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在经典彩票问题研究的基础上,探讨了匹配和选择两种反应模式及其先后顺序对被试偏好反转的影响,以及被试性别与其偏好反转的关系。研究结果发现:(1)反应模式的变化导致偏好反转的发生;(2)偏好反转存在反应顺序效应,先匹配后选择条件下的偏好反转率显著大于先选择后匹配条件下的偏好反转率;研究结果不支持后悔理论;(3)不同性别被试在选择和匹配任务中的偏好及其反转率没有显著性差异。  相似文献   
333名初中生被分配到基于描述表征的两种条件下,分别对获得框架与损失框架下的风险回避类与风险寻求类学习时间选项进行抉择,以探讨信息外部表征对学习决策框架效应的影响.结果表明:1)在基于描述表征的条件下,学习决策领域中存在框架效应,但有其领域特殊性,被试在获得框架中无明显决策偏向,但在损失框架中的决策明显偏向风险寻求.2)在基于经验表征的条件下,学习决策不存在框架效应.无论是在获得框架还是损失框架中的学习决策均不存在明显的偏向.  相似文献   
时间贴现的分段性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以延迟和相对延迟时间贴现的实验范式, 用选择法、匹配法确定价值主观相等点, 探讨时间贴现的分段性。三个实验和一个问卷调查发现, 时间贴现具有分段性。被试的时间贴现有三次显著变化, 表现为三个时段时间贴现心理状态的不同: 从现在到未来2周内规避损失、偏好风险、愿意短期等待, 从未来2周起直到未来10年采取非补偿性策略、需求与风险并重、愿意长期等待, 和从未来10年起直到未来50年规避风险、聊胜于无、不愿意等待。  相似文献   
目前关于自我-他人决策差异的研究在采用的任务、得到的发现及理论解释上均存在诸多矛盾或不一致的地方, 且缺乏对此种现象深层心理机制的探讨。虽然一些研究者试图用心理距离假设来解释相关结果, 但由于对心理距离的实验操纵过于简单, 难以形成解释力较强的理论模型。近年来我们的一系列研究发现:得失情境下自我-他人决策差异存在不对称性; 直接操纵心理距离比操纵决策者角色和社会距离对诱发自我-他人决策差异更有效; 决策者个体的自尊水平影响自我-他人决策差异。未来的研究需要进一步探讨自我-他人心理距离的本质、决策者角色转换引起的心理距离变化及自我-他人决策差异的脑机制等问题。  相似文献   
王璐璐  李永娟 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1546-1550
本研究探讨心理疲劳对风险决策的影响, 以及任务框架对这一关系的调节作用。研究采用2 (疲劳, 非疲劳) × 2 (获益框架, 损失框架)被试间设计,实验组接受心理疲劳诱导后完成风险决策任务, 控制组直接完成风险决策任务。方差分析结果显示, 相对于非心理疲劳组, 心理疲劳状态下个体更倾向于风险规避, 且不受任务框架的影响。  相似文献   
模糊决策是特殊、复杂的风险决策, 还是一种独立的决策类型, 是当前认知神经科学争论的热点问题。一系列的fMRI研究分别得出了不同结论, 但大多数证据支持模糊决策和风险决策之间存在分离, 模糊决策有其独特的决策机制; 模糊决策的认知神经机制也是一个亟待解决的问题。因此本研究拟应用事件相关电位技术、生物反馈技术和基因技术, 采用IGT和GDT任务范式, 通过网络成瘾人群和正常人群的对比研究, 去探索模糊决策和风险决策之间的分离; 应用事件相关电位技术和磁共振技术, 采用IGT范式和选瓶任务范式, 研究模糊决策的认知神经机制; 并从临床角度进一步验证上述结果。该项目的开展, 有助于拓广模糊决策的研究领域和视野, 对理解人类在模糊情境下的决策机制以及模糊决策和风险决策之间的关系, 具有重要的理论意义; 对临床上成瘾人群、脑损伤患者的认知诊断和治疗以及现实中企业和个人的决策, 具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
李艾丽  张庆林 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1438-1440
关于选择偏好可变性的心理机制,新联结主义框架下的联结网络模型强调决策是动态的随机的过程.其中,多备择决策场理论强调由心理场距离决定水平抑制强度的线性关系,渗漏竞争累积模型强调主观价值评价过程中非线性的规避损失偏向.  相似文献   
In this paper, we directly assess perceived similarity—the degree to which members view themselves as having few differences—because we want to understand when teams notice diversity on various member characteristics and how they interpret it. Our results indicate social category diversity was related to initial estimates of both perceived social category similarity (SCS) and perceived work style similarity (WSS). And, whereas perceived SCS did not change over time, perceived WSS decreased significantly over the period of our study. We suggest this change in perceived WSS can be explained by an information-processing/decision-making framework. We found informational diversity was positively related to conflict in teams, and in turn conflict was negatively related to subsequent estimates of perceived WSS. However, informational diversity was positively related to information sharing in teams, which in turn was positively related to subsequent estimates of perceived WSS. Finally, these updated estimates of perceived WSS affected subgroup formation and team process effectiveness. We discuss how our research explores the subjective experience of diversity by team members, provides a dynamic view of the relationship between diversity and team outcomes, and informs emerging theory about the activation of faultlines in teams.  相似文献   
Behavior analysis has been thriving by continuing to make important theoretical and empirical contributions to a wide array of problems, as well as by contributing to interdisciplinary research. Applied research in behavior analysis is flourishing. Despite these positive signs there may be an erosion of support for basic research in animal learning and behavior, including behavior analysis. Increased attention by behavior analysts to fundamental problems in areas of cognition, including decision-making and language, may help behavior analysis to evolve more successfully. An experimental analysis of gambling may prove particularly fruitful.  相似文献   
There is a great deal of plausibility to the standard view that if one is rational and it is clear at the time of action that a certain move, say M1, would serve one’s concerns better than any other available move, then one will, as a rational agent, opt for move M1. Still, this view concerning rationality has been challenged at least in part because it seems to conflict with our considered judgments about what it is rational to do in cases of temptation that share the structure of Warren Quinn’s self-torturer case. I argue that there is a way to accomodate our considered judgments about the relevant cases of temptation without giving up the standard view or dismissing, as in some way rationally defective, the concerns of the agents in the relevant cases. My reasoning relies on the idea that, at least in some cases, whether an action serves one’s concerns well depends on what action(s) or course(s) of action it is part of. In the final section of the paper, I explain how this idea sheds light on an important source of frustration in collective decision-making.  相似文献   
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