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饮食行为包含个体对饮食的风味感知、口感评价、情绪感受、个人饮食偏好以及外显的进饮动作等一系列心理与行为过程。研究相继表明:声音主要通过影响人们对饮食的感官感受性与喜好程度来影响饮食行为。饮食行为中的声音信息包括内感受性线索(Interoceptive cues),即个体与饮食的交互音(如咀嚼食物声、吞咽饮品声,制作与准备饮食过程中的声音等);外感受性线索(exteroceptive cues),即环境音(主要指噪音)与背景音乐。行为研究结果普遍强调认知因素在声音与饮食间所起的作用,如注意的分散与转移、跨通道联结(匹配性效应)、期望与回避(潜在的音画效应)等。而神经科学则以"听-嗅-味"为突破口,从"多通道整合"的角度为理论间的争议寻求更为清晰的证据与潜在的内部机制;与此同时,情绪唤醒、躯体标示(内隐联结)与具身认知视角有望成为新的理论整合点。  相似文献   
The present study reexamined the mood-mediation hypothesis for explaining background-music-dependent effects in free recall. Experiments 1 and 2 respectively examined tempo- and tonality-dependent effects in free recall, which had been used as evidence for the mood-mediation hypothesis. In Experiments 1 and 2, undergraduates (n?=?75 per experiment) incidentally learned a list of 20 unrelated words presented one by one at a rate of 5 s per word and then received a 30-s delayed oral free-recall test. Throughout the study and test sessions, a piece of music was played. At the time of test, one third of the participants received the same piece of music with the same tempo or tonality as at study, one third heard a different piece with the same tempo or tonality, and one third heard a different piece with a different tempo or tonality. Note that the condition of the same piece with a different tempo or tonality was excluded. Furthermore, the number of sampled pieces of background music was increased compared with previous studies. The results showed neither tempo- nor tonality-dependent effects, but only a background-music-dependent effect. Experiment 3 (n?=?40) compared the effects of background music with a verbal association task and focal music (only listening to musical selections) on the participants’ moods. The results showed that both the music tempo and tonality influenced the corresponding mood dimensions (arousal and pleasantness). These results are taken as evidence against the mood-mediation hypothesis. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
王倩倩  张璇  孟蕾  马飞 《应用心理学》2005,11(3):271-275
本实验采用现场实验研究的方法,对不同音乐节奏和共餐人数条件下大学生就餐时间的差异进行了分析。结果表明:(1)总的来说,音乐节奏对就餐时间的主效应是显著的,快节奏音乐下的就餐时间少于慢节奏下的就餐时间;(2)单人组被试就餐时间显著快于多人组被试共餐时间;(3)音乐节奏和共餐人数对就餐时间存在交互作用;(4)在单人就餐时音乐节奏对就餐时间的效应是显著的,而多人共餐则没有这种效应或效应不显著。  相似文献   
背景音乐对中学生阅读理解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以初一、初二、高一、高二72名中学生为研究对象,考察不同类型音乐对有无背景音乐偏好被试阅读理解成绩的影响。实验结果表明:(1)不同类型背景音乐对不同年级被试产生了不同的影响。古典乐对4个年级被试的阅读理解均有显著的促进作用;而流行乐对初中生的阅读理解产生了干扰作用,对高中生则没有产生干扰作用。(2)不同类型背景音乐对不同背景音乐偏好被试产生了不同的影响。对有背景音乐偏好被试来讲,古典乐对他们的阅读理解有显著的促进作用,流行乐对他们的阅读理解无显著的干扰作用;对无背景音乐偏好被试来讲,古典乐对他们的阅读理解既无显著的促进作用,也无显著的干扰作用,而流行乐对他们的阅读理解有显著的干扰作用。  相似文献   
There are strong reasons to believe that our conscious inner life is structured, suggested both by introspection as well as scientific psychology. One of the most salient structural characteristics of conscious experiences is known as unity of consciousness. In this contribution, we wish to demonstrate how features of experience that pertain to the unity of consciousness could be made precise in terms of mathematical relations that hold between phenomenal objects.Based on phenomenological considerations, we first outline three such features. These are (i) environmental embedding, (ii) the mutual constraint between local and global representations, and (iii) a top-down process of object formation in consciousness. We then introduce a formal model based on the notion of phenomenal space, defined in terms of a set of quasi-elementary and extended entities. We describe the structure of phenomenal space by appealing to mereological