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Jung's idea of the ‘personal equation’ amounts to the reflection that theoretical differences between the psychologies that people teach are rooted in their personalities, in other words, that they are due to the psychology each one ‘has’. This concept also applies to different interpretations of Jung's work. The serious difficulties that Mark Saban has with my psychology are a case in point. Recourse to the concept of the personal equation reveals that Saban has his Jung and I have mine. With his insistence on his Talmudic methodological principle of dream interpretation, that ‘the dream is its own interpretation’, according to Saban Jung means nothing but a rejection of Freudian free association. My Jung goes far beyond that. Jung understands this methodological principle above all in terms of what he calls ‘circumambulation’. The main part of this paper is devoted to an elucidation of what circumambulation involves as a mode of dream interpretation. The paper concludes with the distinction Jung himself introduced between two types of reading of his work, either as ‘paper’ and ‘dead nostrums’ or as ‘fire and wind’, and pleads for a reconstruction of Jung's psychology as a whole in terms of his most advanced, deepest insights, instead of a dogmatic reading mainly based on the early Jung, a reading for which his later revolutionary insights are at best negligible embellishments.  相似文献   
Current literature yields mixed results about the effectiveness of relationship education (RE) with low‐income participants and those who experience a high level of individual or relational distress. Scholars have called for research that examines whether initial levels of distress act as a moderator of RE outcomes. To test whether initial levels of relationship and/or individual distress moderate the effectiveness of RE, this study used two samples, one of couples who received couple‐oriented relationship education with their partner (= 192 couples) and one of individuals in a relationship who received individual‐oriented RE by themselves (= 60 individuals). We delivered RE in a community‐based setting serving primarily low‐income participants. For those attending with a partner, there was a significant interaction between gender, initial distress, and time. Findings indicate that women who were relationally distressed before RE reported the largest pre‐postgains. Those who attended an individual‐oriented RE program reported significant decreases in individual distress from pre to post, but no significant relationship gains. Findings also suggest that initial levels of distress did not moderate the effectiveness of individual‐oriented RE.  相似文献   
Parents from immigrant backgrounds must deal with normative parenting demands as well as unique challenges associated with acculturation processes. The current study examines the independent and interactive influences of acculturation conflict and cultural parenting self‐efficacy (PSE; e.g., parents’ confidence in instilling heritage, American, and bicultural values in their children) on perceptions of general parenting competence. Using data from 58 Asian American and 153 Latin American parents of children in grades 6–12, ethnic differences were also explored. Results suggest that lower acculturation conflict is associated with higher perceptions of general parenting competence for both Asian and Latin American parents. Higher cultural PSE is associated with higher perceived general parenting competence for Latino/a parents only. One significant interaction was found, and only for Asian Americans, whereby the negative association between acculturation conflict and perceptions of parenting competence was weaker for those who felt efficacious in transmitting heritage messages. Results are discussed in light of clinical implications and the need for further recognition and study of culturally relevant factors and frameworks among families from immigrant backgrounds.  相似文献   

El profesor Scherer es uno de los Psicólogos Sociales más importantes de la actualidad, un importante investigador en temas de psicoacústica o de la conducta no verbal no vocal (como a él le gusta llamar a su campo). La contribución del profesor Scherer a la investigación del análisis psicológico de la voz y de las relaciones entre personalidad y los sitemas vocales no verbales de la comunicación ha sido muy importante para el desarrollo de la investigación en la dimensión no-verbal de la conducta. En esta entrevista Scherer reflexiona sobre el pasado y presente de la psicología alemana, refleja los hitos principales de su área de estudio y plantea el problema de la responsabilidad del investigador en la aplicación de sus hallazgos y productos. Se presenta, en esta entrevista, un ejemplo esclarecedor de la importancia de los factores interdisciplinarios en la génesis y apertura de nuevas áreas para la investigación.  相似文献   

En este estudio se realiza una revisión de los sistemas de evaluación de la escritura y de estudios relacionados. Se comienza con una visión de conjunto de las dificultades principales en el estudio de la evaluación de la escritura, y de la importancia y utilidad que tiene un sistema de evaluación de la escritura en distintas áreas de conocimiento. Posteriormente se analiza cuál es el objeto de evaluación de los diferentes sistemas y qué medidas se utilizan en las investigaciones acerca de la escritura. A este respecto se expone un modelo del producto de la escritura que permite organizar, de modo prácticamente exhaustivo, las medidas del producto escrito. Tras resumir los requisitos, que según distintos autores debería cumplir cualquier sistema de evaluación de la escritura, se clasifican los sistemas de evaluación en base a si el objeto de análisis es el proceso o el producto de la escritura, definiendo sus características generales. A su vez, se exponen diferentes clasificaciones de los sistemas de evaluación del producto escrito, realizadas principalmente en función de la estrategia de evaluación. Esta revisión muestra la falta de acuerdo existente entre los diferentes autores respecto al objeto y el modo de evalución, así como a la terminología utilizada.  相似文献   
《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(3):313-335

