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阈下语义启动的任务分离研究模式及其理论模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阈下语义启动(subliminal semantic activation SSA)作为无意识研究的一个重要领域,目前已取得丰富的研究成果。在阈下语义启动研究中主要有一致和不一致模式、无直接效应的间接效应模式、大于直接效应的间接效应模式和回归分析模式等4种研究模式。研究者运用激活扩散模型﹑反应竞争模型和复合线索模型等理论模型对阈下语义启动的无意识机制进行理论解释。  相似文献   
Pain-related fear has been found to be associated with increased disability and increased pain perception in patients with chronic low back pain. A possible mechanism by which pain-related fear could lead to increased pain perception is heightened attention to somatosensory sensations. In the present study, chronic pain patients reporting either a high or low level of pain related fear and control participants performed an auditory reaction time task, while occasionally non-painful electrical stimuli--accompanied by threatening instructions--were given to the arm or back. In the primary task condition, participants had to perform the auditory task while ignoring the electrical stimuli. Next, the task was presented under dual task conditions in which participants had to respond both to tones as well as to detection of electrical stimuli. It was hypothesized that for the primary task, high fearful patients would show greater disruption of performance on the auditory task than low fearful patients and controls when stimuli were presented to the back. For the dual task, slower reaction times for the auditory task, in combination with faster detection of electrical stimuli was expected. The hypotheses were not confirmed but patients scoring high on pain-related fear did show an overall increase in reaction time for all conditions of the primary task, with or without simultaneous stimulation. Regression analyses demonstrated that high pain-related fear was associated with increased reaction time to tones both in patients and healthy controls, and that within patients pain-related fear was a better predictor of reaction time to tones than present pain intensity. The findings may be interpreted as showing that patients with elevated levels of pain-related fear habitually attend to somatic sensations, giving less priority to other attention-demanding tasks.  相似文献   
Using the dot-probe paradigm, it has been shown that high social anxiety is associated with an attentional bias toward negative information. In the present study, individuals with high social anxiety were divided into two groups randomly. One group was the attentional bias training group (Group T), and the other was the control group (Group C). For Group T, 7 days' continuous training of attentional bias was conducted using the dot-probe paradigm to make socially anxious individuals focus more on positive face pictures. The results showed that the training was effective in changing attentional bias in Group T. Scores of the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) in Group T were reduced compared to Group C, while the scores of Social Phobia Scale (SPS) and scores of Negative Evaluation Scale (FNE) showed no difference between the two groups, which suggested a limited reduction of social anxiety.  相似文献   
Smooth pursuit eye movements enable us to focus our eyes on moving objects by utilizing well-established mechanisms of visual motion processing, sensorimotor transformation and cognition. Novel smooth pursuit tasks and quantitative measurement techniques can help unravel the different smooth pursuit components and complex neural systems involved in its control. The maintenance of smooth pursuit is driven by a combination of the prediction of target velocity and visual feedback about performance quality, thus a combination of retinal and extraretinal information that has to be integrated in various networks. Different models of smooth pursuit with specific in- and output parameters have been developed for a better understanding of the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms and to make quantitative predictions that can be tested in experiments. Functional brain imaging and neurophysiological studies have defined motion sensitive visual area V5, frontal (FEF) and supplementary (SEF) eye fields as core cortical smooth pursuit regions. In addition, a dense neural network is involved in the adjustment of an optimal smooth pursuit response by integrating also extraretinal information. These networks facilitate interaction of the smooth pursuit system with multiple other visual and non-visual sensorimotor systems on the cortical and subcortical level. Future studies with fMRI advanced techniques (e.g., event-related fMRI) promise to provide an insight into how smooth pursuit eye movements are linked to specific brain activation. Applying this approach to neurological and also mental illness can reveal distinct disturbances within neural networks being present in these disorders and also the impact of medication on this circuitry.  相似文献   