and topological concepts, and we outline a projector-based calculus to account for the idea that the structure of phenomenal space is ultimately dynamical.Using the above concepts, one could approach the mind-matter problem by relating environmentally embedded agents to topologically well-defined objects that result from decompositions of phenomenal space. We conclude our discussion by putting it into the context of some recent conceptual questions that appear in cognitive science and consciousness studies. We opt for the possibility to regard the phenomenon of consciousness not in terms of a singular transition that happens between “brain” and “mind” but rather in terms of a series of transitions between structured layers of experience.  相似文献   
The attentional blink refers to the transient impairment in perceiving the 2nd of two targets presented in close temporal proximity in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) stream. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect on human attentional-blink performance of disrupting the function of the magnocellular pathway--a major visual-processing pathway specialized in temporal segregation. The study was motivated by recent theories that relate the attentional blink to the limited temporal resolution of attentional responses, and by a number of poorly understood empirical findings, including the effects on the attentional blink of luminance adaptation and distraction. The attentional blink was assessed for stimuli on a red background (Experiment 1), stimuli on an equiluminant background (Experiment 2), and following flicker or motion adaptation (Experiment 3), three psychophysical manipulations known to disrupt magnocellular function. Contrary to our expectations, the attentional blink was not affected by these manipulations, suggesting no specific relationship between the attentional blink and magnocellular and/or parvocellular processing.  相似文献   
基于同伴圈子的相似性假设探讨同伴圈子的形成、圈子社会情境对儿童社会能力发展的促进作用, 以及圈子文化背景对圈子社会化过程的调节作用。选取某城乡结合部一小学3至5年级898名儿童作为被试进行一年的跟踪调查, 其中在第一年当地城市儿童占36.5%, 当地农村儿童占48.8%, 流动儿童占10.4%。学生在第一和第二年都完成《班级戏剧》和《社会认知地图》问卷。研究结果表明:(1)在个体层面上, 圈子成员的社交性、亲社会性、自主性以及同伴接纳显著高于孤立者。城市儿童的自主性显著高于农村和流动儿童, 后两者之间则无显著差异。亲社会性在性别和文化背景方面存在显著的交互作用。(2)儿童会依据社会能力的相似性来组成同伴圈子, 且不同圈子之间存在显著差异。儿童也愿意与不同文化背景的同伴交往, 形成不同类型社会文化背景的同伴圈子。(3)儿童的社交性和自主性随着同伴圈子相应能力的提高而呈正向发展趋势。(4)同伴圈子对个体社交性和自主性发展的影响因圈子所注重的社会文化准则的差异而有所不同。农村-城市圈子比农村-流动圈子对儿童社交性发展的影响明显更大些; 农村圈子的儿童自主性水平更趋于随圈子自主性的提高而正向发展。  相似文献   
Increasingly, a large number of individuals provide volunteer services. Demographic information known about these individuals is also increasing. Although recent efforts have attempted to examine more closely the relationships between demographic and background variables and subsequent volunteer motivation and retention, few have studied how these variables impact actual work performed by volunteers. This study provides a model for how volunteers' demographic and background variables may be related to volunteers' perceptions of the frequency and importance of their work behaviors. Although it is possible that motivation also may be related to work behaviors, this study provides information ultimately leading to a more complete picture of the potential impact of demographic and background variables on work behaviors.  相似文献   
采用移动窗口技术和探测——再认范式探讨了时间距离对记叙文倒叙信息表征的影响。本研究分为两个实验:实验1考察了在近时间距离条件下读者如何表征倒叙信息,结果发现读者会根据时间顺序,把倒叙信息整合到他们的表征中去,支持时间顺序假设;实验2考察了在远时间距离条件下读者如何表征倒叙信息,结果发现读者会根据文本叙述顺序,将倒叙信息作为背景信息整合到该事件中去,支持背景假设。上述结果表明,时间距离是影响读者如何对倒叙信息进行表征的重要因素。  相似文献   
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