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全面建设小康社会与思想道德教育的重点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
龙静云 《伦理学研究》2004,(1):76-80,108
在全面建设小康社会的历史实践中 ,思想道德教育对培育社会主义先进文化和建立社会主义道德体系 ,具有举足轻重的作用。当前 ,思想道德教育的重点环节应放在以下三个方面 :加强对广大农村居民的思想道德教育 ;围绕依法治国和以德治国相结合的治国方略有效开展法治、德治教育 ;在方法论上实现由以义务为起点的思想道德教育转变为以权利为起点的思想道德教育 ,由单纯的思想道德教育转变为以利益赏罚为载体的思想道德教育。  相似文献   
陈卫平 《现代哲学》2002,3(4):33-40
人的全面发展学说,对中国马克思主义理论来说,主要涉及三方面问题。首先,如何认识人道主义和马克思主义的关系,即两者是对立的还是相容的,不同的看法,意味着人的全面发展是否具有马克思主义基本原理的地位。其次,如何认识自我的社会本质和具体存在的关系,以往是注重社会本质而忽略具体存在,突出表现在把人的本质归结为阶级性,由此人的全面发展失去了理论的立足点。再次,如何认识个人发展和社会发展的关系,过去把集体主义和个人主义的对立绝对化,出现了类似空想社会主义的片面性,即只强调个人是服务于集体的工具,不能将个人发展和社会发展看作是互为目的和手段。中国近20多年来,两次讨论人的全面发展问题,对此前的失误有所克服。  相似文献   
This paper is an analysis of the group therapy and the group work phenomena in Israel as a microcosm of the Israeli society and culture. We discuss the structure of Israeli society and its features, identify the key norms and myths that express the social unconscious, and pinpoint events that mark critical points of change. Drawing on these, the paper then describes some examples of the influence of Israeli identity on participants' and group therapists' behavior, and on current training programs.  相似文献   
红色作为独特的知觉刺激,它不仅是视觉符号更是社会互动符号。红色心理功能的探索在近年来取得了巨大的进展。本文具体阐述了红色在成就、体育竞技以及两性关系情境中的心理功能,总结了红色心理功能的相关理论和解释。作者在回顾西方已有研究的同时,也总结了自身在红色心理功能中国化研究方面的探索。最后,本文提出在未来红色心理功能研究中,研究者应该关注对红色心理功能机制的探索和文化特异性的分析。  相似文献   
The 50 years anniversary of The Journal of Creative Behavior offers a festive occasion to reflect on the recent history of the field as well as look toward its future. From the standpoint of sociocultural psychology, I celebrate the growing importance of society and culture within creativity research. However, I also note an important distinction between “social inside” and “social outside” approaches. A truly culture‐inclusive field would go beyond the view of culture as “container” and explore the ways in which sociocultural contexts actively participate in creativity. At the same time, it would examine how creative action, in turn, shapes society and culture, particularly at times of growing intolerance, nationalism, and inequality. A socially engaged agenda for creativity research is timely both conceptually and practically. Taken together, these two pillars could not only advance but also fundamentally transform our field, carrying it for the next 50 years and beyond.  相似文献   
The Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) is one of the fastest-growing indigenous Christian churches in the world. They have an estimated membership of 2.25 million adherents in more than 100 countries. In recent years its civic engagements have expanded through bigger relief operations and charity dedicated to the poor and those affected by calamities. These initiatives are typically articulated in terms of unity, duty and obedience to God. This article gives attention to this expansion by spelling it out and explaining it in view of its newfound role in civil society. This is an important intervention in the literature. Studies on INC have mainly focused on its successes in the political and religious spheres. INC now repackages itself as a civic organisation, which cares about public welfare. My argument is that this is how it manifests its new triumphalism in the Philippines, but with implications on its expanding presence in civil society.  相似文献   
At the beginning of the ’30s—the period of lively debates on the relation between language and society—one of the main issues in linguistics was language heterogeneity. On the example of the texts by Boris Larin, Georgij Danilov and Lev Jakubinskij we shall compare two attitudes about unity and division of a language. If the studies by Larin and Danilov in various ways establish divisions in society and language at the end of the ’20s, in the ’30s there is a marked tendency to recognize language unity and the cohesiveness of the proletarian society, as seen in socio-linguistic analyses by Jakubinskij. The conclusion, suggested at the end of this exposition, claims that the idea of one national language grows in importance in the discourse of the Soviet linguistics at the beginning of 1930s. Disappearance of the contemporary language heterogeneity in the discourse of Soviet linguists of the period corroborates how linguistics adapts to the political conceptions of society.
Mladen UhlikEmail:
现代社会中医患沟通视野下的医学涵义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代社会派生出许多新生事物,对医学与医疗影响深远。其中,医患沟通作为当今中国医学界高度重视的新概念与新行为,与现代医学模式相吻合,引发出医患双方的共同目标——健康生存,进而推导出现代医学内涵及定义。  相似文献   
市场经济社会中的个人权利与公共伦理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在市场经济社会中,由于个人权利的充分张扬,私人利益和公共伦理之间显示出深刻的矛盾。早期经济自由主义者将这一矛盾的解决归于市场过程,黑格尔主义则寄望于国家权力。二者都忽视了公共交往在伦理建构中的作用。公共领域中的公共交往所形成的公共伦理,是市场经济社会在自身发展中产生出来的理性力量。它克服了市场交换原则和政治强制原则的局限性,为这一矛盾不断的解决提供了动力。  相似文献   
两岸四地大学生对创造力特征及创造力 人才的认知调查   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
岳晓东 《心理学报》2001,34(2):148-154
该研究表明,北京、广州、香港和台北的大学生在对创造力和创造力人才的内隐认知甚为一致。其中北京和广州大学生的内隐认知更为接近,而香港和台湾大学生的内隐认知更为接近。在对高创造力特征的内隐认知上,四地大学生一致看重的条目有:有创造力、有创见、创新、有观察力、有思考力、愿做尝试、灵活性、有自信、有想象力、有好奇心、有个性和有独立性等。而在对低创造力表现的内隐认知上,四地大学生的一致认同的条目有:呆钝、保守、跟随传统和愿做让步。在对创造力人才的认知上,四地的大学皆首推政治名人,次推科技界名人。四地大学生最不看重的创造力人才是艺术界和音乐界名人。这说明,两岸三地的中国人虽然分离长久,但其对创造力的认知上仍相当一致,都甚看重政治与科技人物的影响。  相似文献   
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