二级强化程序是一种以物质的强化效应为基础,评价药物的精神依赖性潜力的方法,将其应用到自身给药实验中,即为二级强化自身给药模型。在这个模型中,动物在条件性刺激的影响下按压杠杆以寻求药物的行为反映了其对成瘾性药物的渴求。使用二级强化程序,人们发现:条件性刺激既能够影响觅药行为的获得和保持,也能够影响这种行为的消退;伏隔核的核区、杏仁核基底外侧部和内侧前额皮层等部位在药物相关的条件性刺激诱导动物产生觅药行为的过程中起重要作用。二级强化程序的应用为开发治疗药物成瘾的物质提供了一条新思路  相似文献   
图片和汉字的激活水平及知觉干扰效应的比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
王权红  李菲菲  何敏 《心理科学》2007,30(2):332-336
研究使用8个残缺水平下的图片及其中文名(汉字双字词)为实验材料.试图比较图片与汉字双字词识别激活水平的差异,接着比较二者产生知觉于扰效应的条件,并把二者产生知觉于扰的条件与英文单词产生知觉于扰的条件进行比较。实验一结果发现,在材料较清晰的条件下,汉字双字词的命名成绩高于图片,表明汉字双字词的激活水平不比图片低,但在材料很残缺的条件下,汉字双字词的命名成绩低于图片。实验二发现双字词和图片在没有事先学习情况下都产生知觉干扰效应,已有研究表明单个汉字无需事先学习也可以产生干扰效应,而英文单词需要事先学习。因此,图片和汉字的干扰效应与英文单词的差别跟图片、汉字的激活水平比英文单词高有关。  相似文献   
There is no consensus and very little overlap in the criticisms of my target article. Because the primary consequences of avoidance behavior are by definition alterations in the distribution of shocks in time, any theory about the reinforcement of such behavior necessarily must begin with that dimension. However, the safety‐signal version of two‐process theory calls on positively and negatively correlated stimuli, including the responses themselves serving as stimuli, to transmit the effects of those alterations to the relevant behavior. Meanwhile, the Herrnstein—Hineline single‐process theory hypothesizes an additional source of reinforcement: a direct effect of reduction in the density of shock over some extended period of time. I can find no data that selectively support that hypothesis.  相似文献   
初步探讨毫秒范围内,客体信息保持对时间知觉的影响。实验一发现,知觉到的时间不受记忆负荷的影响,但当保持时间短时,低负荷的反应时低于高负荷的反应时;实验二仅要求被试完成时间知觉任务,发现知觉负荷异于记忆负荷对时间知觉的影响。结果说明,客体工作记忆保持对时间知觉的影响受到工作记忆资源的调节。  相似文献   
The go/no‐go with compound stimuli is an alternative to matching‐to‐sample to produce conditional and emergent relations in adults. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of this procedure with two children diagnosed with autism. We trained and tested participants to respond to conditional relations among arbitrary stimuli using the go/no‐go procedure. Both learned all the trained conditional relations without developing response bias or responding to no‐go trials. Participants demonstrated performance consistent with symmetry, but not equivalence.  相似文献   
The selection of appropriate stimuli for inducing specific emotional states has become one of the most challenging topics in psychological research. In the literature there is a lack of affective picture database specifically suited to investigate emotional response in children. Here the authors present the methodology that led us to create a new database (called Anger- and Fear-Eliciting Stimuli for Children) of affective stimuli inducing experiences of 3 target emotions (neutral, anger, and fear) to use in experimental session involving children. A total of 84 children were asked to (a) indicate the perceived emotion and its intensity and (b) rate the three affective dimensions of the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM). Based on concordance between labeled and expected target emotion, the authors decided to select 15 stimuli to be included in Multivariate modeling techniques were applied to evaluate the association between expected target emotion and SAM ratings. The authors found that the hit rate for the neutral pictures was good (greater than 81%), for fear-eliciting pictures it was greater than 64%, and for anger-eliciting pictures it was moderate (between 45% and 56%). The study results reveal also an age effect only in the arousal scale. However, the authors did not find significant gender-related differences in SAM ratings.  相似文献   
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