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汪新建  张斌 《心理科学进展》2012,20(12):2022-2032
功能性躯体化症状(Functional-somatic Symptoms, FSS)是指无法用医学知识解释, 或经医学治疗后无改善的躯体不适症状, 多发于儿童和青少年群体, 常伴随焦虑、抑郁等心理障碍共同发生。儿童FSS的发病受多方因素的影响, 包括社会文化、年龄、性别、家庭环境、生理易感性等。各个心理学流派从不同视角提出了儿童FSS的心理理论模型。心理干预, 尤其是认知行为疗法和放松–生物反馈疗法对治疗儿童FSS有较好的效果。  相似文献   
This paper describes the evaluation, initial psychotherapy and subsequent psychoanalysis of an adolescent who presented with a severe psychosomatic process involving total body pain and profound fatigue. The author details the complex and multifaceted nature of the psychosomatic process as it unfolded in the treatment. The psychosomatic problem was not a single entity, but rather was comprised of diverse interwoven elements such as somatization, conversion on pre-oedipal and oedipal levels, conflicts over aggression, sexuality, identity, masochism, secondary gain, anaclitic depression, internalized self-other interactions with a depressed mother and transgenerational transmission of trauma. The author uses the case material to discuss technical approaches to problems that often arise in the analytic treatment of patients with complicated chronic pain and fatigue as the primary complaints. Such approaches include respecting the mind-body split as a primary defense, speaking the language of the body along with the language of the mind and developing the verbal sphere around the non-verbal symptoms. The author emphasizes that complicated chronic pain problems are common and can be helped by psychoanalysis as long as the unique and complex features are understood and reflected in the technical approach.  相似文献   
The challenges of chronic fatigue syndrome (often called myalgic encephalomyelitis, especially in the UK) (CFS/ME) to analytical and medical approaches are connected with our inability to understand its distressing somatic symptoms in terms of a single identifiable and understandable disease entity. The evidence for the roles of viral aetiologies remains inconclusive, as does our understanding of the involvement of the immune system. The history and social context of CFS/ME, and its relation to neurasthenia and psychasthenia are sketched. A symbolic attitude to the condition may need to be rooted in an awareness of psychoid levels of operation, and the expression and spread of CFS/ME may sometimes be aided by the ravages of projective identification. Psychic denial, sometimes violent, in sufferers (especially children and adolescents) and their families may be important in the aetiology of CFS/ME. We draw out common threads from psychodynamic work with five cases, four showing some symptomatic improvement, analytic discussions of three cases being presented elsewhere in this issue of JAP.  相似文献   
Although a number of investigations have provided evidence for an association between antisocial personality disorder and somatization disorder, the variables underlying this association remain unknown. We examined the relations among measures of primary and secondary psychopathy, somatization, and negative emotionality (NE) in 150 undergraduates. Somatization was positively and significantly correlated with measures of secondary, but not primary, psychopathy, and the relations between secondary psychopathy indices and somatization tended to be significantly stronger in females than in males. Some support was found for the hypothesis that the association between secondary psychopathy and somatization is mediated by NE, but not for the hypothesis that low levels of behavioral inhibition lead to somatization. Although the present findings are consistent with the possibility that somatization is a sex-differentiated manifestation of secondary psychopathic traits, replication of these findings in clinical samples will be necessary.