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《管予》渊源于齐文化,法制思想以礼、法并重为特色,齐用之而为东方大国;秦用商、韩之法迅速强大并统一六国,但秦法严苛激进,任法而废礼,致秦二世而亡。汉承秦之弊,在历史与现实中寻求适合自己发展的道路,于偶然,也是必然中选择了礼法并重的《管子》法制思想作为治国方略,史称黄老政治,使国家逐步实现了稳定与繁荣,并开创了二千多年的秦汉制度。  相似文献   
关于未成年人思想道德建设的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
未成年人的思想道德状况如何,直接关系到中华民族的整体素质,关系到国家前途和民族命运。努力提高未成年人的思想道德素质,是我们党的优良传统,是党和国家事业后继有人的重要保证。  相似文献   
This paper is a critical assessment of argumentum ad baculum, or appeal to force. Its principal contention is that, contrary to common opinion, there is no general fallacy of ad baculum. Most real-life ad baculums are, in fact, fairly strong. A basic logical form for reconstructed ad baculums is proposed, and a number of heterodoxical conclusions are also advanced and argued for. They include that ad baculum is not necessarily a prudential argument, that ad baculum need not involve force, violence, or threats, and that one can argue ad baculum to oneself. The starting point of the paper, however, is a critical evaluation of three ad baculums from the exercise sets of Irving Copi's well-known Introduction to Logic.  相似文献   
The concept of jus post bellum deals with moral considerations in the aftermath of conflict and is concerned with how a just peace should look like. This paper analyses the concept of jus post bellum as developed by contemporary Just War theorists. Its aim is to provide a critical perspective on the proposed substantial scope of this concept. In other words, it will consider the question: in restoring peace after war, is it justified for just combatants to change the political structure of a defeated aggressor? The piece will be divided into two main parts. First, through a review of the literature, I define the current state of the art on jus post bellum thinking in relation to a number of key aspects of this concept. What does241 it entail? Which principles is it made of? What sort of activities do just war theorists speak about when they speak of creating a just peace? Second, I focus on the principle of ‘political rehabilitation’ of the defeated state: is it permissible? Under what circumstances? While considering these questions and authors' views on this matter, the paper will provide a critical reappraisal of the current debate on the justifiability of political reconstruction in post-conflict states.  相似文献   
During cognitive processing, the various cortical areas, with specialized functions, supply for different tasks. In most cases then, the information flows are processed in a parallel way by brain networks which work together integrating the single performances for a common goal. Such a step is generally performed at higher processing levels in the associative areas. The frequency range at which neuronal pools oscillate is generally wider than the one which is detectable by bold changes in fMRI studies. A high time resolution technique like magnetoencephalography or electroencephalography is therefore required as well as new data processing algorithms for detecting different coherent brain areas cooperating for one cognitive task. Our experiments show that no algorithm for the inverse problem solution is immune from bias. We propose therefore, as a possible solution, our software LOCANTO (LOcalization and Coherence ANalysis TOol). This new package features a set of tools for the detection of coherent areas. For such a task, as a default, it employs the algorithm with best performances for the neural landscape to be detected. If the neural landscape under attention involves more than two interacting areas the SLoreta algorithm is used. Our study shows in fact that SLoreta performance is not biased when the correlation among multiple sources is high. On the other hand, the Beamforming algorithm is more precise than SLoreta at localizing single or double sources but it gets a relevant localization bias when the sources are more than three and are highly correlated.  相似文献   
吉登斯对历史唯物主义的反思与"重建"   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在吉登斯看来,历史唯物主义存在“化约论”、“进化论”和“功能论”三大缺陷。“化约论”表现在历史唯物主义把复杂的人类历史和社会关系化约为生产力、经济关系和阶级斗争等方面,作为对它的重建,吉登斯提出以“时空伸延水平”作为划分社会类型的新标准;“进化论”表现在历史唯物主义把人类历史看作是一个由低级阶段向高级阶段不断进化的过程,作为对它的重建,吉登斯提出从“片断”和“时空边缘”的角度分析世界历史的演化轮廓;“功能论”表现在历史唯物主义从“需要”和“功能”的角度解释社会再生产和社会变迁的过程,作为对它的重建,吉登斯提出了“随机性社会变迁”模式的新观点。吉登斯对历史唯物主义的反思和“重建”具有一定的启发意义,但也存在明显的缺陷。  相似文献   
Ursula Goodenough 《Zygon》2000,35(3):561-566
Religiopoiesis describes the crafting of religion, a core activity of humankind. Each religion is grounded in its myth, and each myth includes a cosmology of origins and destiny. The scientific worldview coheres as such a myth and calls for a religiopoietic response. The difficulties, opportunities, and imperatives inherent in this call are explored, particularly as they impact the working scientist.  相似文献   
坚持科学发展观 促进中医药学现代化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中西医各有短长都不要无限夸大自身的优势。中西医互补整合是现代医学发展的潮流。学术争论不要政治化,科技管理要法制化,学者必须从浮华世态中醒悟过来,重建学者应有的人格和道德,纯洁科学的神圣殿堂。坚持科学发展观,中医药学才有长足的进步。  相似文献   
耳整形是耳鼻喉手术中最具挑战的技术之一。本文从耳廓畸形及缺损修复材料,修复技术两方面综述了耳整形修复的发展。其中快速原形及组织工程技术应用于耳廓畸形及缺损修复是机械学、材料学与生物医学相互交叉互相渗透,共同发展的结果。这两种技术为耳廓修复整形提供了光明的前景,也是目前此领域科学研究的热点。但是新的理论和技术应用于临床还需要经历缓慢的实践与发展过程。  相似文献   
骨外固定以其独特的环形、铰链和螺杆等的简单构型,用于复杂创伤及创伤后遗症,复杂的肢体畸形的治疗,可以获得其他方法不可比拟的效果,堪称肢体重建的一把利器.本文从以胫腓骨中段的短斜型闭合骨折为例,详细阐述了外固定器治疗骨折的优势.以复杂的足踝畸形病例为例,阐释了以Ilizarov技术为代表的骨外固定用于肢体畸形矫正并创造神奇效果的秘密.骨外固定顺应了肢体损伤、肢体畸形发生发展的客观规律,由外而内,提供一个适宜的重建方向,符合生物学要求,可以实现骨与软组织的自然修复与重建.  相似文献   
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