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While much has been made of the potential uses for virtual environment (VE) technologies as training aids, there are few guidelines and strategies to inform system development from the user’s perspective. Assumptions are that a human factors-based evaluation will ensure optimal performance, transferring training from virtual to real worlds; however, there are complex, yet unexplored, issues surrounding system optimization and employment. A comprehensive investigation into the foundations of training, traversing levels of performance analysis, from overt behavioral responses to the less explicit neuronal patterns, is proposed from which optimal training strategies can be inferred and system development guidelines deduced.  相似文献   
The authors examined whether stimulus activation and inhibition in the identity priming task are related to the temporal lobe, and whether these processes in the spatial priming task are related to the parietal lobe. Forty participants performed spatial and identity positive and negative priming tasks, the Vandenberg Mental Rotation task, and the Digit Span task. Both men and women showed significant positive and negative priming in the identity and spatial tasks with no gender difference. The magnitude of identity positive priming was predicted by the Digit Span task, and the magnitude of spatial positive priming was predicted by the mental rotation task. Only women showed a correlation between spatial ability and spatial negative priming. The results are partially consistent with the dorsal-ventral model of cognitive inhibition.  相似文献   

Attention is important during navigation processes that rely on a cognitive map, as spatial relationships between environmental landmarks need to be selected, encoded, and learned. Spatial learners navigate using this process of cognitive map formation, which relies on the hippocampus. Conversely, response learners memorise a series of actions to navigate, which relies on the caudate nucleus. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between spatial learning and oculomotor performance. We tested 23 response learners and 23 spatial learners, as determined by the 4-on-8 virtual maze, on an antisaccade task with a gap and emotional visual stimulus manipulation. Spatial learners displayed decreased saccadic reaction time latencies compared to response learners. Performance cost from the gap manipulation was significantly higher in response learners. These results could represent an attentional practice effect through the use of spatial strategies during navigation or a more global increase in cognitive function amongst spatial learners.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of optokinetic stimulation (OKS; leftward, rightward, control) on the visuo‐perceptual and number space, in the same sample, during line bisection and mental number interval bisection tasks. To this end, we tested six patients with right‐hemisphere damage and neglect, six patients with right‐hemisphere damage but without neglect, and six neurologically healthy participants. In patients with neglect, we found a strong effect of leftward OKS on line bisection, but not on mental number interval bisection. We suggest that OKS influences the number space only under specific conditions.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that left neglect patients are impaired when they have to orient their attention leftward relative to a standard in numerical comparison tasks. This finding has been accounted for by the idea that numerical magnitudes are represented along a spatial continuum oriented from left to right with small magnitudes on the left and large magnitudes on the right. Similarly, it has been proposed that duration could be represented along a mental time line that shares the properties of the number continuum. By comparing directly duration and numerosity processing, this study investigates whether or not the performance of neglect patients supports the hypothesis of a mental time line. Twenty‐two right brain‐damaged patients (11 with and 11 without left neglect), as well as 11 age‐matched healthy controls, had to judge whether a single dot presented visually lasted shorter or longer than 500 ms and whether a sequence of flashed dots was smaller or larger than 5. Digit spans were also assessed to measure verbal working memory capacities. In duration comparison, no spatial‐duration bias was found in neglect patients. Moreover, a significant correlation between verbal working memory and duration performance was observed in right brain‐damaged patients, irrespective of the presence or absence of neglect. In numerical comparison, only neglect patients showed an enhanced distance effect for numerical magnitude smaller than the standard. These results do not support the hypothesis of the existence of a mental continuum oriented from left to right for duration. We discuss an alternative account to explain the duration impairment observed in right brain‐damaged patients.  相似文献   
唐晓雨  崔鑫忠  高敏  袁梦莹 《心理学报》2022,54(11):1310-1324
多感觉整合遵循空间原则和时间原则, 有研究表明Pip-and-Pop效应产生的原因是多感觉整合, 那么Pip-and-Pop效应是否同样遵循空间原则和时间原则呢?本研究采用动态视觉搜索范式, 通过两个眼动实验考察空间一致性(实验1)和时间一致性(实验2)对Pip-and-Pop效应的影响。结果发现:(1)当视觉目标颜色变化伴随一个同侧的听觉刺激时所产生的Pip-and-Pop效应最大, 对侧条件没有发现Pip-and-Pop效应。(2)视听刺激同时呈现所产生的Pip-and-Pop效应最大, 随视听刺激呈现时间间隔的增加Pip-and-Pop效应逐渐减弱直至消失。结果表明, 视听时、空一致性对Pip-and-Pop效应具有调节作用, 这为多感觉整合在产生Pip-and-Pop效应中的作用提供了证据。  相似文献   
温聪聪  史秋衡 《心理科学》2022,45(5):1230-1242
在传统的多组验证性因子分析中,进行因子均值比较的前提条件是模型满足强测量不变性假设,但该假设在实证研究中很难满足。这时,Asparouhov和Muthén(2014)提出的对齐法是一种可供备选的多组分析法。通过蒙特卡洛模拟研究,探究了在对齐法精确估计模型参数前提下所允许的不等参数率范围。研究发现:在平均组样本量充足,识别算法为固定识别算法等理想状态下,对齐法在单因子模型多组比较中所允许的不等参数率可以是100%;在三因子模型中所允许的不等参数率上限是20%至30%;在此范围内,对齐法允许更多高程度不等参数;在组数目从30、15或9降至3时,对齐法能允许更多的不等参数在模型中。  相似文献   
为探究情绪效价与空间动作的隐喻联结如何影响中国成人及学龄前和学龄初期儿童对外语情绪词的学习,要求被试在学习阶段根据情绪效价将新学习的实体外语词卡放在对应空间位置。测试阶段采用二选一迫选任务,记录新词学习的反应时和正确率。结果显示,无论是成人组还是儿童组被试,隐喻一致组在测试阶段中对所学外语词的再认反应时均快于隐喻不一致组和控制组。研究表明,成人和学龄前和学龄初期儿童均存在情绪效价–空间动作隐喻联结的心理表征,并且该联结可以影响成人及学龄前和学龄初期儿童外语情绪词学习效果。  相似文献   
关系类别是指类别的成员身份由一个共同的关系结构决定。其意义来自于其与其他实体的关系或其内部的一系列成分间的关系,关系类别强调关系结构的系统性。文章重点介绍和评述了相似性种类,关系类别和实体类别的联系和差异,关系类别的学习过程及机制———结构—映射理论。未来的研究方向主要是探索新的研究范式,以深入理解关系类别的学习;深入探讨校准和映射过程与其他基本认知过程的相互作用,为关系类别的学习提供更一致的认知观点。  相似文献   
Using a cue-target paradigm, we investigated the interaction between endogenous and exogenous orienting in cross-modal attention. A peripheral (exogenous) cue was presented after a central (endogenous) cue with a variable time interval. The endogenous and exogenous cues were presented in one sensory modality (auditory in Experiment 1 and visual in Experiment 2) whereas the target was presented in another modality. Both experiments showed a significant endogenous cuing effect (longer reaction times in the invalid condition than in the valid condition). However, exogenous cuing produced a facilitatory effect in both experiments in response to the target when endogenous cuing was valid, but it elicited a facilitatory effect in Experiment 1 and an inhibitory effect in Experiment 2 when endogenous cuing was invalid. These findings indicate that endogenous and exogenous cuing can co-operate in orienting attention to the crossmodal target. Moreover, the interaction between endogenous and exogenous orienting of attention is modulated by the modality between the cue and the target.  相似文献   
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