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周元元  胡杨利  张琴  赵彦成 《心理学报》2017,(11):1439-1448
本文研究时间压力下消费者冲动性购买怎样受参照组的影响。通过二手数据和实验的方法发现时间压力和参照组影响类型对冲动性购买具有交互作用:时间压力低,信息性影响更能激发冲动性购买;时间压力高,规范性影响更能起作用;即时喜悦和规范性评估起中介作用。而且不同的信息性影响类型也会产生差异:时间压力高,数量性信息更容易使消费者冲动性购买;时间压力低,内容性信息更能起作用。本文的研究丰富了冲动性购买的相关理论和管理经验。  相似文献   
The claim that humans adapt their actions in ways that avoid effortful processing (whether cognitive or physical) is a staple of various theories of human behavior. Although much work has been carried out focusing on the determinants of such behaviors, less attention has been given to how individuals evaluate effort. In the current set of experiments, we utilized the general evaluability theory to examine the evaluability of effort by examining subjective value functions across different evaluation modes. Individuals judged the anticipated effort of four task‐specific efforts indexed by stimulus rotation, items to be remembered, weight to be lifted, and stimulus degradation across joint (i.e., judged comparatively) and single evaluation modes (i.e., judged in isolation). General evaluability theory hypothesizes that highly evaluable attributes should be consistently evaluated (i.e., demonstrate similar subjective value functions) between the two modes. Across six experiments, we demonstrate that the perceived effort associated with items to be remembered, weight to be lifted, and stimulus degradation can be considered relatively evaluable, while the effort associated with stimulus rotation may be relatively inevaluable. Results are discussed within the context of subjective evaluation, internal reference information, and strategy selection. In addition, methodological implications of evaluation modes are considered. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
美国住院医师培训制度经过100多年的发展,目前已经形成了一套系统化、规范化和科学化的制度。上海市的住院医师培训制度起步晚,亟待规范、完善和发展。本文对美国住院医师培训制度的现状及特点进行深入分析,为上海市住院医师培训制度的进一步完善提供经验和做法。  相似文献   
本文旨在研究贝叶斯推理中基础比率、击中率起作用的机制。通过设置肝炎情境、中彩情境的贝叶斯推理问题,同时操作基础比率和击中率的水平,考察449名大学生被试的概率估计情况。结果表明,总体上,贝叶斯推理中的基础比率和击中率均起作用,表现为后验概率估计值随基础比率水平的提高而增加,随击中率水平的提高而增加。然而,在低基础比率的中彩情境中,后验概率估计值先随击中率的增加而增加;之后却随击中率水平的继续提高而显著降低,出现自击中率参照抑制。这似乎说明,击中率在贝叶斯推理中并非一致地起作用,而可能与推理者的知识经验对击中率加工的调节有关。  相似文献   
心理账户是人们在心理上对结果,尤其是经济结果的编码,分类和估价的过程,它反映了人们在进行资金财富决策过程中的心理认知过程。心理账户有着有别于经济账户的运算法则。实验研究发现,改变薪酬的预期参照点,可以改变人们对同一结果的认知评价,从而达到不同的激励效果;低金额奖酬时人们倾向于选择物品,而高金额奖酬是人们倾向与选择现金。  相似文献   
Language communities differ in their stock of reference frames (coordinate systems for specifying locations and directions). English typically uses egocentrically-defined axes (e.g., “left–right”), especially when describing small-scale relationships. Other languages such as Tseltal Mayan prefer to use geocentrically-defined axes (e.g., “north–south”) and do not use any type of projective body-defined axes. It has been argued that the availability of specific frames of reference in language determines the availability or salience of the corresponding spatial concepts. In four experiments, we explored this hypothesis by testing Tseltal speakers’ spatial reasoning skills. Whereas most prior tasks in this domain were open-ended (allowing several correct solutions), the present tasks required a unique solution that favored adopting a frame-of-reference that was either congruent or incongruent with what is habitually lexicalized in the participants’ language. In these tasks, Tseltal speakers easily solved the language-incongruent problems, and performance was generally more robust for these than for the language-congruent problems that favored geocentrically-defined coordinates. We suggest that listeners’ probabilistic inferences when instruction is open to more than one interpretation account for why there are greater cross-linguistic differences in the solutions to open-ended spatial problems than to less ambiguous ones.  相似文献   
