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This study examined whether children with symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) demonstrate positive illusory perceptions of their own competence and others' competence. Participants (67 children with ADHD symptoms; 40 non-ADHD children) completed the Self-Perception Profile for Children and rated actors' competence in videos clips where inconsistent cues of performance had to be integrated in order to determine the actor's competence. Teachers completed the Teacher Rating Scale of Child's Actual Behavior. Children with ADHD symptoms overestimated their own competence relative to teachers' estimates in all domains significantly more than non-ADHD children. There were no significant group differences in perceptions of others' competence. Findings suggest that positive illusions are exclusive to perceptions of self and do not extend to perceptions of others.  相似文献   
In this commentary, I critically discuss the respective views of Gert and Beauchamp–Childress on the nature of so-called common morality and its promise for enriching ethical reflection within the field of bioethics. Although I endorse Beauchamp and Childress’ shift from an emphasis on ethical theory as the source of moral norms to an emphasis on common morality, I question whether rouging up common morality to make it look like some sort of ultimate and universal foundation for morality, untouched by the dialectics of time and reflective equilibrium, was an equally good move. As for Gert’s magisterial conception of common morality, I conclude that certain elements of his system are controversial at best and woefully inadequate at worst. He has a tendency to find in common morality what he himself put there, and his highly restricted conception of duties of assistance strikes this reader as ad hoc, inadequately defended, and unworthy of a project whose goal is to lessen the amount of misery in the world.
John D. ArrasEmail:
张慧  苏彦捷  张康 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1423-1428
自我利益与他人利益之间的冲突是社会决策中最重要的心理冲突之一。在自我利益与他人利益中寻求平衡是社会决策的关键。西方经济学理论在很长一段时间里认为,追求自我利益是人类行为的唯一动机。近年来越来越多的理论和实证研究表明在社会互动中,人类同时也会关心他人的利益。本文试图将自我利益和他人利益作为社会决策中利益权衡的两端,综合起来阐释诸如合作、利他、公平、利己等人类社会决策行为的重要概念,力图将纷繁的概念整合到统一、清晰的框架中。  相似文献   
Does only refer to effort or powerful others (hierarchy intervention) to explain a success have an effect on evaluation ? In this short note article, we propose to develop some results obtained by Chambon (2005) and Dompnier and Pansu (2007). Two causal explanation types have been studied (effort and powerful others) in a socio-professional evaluation. Our results showed that effort differs from those in term of others authority only in motivational evaluation. However, these two types of explanations lead to similar evaluation in term of institutional reinforcement (access to leader status) and socio-professional utility. Deferential explanations lead more socio-professional desirability than effort explanations.  相似文献   
Recently, there have been discussions about whether or not inter-collegiate football should be eliminated in the US. This article philosophically assesses the arguments for its elimination as well as the arguments proffered against its elimination. While a variety of arguments are discussed, a new one is brought into the foray of philosophical investigation, one that combines the unfairness and economic arguments: the health care and medical costs to others argument. It is believed that this argument is sufficient to justify the elimination of inter-collegiate football.  相似文献   
Significant others play an important role in providing support in patients’ lives, but some types of support negatively affect the patients. This study was conducted in early-stage breast cancer patients to examine the structure of support, which was provided by their significant others and assessed negatively by the patients, and to identify negative support relating to the psychological adjustment of these patients. Thus, we first conducted interviews among 28 breast cancer patients to identify these support items assessed as negative; next, we conducted a questionnaire survey using the resulting items in 109 postoperative patients who had early-stage breast cancer. We performed exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and obtained a valid second-order factor structure, including superordinate factors (excessive engagement, avoidance of problems and underestimation) and subordinate factors (overprotection, encouragement and management). Among these factors, the avoidance of problems was the only factor to be negatively associated with psychological adjustment of the patients, suggesting that these patients receive problem-avoiding support. The results of our study suggest that such problem-avoiding support from significant others can be counter-productive and potentially worsen the psychological adjustment of breast cancer patients.  相似文献   
Purpose: This study reports on a qualitative meta-analysis examining the phenomenon of insight into psychotherapy. Method: Studies (n?=?7, covering 15 insight events of 15 clients) were selected that examined significant events in psychotherapy leading to insight using session recordings and Interpersonal Process Recall interviews with clients and therapists. A conceptual organization of the data using a matrix grid consisting of three domains according to data origin (client process, therapist process, and their interaction) and three domains according to events’ sequence (context, event and key intervention, and impact) was established. Results: Key processes were identified that lead to insight events in psychotherapy. Two distinct types of events according to their main impacts as reported by the clients were identified: Painful/Poignant Insight where clients realized something that was painful, often evoking feelings of sadness or undifferentiated upset containing sadness and hurt; and Self-Asserting/Empowering Insight that led to an impact characterized by a sense of self-assertion and empowerment on the client’s part. A reasonably good alliance and vulnerability on the client’s part represent the context for insight events as does the client’s quest for self-understanding. The therapists’ key interventions in the event leading to poignant/painful insight contain either empathic reflection or collaborative interpretation. In empowerment/self-assertive insight events the therapists offer supportive, validating reframing promoting positive experience. In both types of events the therapist and the client work on consolidating insight. In some events, therapists emphasized cognitive or problem solution focused impacts, while clients emphasized emotional impacts. Some events contained emotional avoidance on the part of the client or therapist thus not realizing the full potential of the event.  相似文献   

After a review of the place of brief work in the psycho-dynamic tradition, this paper explores how three psychodynamic insights may be of use in brief counselling. Using case examples drawn from work with employment problems, the paper discusses the activation of healing/developmental processes through brief counselling. The ‘significant emotional experience’ which is seen as important is analysed in terms of work with the transference and the punitive superego.  相似文献   
孙楚  耿海燕 《心理学报》2023,55(2):224-236
为了实现流畅的社会互动,个体需要同时加工自我与他人视角下的信息,并能有效地区分二者。然而个体对自我与他人视角下的信息存在共享神经表征,那么大脑是如何在同时完成自我与他人视角信息加工的前提下又不至于混淆二者的呢?本文通过创新性的、具有高时间分辨率的内隐视觉观点采择任务,发现对于自我视角和他人视角下的信息加工存在频率约为1 Hz的行为振荡现象,并且二者存在180°左右的相位差。这一结果说明在有他人在场的社会情景中,自我视角与他人视角下的信息加工是一种具有周期性的交替优势的过程。  相似文献   
This paper addresses Rousseau's contribution to educational practice by illustrating the ways in which his notion of amour-propre distorts the teacher-student relationship in Muriel Spark's novel, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. Though some of Rousseau's pedagogical methods may appear impractical and problematic, his insights into the psychological distortions of amour-propre bear directly on teaching because it is such an important instance of the relationship between self and others. The protagonist, Jean Brodie, is shown to be not only an inadequate teacher but a morally destructive one as well because she violates the teacher-student relationship by both encouraging amourpropre among her students and using those same students primarily to satisfy her own need for power and self-aggrandizement. Her eventual ruin at the hands of her best student results from the amour-propre both share. Miss Brodie's failure illustrates the dangers of looking at teaching as self-expression, personal fulfillment etc., to the extent of forgetting what it actually is — the careful addressing of students' experience both as individuals and as learners.The author wishes to acknowledge the comments of two anonymous reviewers of an earlier draft of this paper for their very helpful suggestions. Whatever errors and omissions remain result from insufficient attention to their advice.  相似文献   
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