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Studies of behavioral momentum reveal that reinforcing an alternative response in the presence of a target response reduces the rate of target responding but increases its persistence, relative to training the target response on its own. Because of the parallels between these studies and differential‐reinforcement techniques to reduce problem behavior in clinical settings, alternative techniques to reduce problem behavior without enhancing its persistence are being explored. One potential solution is to train an alternative response in a separate stimulus context from problem behavior before combining the alternative stimulus with the target stimulus. The present study assessed how differences in reinforcement contingencies and rate for alternative responding influenced resistance to extinction of target responding when combining alternative and target stimuli in pigeons. Across three experiments, alternative stimuli signaling a response–reinforcer dependency and greater reinforcer rates more effectively decreased the persistence of target responding when combining alternative and target stimuli within the same extinction tests, but not when compared across separate extinction tests. Overall, these findings reveal that differences in competition between alternative and target responding produced by contingencies of alternative reinforcement could influence the effectiveness of treating problem behavior through combining stimulus contexts.  相似文献   
毛伟宾  赵浩远  东利云  白鹭 《心理学报》2016,(10):1219-1228
情绪记忆的提取诱发遗忘研究是近年来记忆研究领域的热点问题,但是尚无一致的结果。在现实生活中,我们所面临的情绪事件十分复杂,不仅包含核心的情绪信息,还包括边缘非情绪信息,研究已发现,人们对于这些复杂情绪事件不同成分的记忆效果也不是完全相同的。本研究通过2个实验分别探讨提取练习整张复杂情绪图片和提取练习复杂情绪图片的背景成分时的提取诱发遗忘现象。结果表明:(1)无论提取练习完整信息还是相关的边缘信息,均在提取诱发遗忘中存在显著的情绪记忆权衡效应;(2)消极情绪项目像中性项目一样也能产生提取诱发遗忘效应;(3)不论提取图片的完整信息还是背景信息,都仅在中心项目上表现出提取诱发遗忘,边缘背景没有出现提取诱发遗忘。  相似文献   
Facial EMG activity was measured from the Corrugator supercilii and the Zygomatic major muscle regions while 48 subjects were exposed to pictures of angry and happy facial expressions, snakes and flowers as well as low and high preference nature scenes. The valency perspective predicted that facial reactions should be related to the intensity of the positive and the negative valency of stimuli. The mimicking behavior approach predicted that facial reactions should only be reflected as a mimicking response to the facial stimuli, whereas the evolutionary:biological perspective predicted that the most clearcut positive and negative facial reactions should be evoked by facial stimuli and by snakes. In support of the latter perspective, the present results showed that angry faces and snakes evoked the most distinct Corrugator supercilii muscle response, whereas happy faces evoked the largest Zygomatic major muscle response.  相似文献   
本文研究当封闭性作为被试分辨的图形性质时,空间位置不确定性和视野位置对大范围优先性有何影响。实验发现:(1)无论复合刺激呈现在视野的中央或外周.分辨复合刺激的整体性质的反应时(RT)比分辨局部性质的RT短,整体性质对分辨局部性质的反应有较强的干扰作用。相反,局部性质对分辨整体性质的反应的影响较小;(2)刺激位置的不确定对大范围优先性没有显著影响;(3)与周边刺激相比,分辨视野中央的复合刺激的RT较短,但整体性质的RT优势和对局部性质的干扰作用,不受刺激在视野中的位置的影响。这些实验结果揭示了封闭性知觉在大范围优先性中的特殊性。  相似文献   
Three rats were exposed to a second-order schedule in which fixed-interval components ended either with food or with a brief stimulus that was never paired with food. Food and the brief stimulus occurred in a random sequence (variable-ratio 2 overall schedule). Another three rats were exposed to a similar second-order schedule, the only difference being that the food or the stimulus was presented independently of operant behavior (fixed-time components). The three rats exposed to the fixed-interval components licked at a water spout after each food presentation. These rats also licked in the intervals after the brief stimulus. Although the discriminative properties of food and of the brief stimulus were identical in relation to subsequent reinforcement, licking after the stimulus was less than after food. The three rats exposed to the second-order schedules with fixed-time components also licked at the water spout after food, but these rats did not lick consistently after brief stimulus presentations.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of pigeons' schedule-induced activity to operant consequences was studied in two experiments. During a 30-s interval between food presentations, a keylight stimulus brightened incrementally. Stable terminal key pecking and interim locomotor activity developed. An operant "setback" contingency was applied to activity. The contingency arranged for locomotor movements (detected by a nine-panel floorboard) to be followed by a resetting of the keylight brightness to a dimmer value and a 1-s delay of reinforcement (for individual responses). Experiment 1 showed that activity patterns were highly sensitive to their operant consequences. Accompanying key-peck rates were only transiently affected. In Experiment 2, the setback contingency was imposed during restricted portions of the trial, and differential operant control of activity was demonstrated. However, birds in this study produced higher rates of key pecking as activity rates were reduced. These results suggest that although schedule-induced activity arises in response to the temporal arrangement of stimulus events, this behavior may retain considerable sensitivity to response-consequence relations.  相似文献   
