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We describe the introduction of dynamic interpersonal psychotherapy (DIT) into an National Health Service (NHS) tertiary psychoanalytic specialist psychotherapy service. Training in DIT began as our contribution to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies and primary care services, supporting the training and supervision of their DIT practitioners. We then discovered DIT could be a valuable treatment within our own tertiary NHS service for patients with complex presentations. Currently fighting for survival, like many NHS psychoanalytic psychotherapy services nationally, we have adopted a manual-guided, psychoanalytically based therapy to broaden our tertiary clinical psychoanalytic service and accommodate trends in mental health service provision, whilst protecting the quality and integrity of our psychotherapy. DIT helped us continue providing relevant and beneficial psychoanalytic and psychodynamic services to individual patients despite limitations of the financially challenged NHS, NICE guidelines and Payment by Results. We outline the progress and outcomes for patients with complex mental health presentations, include individual case discussion and our experience of using the DIT approach within a traditionally longer term psychoanalytic psychotherapy service.  相似文献   
To investigate possible iPad related mode effect, we tested 403 8th graders in Indiana, Maryland, and New Jersey under three mode conditions through random assignment: a desktop computer, an iPad alone, and an iPad with an external keyboard. All students had used an iPad or computer for six months or longer. The 2-hour test included reading, math, and writing items adapted from released NAEP 8th grade tests. Overall, no significant difference was found on the reading, math, or writing section scores or section response time among the three mode conditions. Further, roughly comparable numbers of students reportedly favored testing using an iPad or a desktop computer, but using a preferred mode did not lead to significantly higher section scores. These findings suggest that there is no noticeable disadvantage associated with taking a test on an iPad than on a desktop computer for experienced users of these two studied devices.  相似文献   
组织中的人际冲突是组织成员在分歧、负面情绪与干扰的相互作用下,通过意义建构导致互动双方在认知、情感与行为方面产生的一系列反应过程。现有研究将组织中的人际冲突分为单特征型和多特征型,集中探讨作用模型,并基于表达层面解析冲突的维度和作用模式。本文尝试将冲突类型、表达方式以及作用模型进行嵌入式整合,提出组织中人际冲突的具体应对策略。未来研究可将认知差异嵌入过程框架,探求冲突显现的临界点,验证应对方式的有效性,探究组织权力的影响,开展基于多元亚文化下组织中人际冲突的本土化研究。  相似文献   
呈现方式、自我效能感和成就动机对FOK判断影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张萌  张积家  张全信 《心理学报》2000,32(4):387-392
以英汉配对词为实验材料探讨了呈现方式、自我效能感和成就动机对FOK判断(Feeling of Knowing)的影响,被试是144名大学生。实验结果表明:(1)呈现方式、自我效能感和成就动机均显著影响FOK判断等级的高低和判断的准确性;(2)自我效能感和成就动机在影响FDK判断方面有显著的交互作用,成就动机对FDK判断的作用受自我效能感影响;(3)被试的回忆成绩、再认成绩和FDK判断准确性之间均有显著的正相关,表明客体记忆与无记忆之间有较密切的联系。  相似文献   
We report results of an experiment designed to test a principle formulated by Budescu and Wallsten (1995), that, when communicating uncertainty information, mode choices are sensitive to sources and degrees of vagueness. In addition, we examined subjects’ efficacy in using such uncertainty information as a function of communication mode, source, and vagueness. In phase one of the experiment, subjects in a dyad used precise (numerical) or imprecise (verbal) expressions to communicate to a remote partner precise or vague uncertainty about the likelihoods of events. Spinner outcomes were used to generate precise uncertainty while answers to almanac questions were used to elicit vague uncertainty. In phase two, subjects saw the events paired with their partners’ estimates of similar events, and were asked to gamble on one event from each pair. Communication mode preferences were measured as the relative frequency that subjects chose the numerical mode to either express or receive uncertainty information regarding the events. Efficacy was measured as the relative frequency that subjects choose from the pair the event associated with the objectively more probable uncertainty expression. Underlying