Este estudio pretende evaluar la universalidadde la teoría de la mente en niños de tres culturas—la zapoteca, la española y la regiomontana—y a su vez, comparar sus concepciones sobre el realismo y el animismo, conocimiento que está marcadamente influido por principios o sistemas culturales. Se utilizaron dos tareas de teoría de la mente (la tarea de creencia falsa de primer y de segundo orden de recursividad) para evaluar los rendimientos de los niños en dos edades distintas; y otras dos tareas para valorar el realismo y el an imismo. Los resultados de este estudio revelan el carácter universal de la competencia de la teoría de la mente y su coexistencia con concepciones culturales y particulares sobre lo mental. Se discute la naturaleza de la psicología natural y de la psicología popular.  相似文献   

En este trabajo se aborda el estudio de los procesos volitivos o autorregula dores de los que deben valerse las personas para hacer frente a los obstáculos que aparecen en el curso de la acción. La tarea experimental pedía a los sujetos que eligieran entre dos candidatos (presentados a través de una serie de atributos o rasgos de personalidad) aquél con el que posteriormente pasarían a mantener una conversación sobre «problemas íntimos». Se analiza cómo proceden las personas ante la aparición de un obstáculo (información adicional que contradice la elección o el rechazo realizado) que impide el curso de la acción en la que están embarcados obligándoles a posponer la intención en curso. En concreto se estudian qué contenidos intencionales almacenados en memoria se activan (se reconocen después más rápido), o se desactivan (se reconocen después más lentamente) ante esta situación. Los resultados obtenidos: 1) dan apoyo al estatus especial que la información intencional tiene en la memoria; 2) confirman los efectos beneficiosos sobre la ejecución de la aparición de obstáculos cuando la intención está pospuesta; 3) aunque con ciertos matices, muestran la existencia de un proceder volitivo genérico. Es decir, los sujetos proceden de forma similar tanto cuando se inhibe la tendencia de acción principal, como cuando se activan las competitivas. Además, dichos obstáculos parecen actuar activando en memoria la información relativa a esa intención, y no tanto a costa de desactivar la información sobre las tendencias competitivas.  相似文献   
Most lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people want a stable, satisfying romantic relationship. Although many of the predictors of relationship outcomes are similar to those of heterosexual couples, same‐sex couples face some additional challenges associated with minority stress that also impact upon relationship quality. Here, we investigate the association between minority stressors and relationship quality in a sample of 363 adults (M age = 30.37, SD = 10.78) currently in a same‐sex romantic relationship. Internalized homophobia and difficulties accepting one's LGB identity were each negatively associated with relationship satisfaction via heightened concealment motivation. We also examined the protective role of identity affirmation on relationship quality, finding a direct positive relationship between the two variables. Minority stressors were negatively associated with couple relationship satisfaction via heightened concealment motivation. The finding that identity affirmation directly predicted increased couple satisfaction also highlights the important role of protective factors in same‐sex couple relationships.  相似文献   
Examination of and support for specific practices that promote high-quality home visiting are essential as family support programs continue to expand across the country. The current study used direct observation of 91 home visits across 41 home visitors to examine relations among interaction partners, content of the interactions, the home-visitors’ activities, and quality of home-visitors’ practices and family-members’ engagement within programs funded by the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting program. More time spent in triadic interactions focused on child-related content, as measured by the Home Visit Rating Scale-Revised, was related to higher quality of family engagement in home visits, as measured with the Home Visit Observation Rating Scales. Time spent in adult-focused interactions and administrative tasks, however, was related to lower quality of home-visiting practices and family engagement. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
Attachment studies with diverse populations enrich the understanding of infants’ socioemotional development by documenting both universal and idiosyncratic aspects of attachment. Given the effects of attachment in children's socioemotional outcomes, such studies are necessary to investigate the impact of children's sensory impairments on attachment development. Yet, very little attachment research has focused on infants with visual impairment (VI infants), a population in which infant–caregiver emotional exchanges through visual means are reduced/absent. We investigated the applicability of the Strange Situation Paradigm (SSP), with added instructions to compensate for degraded visual input, in 20 VI infants (with no additional disabilities and who were receiving developmental counseling). In all but 1 of the SSPs coded, VI infants displayed observable attachment behavior that was classifiable. Nineteen VI infants showed attachment by 12 months of age. Across the ages tested (fractional age range = 0.9–2.33 months), most VI infants’ attachment patterns were classified as secure and organized.  相似文献   
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