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以往对咸卦的解读多不能切近其本义。事实上,咸卦的主题是讲交往处事的道理或原则。关于卦辞,传统解读多基于男女相感来理解,其实卦辞着重强调的是屈身虚己、礼贤下士。关于初爻,诸家均未着眼于足拇趾与其他足趾的不同去体会“拇”的本质特征。依此角度理解,初爻讲的是要重视与外界的交往。解卦九四亦取“拇”象,且与“朋”象相合,比喻能力再强者遇到险难时往往也需要他人的配合支持。关于二爻,诸家多以腓体躁动取象,认为二爻“感物以躁”乃“凶之道”,实则二爻取象腿肚抽筋,喻勿与坏人、恶人相交。艮卦六二亦与腿肚抽筋有关,喻本当止而不得止之,是以有憾。关于三爻,诸家多以股随足或随身而动,不能自处,喻人无主见而听任摆布,基本得其正解。艮卦九三不取股象而取腰限之象,体现了取象的唯变所适之理,喻本不当止而强止之,将会导致严重后果。关于四爻,诸家皆以九四为有心之感而未及无心之感,其实四爻讲的是交往处事要心思端正、以心交心。关于五爻,诸家皆未抓住脢的本质特征。该爻实则是讲交往处事要有奉献精神,甘于做配角。关于上爻,诸家解读大致能得其正解,讲的是交往处事不能夸夸其谈,务必言实相符。  相似文献   
Creativity is linked to broad scope of attention, a state or trait that allocates attentional resources over a wide range of perceptual stimuli. According to the attentional priming hypothesis, a mechanism underlying the creativity–attention link is that broad perceptual attention scope primes broad conceptual attention scope—the activation of a wide range of memory contents—which therefore facilitates creative ideation. This study aimed to test the hypothesis in three experiments using three manipulations and two creativity tasks. Experiment 1 used the Navon letter task to prime attention to global patterns or local details of composite stimuli and measured creativity via the task to generate alternative uses of daily objects. Experiment 2 modified a cue-size procedure in which participants repeatedly attended to large or small visual cues before a target stimulus appeared. Experiment 3 devised a manipulation that required participants to view and visualize images associated with broad or narrow attention and adopted the alternative uses task and the task to invent alien creatures. Across the experiments, although the results were in the predicted direction, they were non-significant. This study found no evidence that broadness of perceptual attention affects creativity.  相似文献   
Eysenck's Psychoticism, Extraversion and Neuroticism (PEN) Inventory was used to explore the role of personality variables in augmented personal space required by assaultive offenders. For both violent (n = 20) and nonviolent (n = 20) subjects personal space was greatest from a rear approach. Neither personality scores nor nature of offense alone predicted personal space needs; however personal space was significantly elevated in all directions for assaultive offenders with high scores on the psychoticism scale of the PEN Inventory.  相似文献   
两宋瘟疫灾害考述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
两宋时期爆发的瘟疫次数比较多,在时间上,不是呈平均之势,而是不规则,无周期的;空间分布上呈现出南方比北方多,东部比西部多的特征。由于瘟疫造成的危害比较大,当时人们在和瘟疫的多次斗争中摸索出一些防治措施,积累了相当丰富的经验。  相似文献   
With the purpose of increasing the knowledge of the psychometric properties of the 70-item Danish Word Association Test, data from three samples of non-patients and psychiatric patients (N = 326) were used to provide two measures of affectivity of the stimulus words, response heterogeneity and reaction time prolongation. It was possible to fit an item response theory one-parameter measurement (Rasch) model to the number of reaction time prolongations (> or =3 seconds) for 54 of the stimulus words. Correlation between Rasch-model item parameters and response heterogeneity was high (r = 0.86), while no correlation was found between either of these measures and frequency of the stimulus words in the Danish language. Both measures of stimulus affectivity supported a theoretically based classification of stimulus words as emotional or neutral. Response heterogeneity measures and Rasch measurement item and person parameters for reaction time prolongations are provided.  相似文献   
基于认知特性的信息显示方式   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
大规模信息的不断涌现使目前的WIMP界面显示方式已无法满足信息显示的要求,同时也给人们处理和理解信息带来极大的困难.本文从认知工效学的角度,深入分析了目前WIMP界面中信息显示与交互方式所存在问题及其原因,并对近年来信息可视化领域中出现的焦点与场景(focus+context)显示技术作了简要的介绍,进一步分析了该技术所面临的挑战.  相似文献   
Dale Hample 《Argumentation》2001,15(2):135-149
Disagreement space consists of all the commitments and understandings required for an utterance to take on its discourse function. These are virtual standpoints that can be called out for explicit argumentation. This paper shows how the Inquisition systematically controlled disagreement space, preventing some apparently important standpoints from ever being argued about, and requiring attention to others that may not have initially seemed relevant. This control of disagreement space constituted violation of the rules for critical discussion. The essay suggests that the idea of disagreement space be slightly enlarged, to show the distinctions among virtual, possible, and actual disagreement spaces. The Inquisition's extra-argumentative power is what permitted its specification of the possible disagreement space. The analysis suggests that pragma-dialectics may have application in the criticism and analysis of social institutions.  相似文献   
医院公共空间环境对病人心理的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医院公共空间设置应契合使用者对医院总体空间的使用需求,分析其心理、生理和行为特点,满足病人生理、心理和行为的需求。充分考虑病人对空间环境的响应度,对不同空间类型应提供多样支持,关注空间环境对病人的生理、心理和行为的影响,顺应医疗流程,防止和控制交叉感染。  相似文献   
行为遗传学:从宏观到微观的生命研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
行为遗传学是在多门学科发展的基础上形成的一门交叉学科。从19世纪末期到现在,行为遗传学已跨入第三个世纪。从孟德尔单基因遗传定律到多基因系统与环境交互作用影响复杂的人类行为,从传统的计量遗传学研究到连锁、关联研究再到功能基因组学技术的应用,无论在思想体系还是研究方法上,行为遗传学都取得了突破性进展。尽管行为遗传学在阐明基因究竟怎样影响行为的道路上仍处于起步阶段,但毋庸置疑,这一学科的进步将有助于人类了解自身行为,减轻人类病痛,并最终推动整个社会健康发展。  相似文献   
小学儿童一维空间方位传递性推理能力的发展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
毕鸿燕  方格 《心理学报》2002,34(6):59-63
研究了小学儿童一维空间方位传递性推理能力的发展水平及认知策略 ,同时 ,对心理模型理论进行了检验。被试为城市中等小学 7岁、9岁、11岁儿童各 2 4名 ,男女各半。 4种实验任务分别为三前提单模型、三前提双模型、四前提单模型和四前提双模型。采用个别实验 ,儿童在前提呈现的情况下进行推理。主要研究结果 :(1)从小学 7岁到 11岁 ,儿童的一维空间方位传递性推理能力明显提高 ,7岁儿童初步形成了一维空间方位推理能力 ,9岁和 11岁基本具有了这种能力 ;(2 )随着年龄增长 ,使用模型建构策略解决问题的儿童人次越来越多 ,绝大部分 11岁儿童都能使用这一策略进行推理。但即使儿童使用了模型建构策略 ,他们的推理成绩也没有反映出模型数量所造成的任务难度差异 ,即不符合心理模型理论关于模型数量的主要预期。  相似文献   
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