"Turning back the clock" on serial-stimulus sign tracking.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Two experiments examined the effects of a negative (setback) response contingency on key pecking engendered by a changing light-intensity stimulus clock (ramp stimulus) signaling fixed-time 30-s food deliveries. The response contingency specified that responses would immediately decrease the light-intensity value, and, because food was delivered only after the highest intensity value was presented, would delay food delivery by 1 s for each response. The first experiment examined the acquisition and maintenance of responding for a group trained with the contingency in effect and for a group trained on a response-independent schedule with the ramp stimulus prior to introduction of the contingency. The first group acquired low rates of key pecking, and, after considerable exposure to the contingency, those rates were reduced to low levels. The rates of responding for the second group were reduced very rapidly (within four to five trials) after introduction of the setback contingency. For both groups, rates of responding increased for all but 1 bird when the contingency was removed. A second experiment compared the separate effects of each part of the response contingency. One group was exposed only to the stimulus setback (stimulus only), and a second group was exposed only to the delay of the reinforcer (delay only). The stimulus-only group's rates of responding were immediately reduced to moderate levels, but for most of the birds, these rates recovered quickly when the contingency was removed. The delay-only groups's rates decreased after several trials, to very low levels, and recovery of responding took several sessions once the contingency was removed. The results suggest that (a) sign-tracking behavior elicited by an added clock stimulus may be reduced rapidly and persistently when a setback contingency is imposed, and (b) the success of the contingency is due both to response-dependent stimulus change and response-dependent alterations in the frequency of food delivery. The operation of the contingency is compared with the effects of secondary reinforcement and punishment procedures.  相似文献   
Fading and errorless transfer in successive discriminations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A successive discrimination between red positive and green negative stimuli was established with pigeon subjects. Then, lines with different angular orientations were superimposed on one of the colors to form compound stimuli. Finally, either the colored element of the positive compound, the colored element of the negative compound, or both colored elements together, were gradually attenuated. Before each attenuation, the line elements were presented alone against dark backgrounds as probes to assess the degree to which they had acquired control of responding. When the positive color was attenuated alone or in conjunction with the negative color, angular orientation acquired control of responding in an errorless fashion. Lines, however, did not acquire control when only the negative component was attenuated. These results were interpreted in terms of changes in the predictability of reinforcement by color and line elements during stimulus attenuation. Finally, attenuation of the negative stimulus influenced the number of “dimensions” of the new line stimuli that acquired control of responding. When the positive stimulus was attenuated with the negative, only one dimension of the lines acquired control. When the positive stimulus was attenuated without the negative, however, more than one dimension of the lines acquired control of responding. These results were interpreted in terms of how errorless performance can be maintained while an organism attends to different dimensions of the new stimuli.  相似文献   
An attitude formation task examined how conservatives and liberals explore information about novel stimuli and form attitudes towards them. When framed as the BeanFest game, conservatives sampled fewer beans and exhibited a stronger learning asymmetry (i.e., better learning for negative than positive beans) than liberals. This has been taken as strong evidence that conservatives are more sensitive to negative stimuli than liberals. We argue that the learning asymmetry and sampling bias by conservatives is due to framing of the game. In addition to the BeanFest, we framed the game as StockFest (i.e., a stock market game) where participants learned about novel stocks. We replicated the pronounced learning asymmetry for conservatives in the BeanFest game, but found a pronounced learning asymmetry for liberals in the StockFest game. We suggest that conservatives and liberals are equally sensitive to negative stimuli but in different domains.  相似文献   
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