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the study of temporality used as a clinical pointer to processes of affect regulation in patients who express their suffering through a discourse driven by bodily allusions. Differences between symptoms revealed by body language that conveys an experience of conflict (psychoneurotic symptoms) and somatizations are reviewed. Somatization is examined as a benchmark for the failure to resolve states of tension. The body in the session is conceptualized as a speech event. The body is considered as a psychical construction organized in the exchanges with a fellow human‐being. It is thus established as a support for subjectivity. Two discourse registers are described: the discourse of the evoked body and the discourse of the perceived body. The study of Greek mythology allows us to distinguish two different types of temporality : Chronos and Kairos. Chronos represents chronological whereas Kairos subjective time. Both are present in the subject; but if greater mental disorganization supervenes, Chronos predominates as it paves the way for a defence against suffering, designed to avoid the unbearable meaning of ceasing to be. Adherence to one or other mode of temporality signals different conceptions of analytic work. The topics addressed are illustrated by various clinical vignettes .  相似文献   
In psychoanalytic theory, the importance of actual neuroses—considered to be devoid of psychic content—diminished as Freud and subsequent analysts focused on unconscious intrapsychic conflict. This paper explores the relationship between actual neurotic and unrepresented states, which are believed to be best addressed through attention to countertransference, intersubjectivity, and enactments rather than interpretation of intrapsychic conflict. Models suggesting how actual neurotic states and symbolized intrapsychic conflict may interact with each other and environmental stressors are described. Symbolizing actual neurotic states and establishing meaningful linkages between somatic/affective experiences and intrapsychic conflict are viewed as necessary for effective treatment of many disorders.  相似文献   
吕小康  汪新建 《心理学报》2012,44(2):276-284
意象思维是中国人的传统思维模式, 它通过观物取象和取象比类的方式认知世界、推演联系。这种思维模式塑造了中国人特有的身心不分而非两分的身体观、疾病观和治疗观。在中国人的观念中, 身体不仅仅是一具生理躯体, 还具有气、阴阳、五行等本土概念所体现的弥合物质与精神、联结生理与心理的模糊性与开放性。人们在表达疾病感觉时通常不分生理与心理, 任何一方面出现不适感觉即可认为自己生病, 在面对心理医生时也倾向于同时报告躯体状况与心理感觉, 从而使得临床报告出现较高的躯体化报告率。这正是文化心理影响疾病表达的体现。这也使得疾病不仅是一种医学现象, 也是一种文化现象; 医学不仅需要生理知识, 也需要人文知识。  相似文献   
Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (SOD) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGID), which causes pancreatobiliary-type pain, cholestasis, and/or pancreatitis. Only a few studies have assessed the level of psychological distress in this population compared to healthy subjects or patients with other gastrointestinal disorders. In this study, we examined the self-reported level of psychological distress and certain psychiatric symptoms of SOD patients, and we compared them to depressed patients as well as healthy subjects. The results indicate that SOD patients have significantly lower levels of global and specific symptoms compared to depressed patients. When compared to healthy subjects, SOD patients expressed significantly higher levels of irritability–oversensitivity, and there was a trend toward higher levels of somatization.  相似文献   
The lifetime prevalence of physical, sexual and psychological abuse was studied cross-sectionally in a representative sample of Swedish women. The association between the three kinds of abuse and ill-health, and the relation between magnitude of abuse and various health problems were also investigated. The Abuse Screening Inventory (ASI), measuring experiences of physical, sexual and psychological abuse and including questions on health and social situation, was sent by mail to 6,000 women, randomly selected from the population register. The questionnaire was completed and returned by 4,150 (70%) of 5,896 eligible women. Various kinds of abuse were reported by 1,142 women (27.5%). The prevalence rates were 19.4% for physical abuse, 9.2% for sexual abuse and 18.2% for psychological abuse. Abused women reported more ill-health and a less advantageous social situation than non-abused women. There was an association between magnitude of abuse and health problems. Also a low magnitude of abuse was substantially associated with ill-health.  相似文献   
首次在无痛群体中比较疼痛恐惧、心理忧虑和躯体化对疼痛感知的预测作用大小及调节和中介关系。以多个同类量表得分的Z分数加和作为三者的因子分,以冷压痛觉测验(CPT)疼痛指标(阈限、耐受性、强度、不愉快度)为目标变量,通过分层回归及调节和中介作用分析,发现疼痛恐惧对疼痛不愉快度的预测作用最强,心理忧虑对疼痛体验(强度、不愉快度)的预测作用被疼痛恐惧完全中介,躯体化只有在高疼痛恐惧条件下才显著负向预测疼痛不愉快度。综上,疼痛恐惧是三因素中预测CPT疼痛体验的主要因素。  相似文献   
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