uncertainty interacted with direction of communication to affect preferences for modes of expression of the probabilities. Subjects preferred precise (numerical) information, especially for precise events (spinners). For vague events (questions), their preference for precise (numerical) information was stronger when receiving than when communicating information. Similar preferences were reflected in the efficiency of subsequent gamble decisions based on the probability estimates. Specifically, decisions were more efficacious (i.e. consistent with Expected Utility) when degrees of precision in events and estimates matched. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
该研究采用问卷法,以481名中学生为被试,通过无约束结构方程模型分析方法探讨了外向性、宜人性人格特征与互联网服务偏好的交互作用对网络成瘾的影响。研究发现在对网络成瘾的影响上,青少年宜人性人格特征与互联网社交服务偏好存在显著的交互作用,但与互联网娱乐、信息和交易服务偏好的交互作用不显著。外向性人格特征与互联服务偏好不存在显著的交互作用。(1)从平均影响来看,外向性、宜人性、互联网社交、娱乐和交易使用偏好能够正向预测网络成瘾,互联网信息使用偏好对网络成瘾没有显著的预测效果;(2)在宜人性高分组中,互联网社交服务偏好与PIU的正向关系要强于宜人性低分组。斜率检验表明对于低宜人性人格的青少年来说,互联网社交服务偏好不易导致其成瘾,而对高宜人性人格的青少年而言,互联网社交服务偏好反而容易导致其成瘾。  相似文献   
长期以来,我国的卫生服务一直存在着不公平的状况,看病难、看病贵等问题在农村表现十分突出,一直是社会关注的焦点。对卫生服务不公平问题的讨论也已经持续很久,正因为如此,人们对新一轮的卫生体制改革寄予厚望。人们深知,实现卫生服务公平性需要从理念转变到人、财、物的支持,从构建相应的制度、机制、法规到付诸实践等多方面着手,只有这样才能实现人人享有卫生保健的目标。  相似文献   
青少年的同伴依恋与其互联网使用的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青少年期同伴群体的支持逐渐超过了父母的影响.青少年期同伴依恋在青少年认知、情感、人格以及行为的健康发展和社会适应中起着重要作用,拥有亲密的同伴关系的青少年出现情感问题和行为问题的可能性更小,并拥有更健康的青少年期适应能力.该研究采用同伴依恋量表、互联网服务使用状况量表以及青少年病理性互联网使用量表对405名中学生进行了问卷调查.旨在探讨青少年同伴依恋与其互联网使用之间的关系.结果表明: (1)同伴信任与社交和娱乐服务的使用偏好呈负相关,尽管都没有达到统计显著性; (2)同伴沟通可以正向预测青少年对信息、娱乐和社交服务的使用偏好,且都达到显著性水平;还可以通过互联网娱乐服务使用偏好间接预测PIU; (3)青少年与同伴的疏离程度可以正向预测青少年对社交服务的使用偏好,也可以直接正向预测PIU.  相似文献   
Public health and in particular mental health have been severely affected by the multitude of socioeconomic crises experienced by people in Greece. The severe austerity programmes, have reduced access to health services and increased demand for publically funded health care. This paper presents a case study focusing on the impact of these measures on the lives of mental health providers in one prefecture in Crete. Focus group methodology was applied and the data were analysed using thematic analysis. Analyses revealed three superordinate themes that converge at many levels and appear to be going counter to the circumstances: firstly, ‘forging partnerships for mental health’; secondly, ‘extending our reach’; and thirdly ‘transformations in professional identity through praxis’. These themes are discussed using the words of the participants and the relevant literature.  相似文献   
The current study’s goal was to provide a comprehensive review of current subthreshold posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) rates among U.S. military veterans and service members. PubMed, PsycInfo, ProQuest, Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar, and any relevant articles’ reference lists identified studies of subthreshold PTSD in the U.S. military. Search terms included PTSD in combination with partial, subthreshold or sub-threshold, subsyndromal or sub-syndromal, subclinical or sub-clinical, and military or veteran. Sixteen articles met criteria for review. Current subthreshold PTSD rates ranged from 2.3% to 22.3%, with a weighted mean rate of 7.6%. Definitional variation within and across the “below threshold” terms produced some variability in rates reported. Few studies consistently reported on impairment and comorbidity in the subthreshold PTSD population. Variability of current subthreshold PTSD rates may be due to methodological issues such as sampling methods, sample sizes, and how below threshold PTSD was assessed and defined. Based on our findings, we provide a number of recommendations that can be used to inform future research of subthreshold PTSD among U.S. military veterans and service members. These recommendations include having a standardized term and definition, determining how to more properly assess subthreshold PTSD symptomatology, clarifying subthreshold PTSD diagnostic stability, and identifying appropriate sampling methods.  相似文献   
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