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近年来,全球糖尿病患病率逐年上升,并成为继肿瘤、心脑血管疾病后第三大严重危害人类健康的疾病。本文从生物-心理-社会医学角度出发,通过查阅并汇总文献,论述了糖尿病对现代人生活质量的影响,并探究了影响糖尿病的各种心理社会因素,最后提出了三种防治糖尿病的心理干预措施。  相似文献   
Objective: To assess illness perceptions, self-care behaviours and their relationship in recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients with and without diabetes-related complications.

Design: Cross-sectional survey among 192 recently diagnosed T2DM patients of whom 23% reported the presence of diabetes-related complications. Illness perceptions and self-care were assessed by the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R) and the revised Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (SDSCA) measure.

Results: Generally, participating patients perceived T2DM as a chronic, but relatively controllable condition with minor consequences. In the presence of complications, however, T2DM was perceived as more unpredictable with more (serious) consequences and less controllable by self-care or medical treatment. Furthermore, engagement in exercise and foot care was reported more often by patients with complications. Self-care was related to certain illness perception dimensions, and interactions between perceptions and complications were found.

Conclusion: T2DM patients in the first years of their illness are often recommended to make lifestyle changes in the absence of noticeable diabetes-related symptoms or complaints. As many T2DM patients do not seem to perceive their condition to be serious and postpone lifestyle changes until diabetes-related complications appear, a major challenge for professionals is to convince asymptomatic patients of the importance of self-care.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the associations between self-reported health, stressful life events, and social relationships are mediated by genetic and environmental influences and how much of the variance in health is in common with variation in these psychosocial factors. The analyses are based on questionnaire data from 576 pairs of twins reared apart and twins reared together. The data revealed that for men environmental influences were solely important for variation in the psychosocial measures and were the primary mediators of the relationship with health. For women, on the other hand, a substantial portion of the variance in the psychosocial factors was due to genetic influences and these influences also contributed to the bulk of the correlations with health. The gender differences for the relationships and their mediation indicate that what should be regarded as a psychosocial factor of importance for health might differ between genders.  相似文献   
妊娠期糖尿病管理策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus,GDM)是指妊娠期发生或首次发现的不同程度的糖代谢异常。未加控制的妊娠期高血糖可对母子产生极大的围产期和远期危害。妊娠后糖代谢发生明显变化妊娠期血糖的管理和控制与非孕期不同。GDM一经确诊,应及时干预,加强母儿监测,控制妊娠期血糖,以降低母儿并发症,改善围生儿结局;产后对母儿严密随访,异常者给予相应处理,以减少或延缓产妇在产后发展为成为2型糖尿病的可能及预防子代发生肥胖、高血压、糖尿病等代谢综合征的发生。  相似文献   
Using the data from the South African World Health Survey (WHS), the current study aims to assess the self-reported prevalence of diabetes and associated risk factors by socio-economic characteristics in South Africa. A population-based survey of 2314 participants (1116 men and 1236 women) was conducted in South Africa in 2003. Results indicate an overall self-reported diabetes prevalence of 9.1%, 7.1% for men and 10.8% for women. In terms of diabetes risk factors, high rates of overweight or obesity (58.4%), physical inactivity (55.2%), less than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day (69.3%), and medium or high stress levels (63.3%) were found; 18.4% were smoking daily and 7.3% were risky drinkers. Univariate regression analyses found that from the six different risk factors none apart from having high stress were associated with the occurrence of diabetes. Greater age was associated with obesity and inversely associated with insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables. Daily smoking and being physically inactive were inversely associated with risky drinking. Low socioeconomic background was associated with unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and stress.  相似文献   
试验以对比利拉鲁肽与甘精胰岛素分别联合二甲双胍对初诊为2型糖尿病患者血糖控制效果及其安全性为目的.将60例初诊为2型糖尿病患者随机分为两组,予以利拉鲁肽(1.2u/d)及甘精胰岛素(0.3u/kg·d)分别联合二甲双胍(1g,Bid)治疗8周,比较治疗前后的血糖、糖化血红蛋白等指标.结果显示两组治疗后血糖、糖化血红蛋白均明显减低(P<0.05);利拉鲁肽组低血糖发生率明显低于甘精胰岛素组(P<0.05);而该组治疗后体重及收缩压下降,与胰岛素组有明显差异(P<0.05).故对糖尿病患者,利拉鲁肽与甘精胰岛素同样有效控制血糖,而利拉鲁肽能够明显降低体重及收缩压,并且低血糖发生率更低.  相似文献   
Perceived control over diabetes may serve to buffer the relationship between adolescents’ experience of daily negative affect and daily problems with diabetes. In a daily diary study including 209 adolescents (ages 10.5–15.5) with type 1 diabetes, we examined how daily affect related to daily fluctuations in experience of diabetes problems, and whether perceptions of control moderated these daily associations. Using hierarchical linear modelling, we found that day-to-day experiences of negative affect were associated with more frequent daily diabetes problems. Perceptions of treatment control moderated associations between negative affect and number of problems; negative affect was more strongly associated with number of problems among teens perceiving lower versus higher treatment control over their illness. The same pattern of association was not apparent for personal control. Results suggest that perceived treatment control may help to buffer detrimental associations between negative affect and adolescents’ ability to successfully manage their diabetes.  相似文献   
Objective: To examine if diabetes risk factors disrupt memory score trajectories in youth with T1D over three years with a powerful accelerated longitudinal method and individual growth curve modeling. Methods: Participants aged 9–17 completed memory measures at study enrollment and two years later. Results: Poorer metabolic control over the course of the study related to a significant decrease in visual memory scores. Compared to baseline, these youth scored 1.99 points lower at follow-up. Generally appropriate developmental gains were made in memory trajectories and girls' visual and verbal memory improved more than boys. No significant effects of disease duration, age of onset, or severe hypoglycemia were found on visual or verbal memory over three years time. Conclusions: Of the risk factors studied, only poorer metabolic control had a significant impact upon visual memory after three years. Verbal memory was unaffected. However, given that level of metabolic control tends to remain relatively consistent over time, the effect of continued poorer metabolic control on memory should be monitored.  相似文献   
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