Adams WJ 《Cognition》2008,107(1):137-150
Faced with highly complex and ambiguous visual input, human observers must rely on prior knowledge and assumptions to efficiently determine the structure of their surroundings. One of these assumptions is the 'light-from-above' prior. In the absence of explicit light-source information, the visual system assumes that the light-source is roughly overhead. A simple, low-cost strategy would place this 'light-from-above' prior in a retinal frame of reference. A more complex, but optimal strategy would be to assume that the light-source is gravitationally up, and compensate for observer orientation. Evidence to support one or other strategy from psychophysics and neurophysiology has been mixed. This paper pits the gravitational and retinal frames against each other in two different visual tasks that relate to the light-from-above prior. In the first task, observers had to report the presence or absence of a target where distractors and target were defined purely by shading. In the second task, observers made explicit shape judgements of similar stimuli. The orientation of the stimuli varied across trials and the observer's head was fixed at 0, +/-45 or +/-60 degrees . In both tasks the retinal frame of reference dominated. Visual search behaviour with shape-from-shading stimuli (SFS) was modulated purely by stimulus orientation relative to the retina. However, the gravitational frame of reference had a significant effect on shape judgements, with a 30% correction for observer orientation. In other words, shading information is processed quite differently depending on the demands of the current task. When a 'quick and dirty' representation is required to drive fast, efficient search, that is what the visual system provides. In contrast, when the task is to explicitly estimate shape, extra processing to compensate for head orientation precedes the perceptual judgment. These results are consistent with current neurophysiological data on SFS if we re-frame compensation for observer orientation as a cue-combination problem.  相似文献   
多参照系条件下信息获取方式对绝对方位判断的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
周荣刚  张侃 《心理学报》2008,40(11):1137-1148
把参照系整合基础上的绝对方位判断分解成路径获取过程(目标位置信息)、自身定向过程(前行方向信息)和物体定位过程(目标物体相对于参照物体的方位信息),系统地考察了多参照系条件下信息获取方式对该任务的影响。研究以视觉形式呈现空间信息,实验1a和1b的任务中均包括上述三个过程,前者以地图的形式呈现前行方向信息、后者以语词的形式直接呈现前行方向信息;实验2有两个任务,分别独立于路径描述(定位后判断)和自身定位(定向后判断)。所有任务均为目标位置(R0o-前、R45o-左前/右前、R90o-左/右、R135o-左后/右后, R180o-后)×前行方向(北、东南西、斜方向)的组内设计、因变量为正确率和判断时间为主,共有64名大学生被试(男女各半)参与实验。发现:0o和180o位置优势效应、朝北优势效应在所有任务中都很明显;实验1和定向后判断任务中存在正方向R90o位置优势效实;定位后判断时间短于定向后判断时间,但总体所用时间上没有差异。结合信息获取的方式和可能使用到的判断策略,从绝对方位判断的认知结构上展开了讨论。  相似文献   
李晶  张侃 《心理学报》2011,43(3):221-228
采用部分场景再认范式研究了对称场景中物体朝向的一致性对内在参照系建立的影响。被试在实验1中沿对称轴方向学习无朝向物体组成的场景; 实验2中沿对称轴方向学习有朝向物体组成的场景; 实验3中沿对称轴与物体朝向方向学习与实验2相同的场景。结果表明:(1)物体朝向一致性影响了对称场景中内在参照方向的选择; (2)无论是否存在观察视点的干扰, 观察者选择对称轴和物体的一致朝向作为内在参照方向的可能性没有显著差异。  相似文献   
参照群体类型与自我—品牌联系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜伟强  于春玲  赵平 《心理学报》2009,41(2):156-166
自我-品牌联系(Self-brand Connection)指消费者使用某品牌构建、强化和表达自我的程度。研究参照群体的类型对消费者的自我-品牌联系的影响。研究结果表明:三种非成员群体对自我-品牌联系的影响是不同的,消费者会使用品牌形象与渴望群体一致的品牌来表明自己是什么类型的人,也会使用品牌形象与规避群体相悖的品牌来表明自己不是什么类型的人;消费者对成员群体的情感承诺程度会调节成员群体对自我-品牌联系的影响,情感承诺度高、中的成员群体比情感承诺度低的成员群体对自我-品牌联系的影响更大  相似文献   
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