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We examined how level of construal and psychological distance affected performance in a task in which value of alternatives depended on frequency of choice. Melioration, a sub‐optimal choice strategy that fails to take into account such value changes, has been found to be prevalent and difficult to change. Participants repeatedly chose between two buttons to earn as many coins as possible. Button A earned N coins, button B earned N + 3 coins, and N was the number of A presses in the last five trials. In this situation, B has a higher immediate payoff, but because choosing A increases the return from both buttons for the next five trials, maximizing A choices is the optimal strategy. We predicted that because a global perspective is needed to appreciate the dependency of value on frequency of choice, frequency of choosing the globally maximizing alternative (A) would increase when participants apply a higher level of construal and assume a more psychologically distal perspective. Study 1 manipulated construal level through segmenting the sequence of trials into segments of different size, with bigger segments representing higher level of construal. In Study 2, participants played a practice game, and we manipulated the probability of playing the actual game. Both a higher level of construal and a lower probability of playing the actual game (higher distance) increased the number of A choices. These results suggest that a broad perspective that is induced by high level of construal or by psychological distancing may reduce sub‐optimal, meliorating choice. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
长期以来,我国卫生资源配置城乡不均衡的局面比较严峻,大量优质卫生资源主要积聚在大中城市,而乡镇基层医疗机构的卫生资源比较稀缺。以增加政府财政投入,引入私人资本与第三部门力量等方式来提高农村卫生资源增量势必会遇到投入缓慢、资金不足、技术瓶颈等现实障碍。通过改革公立医院,调整城市卫生资源存量,把大中城市公立医院中的富余卫生资源以二次配置方式转移到农村卫生服务机构,是破解农村卫生资源存量不足、增长缓慢的困境,提高农村卫生服务能力和水平,改善农民就医问药问题的新途径。  相似文献   
This study examined the relationship between humour styles, gelotophobia and self‐esteem among 102 Indian and 101 Hong Kong university students. The Humour Styles Questionnaire, the GELOPH‐15 Scale and the Rosenberg Self‐Esteem Scale were used. Indian students rated the importance of humour significantly higher than Hong Kong Chinese students and considered themselves as being significantly more humorous as well. Both Indian and Hong Kong Chinese students engaged in significantly more affiliative and self‐enhancing humour. Indian students engaged in significantly more affiliative and self‐enhancing humour and reported less gelotophobia than Hong Kong students. Gelotophobia was negatively correlated with self‐esteem and affiliative humour in both samples and was positively correlated with self‐defeating humour in the Indian sample only. Affiliate humour mediated the relationship between self‐esteem and gelotophobia in both samples whereas self‐defeating humour mediated the relationship in the Indian sample only. Taken together, both Indian students and Hong Kong students valued adaptive humour, but Indian students valued humour more than Hong Kong students. This study is a pioneering study of its kind conducted in a Chinese‐Indian sample.  相似文献   
There are modes of presentation of a person in thought corresponding to the first and third person pronouns. This paper proposes that there is also thought involving a second person mode of presentation of another, which might be expressed by an utterance involving ‘you’, but need not be expressed linguistically. It suggests that co-operative activity is the locus for such thought. First person thought is distinctive in how it supplies reasons for the subject to act. In co-operative action there is first person plural intending and judging. So there is a way of thinking of another, when openly co-operating with him or her, which plays the distinctive role of giving reason for contribution to the co-operative activity. In slogan form, ‘you’ is ‘we minus I’. The way children learn to use second and third person pronouns is naturally explained on this view. Contrasting less sophisticated kinds of co-operative activity with more sophisticated forms, and considering some issues about common knowledge and common purpose, help to fill out the proposal.  相似文献   
高良  郑雪  严标宾 《心理科学进展》2010,18(7):1041-1045
幸福感本质上是文化定位的,然而以往的幸福感研究大都只关注中西幸福感的共同性,而很少考虑两者的差异性。以中西自我建构的差异代表个人—集体主义文化的差异,通过对比中西自我建构与幸福感的差异,发现中西幸福感在本源、意义、联系与时间四个维度存在显著差异。中国人的幸福感具有明显的和谐性、价值性、社会性与未来性四个特征。中国人幸福感四个特征的确认为我国幸福感理论和应用研究的本土化提供了一个有价值的视角。  相似文献   
The secular, acceptance-based philosophy of third wave behaviour therapy has easily absorbed the notion of mindfulness that originated in Eastern spirituality, entailing a secularised approach to transcendence. The present article seeks to connect mindfulness with existing efforts to integrate the Western client's spirituality into psychotherapy. For that purpose, we show how Christian grace theology and mindfulness theory overlap in the way they construe transcendence and self. Both approaches enhance openness to experience and deemphasise verbal control as a tool for personal progress. It is argued that awareness of this overlap can make it easier for the therapist to understand and appreciate the client's religious perspective. It can also help turn a client's spirituality into a relevant personal strength for therapy. Finally, explaining the overlap can enhance the credibility of mindfulness interventions with traditional Christian clients and make these interventions relevant to their spiritual concerns.  相似文献   
Researchers have suggested that self‐efficacy can predict and prevent depression, while negative coping strategies, as typified by rumination, can lead to depression. The authors examined the relationship between self‐efficacy, rumination, and depression in Japanese nursing students. The result of a structural equation model showed that rumination, but not self‐efficacy, predicted depression. The result of simultaneous multiple group analysis indicated that there was homogeneity within the same path diagram between genders. The result implied that stress management should focus on controlling the degree of rumination rather than self‐efficacy in order to efficiently maintain the mental health of Japanese nursing students.  相似文献   
Self-renunciation or self-denial, although often misunderstood, is a foundational concept in several major religions and is frequently associated with spiritual maturity. In spite of this, the action of self-renunciation has been viewed with suspicion by the psychological community and criticized as repressive. This article argues that the concept of self-denial found in the Sufi tradition of rebirth and the salvation paradox found in the synoptic Gospels can bring a valuable perspective to psychotherapy. First, a brief summary of the history of psychotherapy and its contributions to the understanding of the self are provided. Next, a cursory overview of the Sufi tradition of rebirth is given. Third, the salvation paradox found in the synoptic Gospels is reviewed. It is argued that these two traditions offer valuable insight into ideas surrounding the self. Finally, the clinical implications of self-denial are discussed, and conclusions are drawn related to how psychotherapy can benefit self-renunciation.  相似文献   
Ostracism – being excluded and ignored – can cause psychological distress. There has been little research examining how a person's concept of self might influence the effects of ostracism. In the current study, we sought to examine the effect of self‐construal on the distress created by ostracism. Specifically, we assessed the potential moderating effects of self‐construal on both the initial distress of ostracism and the coping process. Participants, recruited in China, completed a self‐construal measure and were either included or ostracized in an online ball‐tossing game. They then reported need‐satisfaction both immediately following the game and after a filler task. Interdependent self‐construal facilitated participants' recovery from some of the negative effects of ostracism, but did not have an impact on the initial pain.  相似文献   
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