点的运动方向为朝下时,对于两种背景,地图旋转方式的反应时均显著低于地图固定方式。这一结果基本证实了本研究的假设,即被试利用地图进行空间定向的认知过程包括心理旋转与目标搜索两个阶段。  相似文献   
采用整体检测的变化察觉范式,探讨客体的相似性对客体—空间型认知方式个体视觉工作记忆表征的影响。行为结果显示,在不相似客体的视觉工作记忆表征任务中,客体型者在长延时条件的成绩优于空间型者,而在相似客体的视觉工作记忆表征任务中,两者无差异;ERP结果显示,在不相似客体视觉工作记忆表征任务中,与客体型者相比,空间型者在大脑皮层诱发出更大的负SP。以上结果表明,客体型者比空间型者对不相似客体视觉工作记忆加工具有优势,其潜在机制可能在于,客体型者对不相似客体视觉工作记忆表征时的神经活动效能更高。  相似文献   
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