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Recently, psychologists have begun to shift their research attention to positive topics historically overlooked by the profession. The study of character strengths is a major research interest of positive psychologists. A classification of 24 character strengths, called the Values in Action (VIA) Classification, has recently been developed, and the current study evaluates these character strengths across cultures. Among 123 members of the Kenyan Maasai, 71 Inughuit in Northern Greenland, and 519 University of Illinois students, we found high rates of agreement about the existence, desirability, and development of these strengths of character. Despite these strong similarities, there were differences between and within cultures in terms of gender, the perceived importance of specific strengths (such as modesty), and the existence of cultural institutions that promote each strength.  相似文献   
In this paper, we discuss an approach to ‘design for wow’ that focuses on the emotions that constitute a wow-experience. In this approach, the eliciting conditions of these emotions are used to define a product character with a high wow-impact. In addition to the approach, a measurable wow-index is introduced. First, a concept of wow is described in which wow is explained as a combination of fascination, pleasant surprise, and desire. The eliciting conditions of these three emotions are examined and combined to a ‘wow-appraisal.’ This concept is applied in the design of a mobile telephone. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods was used to formulate concern themes relevant for the wow-appraisal. These themes were used to create a layered product character and a prototype of the final design. An evaluation study demonstrated that the product designed with this approach rated higher on the wow-index than alternative products.  相似文献   
豪爽淳朴的民风和浓郁的家庭文化氛围,铸就了李清照这位山东才女高雅、率直、伟岸、好胜的品性,这些品性反应在她的词作中。在众多的词人中,别具一格的她,被奉为"婉约之宗",在中国文学史中占有重要地位。  相似文献   
通过对145名4~5岁儿童进行结构式访谈,调查幼儿假装游戏中假想角色现象的概况,包括假想同伴和角色扮演现象。结果如下:42.7%的儿童有假想同伴,绝大多数是玩具形式,女孩更多有假想同伴;男孩倾向于选择动物类型的假想同伴,而女孩倾向于人物类型;假想同伴绝大多为同性别并且比自己年龄小。44.8%的儿童有角色扮演活动,其中男孩倾向于装扮动画中的英雄人物,女孩倾向于装扮现实人物。  相似文献   
Frequency trajectory is a better measure to investigate age-limited learning effects than age of acquisition (AoA) ratings (Zevin, J. D., & Seidenberg, M. S. (2002). Age of acquisition effects in word reading and other tasks. Journal of Memory and Language, 47(1), 1-29). The current study uses frequency trajectory as a variable to investigate age-limited learning effects in Chinese character recognition, and tests predictions of the arbitrary mapping hypothesis as applied in a non-alphabetic writing system. In Experiment 1, regression analyses showed that, compared to rated AoA, frequency trajectory of characters was less affected by other lexical properties, and could explain a significant proportion of variance of AoA. In Experiment 2, the frequency trajectory and predictability from orthography to pronunciation of characters were orthogonally manipulated in a character naming task. The frequency trajectory effect appeared only for the arbitrary mapping condition. In Experiment 3, frequency trajectory and predictability from orthography to meaning of characters were manipulated in a semantic category judgment task. The frequency trajectory effects were found only when the mapping from orthography to semantic is less consistent. In summary, the study confirmed that AoA is a genuine factor affecting word processing, and the AoA effects were limited to those situations in which mapping between input and output representation was arbitrary. These results provide strong cross-linguistic evidence in support of the arbitrary mapping hypothesis.  相似文献   
钟毅平  粟华利  张承志 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1295-1298
通过变化左、右部件和上、中、下部件而制作的假字,采用两因素被试内设计,共80名大学生参加两个实验,考察汉字部件的Stroop效应。结果发现:(1)由"红"、"黄"两字不同部件所构成的假字分别影响对红、黄颜色的命名;(2)不同位置的部件所构成的假字,其产生的Stroop效应不同,即左部件比右部件,上部件比中、下部件产生的影响更明显。最后在平行分布式加工模型的范畴内讨论了其加工机制。  相似文献   
汉字识别中形音义激活时间进程的研究(Ⅰ)   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
分别采用基于语义的和基于语音的启动范畴判断作业,在不同的SOA条件下,考察高频汉字识别中形音义信息激活的相对时间进程。两个实验的结果表明,高频汉字形音义激活的时序为字形—字义—字音的顺序。这一结果揭示,高频汉字字义的提取更符合直通理论的预期。高频汉字的语音是自动激活的,但语音的激活可能发生在字义通达之后。  相似文献   
汉语发展性阅读障碍亚类型的初步探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以阅读水平匹配组为参照对29名汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的认知缺陷模式进行了分析,并考察了不同亚类型阅读障碍儿童的汉字识别模式。结果表明汉语发展性阅读障碍存在不同的亚类型,以语音缺陷型、快速命名缺陷型及两者结合的双重缺陷型为主,与英语国家研究中的双重缺陷假设一致。语音缺陷型儿童汉字识别时有更多的语义错误,对声旁中的部分语音线索不敏感;快速命名缺陷型儿童汉字识别时依赖声旁语音线索,表现出阅读发展的一般延迟;双重或多重认知缺陷型是阅读损伤最严重的亚类型  相似文献   
韩世辉  肖峰 《心理学报》1999,32(3):274-283
文章研究了视知觉组织,空间位置不确定性和视野位置等因素对复合刺激中整体和局部性质加工的影响。实验发现,(1)当复合刺激呈现在白背景上时,反应时和干扰作用都表明复复合刺激中大图的加工优于小图,刺激位置的不确定削弱大图对小图的干扰作用;而当复合刺激呈现在由“+”组成的背影或时,小图的加工优于大图,刺激位置的不确定延长分辩小图的RT;(2)与周国刺激相比,分辨视野中央的复合刺激的RT较短,这种影响对分辨  相似文献   
伏干  闫国利 《心理科学》2013,36(2):284-289
采用眼动研究中经典的移动窗口技术范式探讨中学生字词阅读知觉广度。通过两个实验分别对17名初中二学生和12名初中二学生进行了汉语字、词阅读知觉广度的眼动研究。实验1结果表明,初中二年级学生字窗口条件下的阅读知觉广度为注视点左侧1个单字到右侧2个单字的范围;实验2结果表明,双字词窗口条件下的阅读知觉广度为注视点左侧1个双字词到右侧1个双字词的范围。本研究推论汉语阅读过程进行的是词单元加工,而不是单字。  相似文献   
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