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Research on the association between social anxiety and social media usage remains inconclusive: despite the preference for computer-mediated communication there is currently no clear empirical support for social anxiety being associated with longer duration of social media use. Self-report measures for social anxiety that are adapted for the context of social media could facilitate further research. The current study aimed to develop a Swedish version of the recently developed Social Anxiety Scale for Social Media Users (SAS-SMU), evaluate its psychometric properties, and explore associations between different uses of social media and social anxiety. Three factors were retained for SAS-SMU with excellent internal consistency. SAS-SMU evidenced convergent validity with measures of social anxiety, negative convergent validity with satisfaction with life, and divergent validity with measures of obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and generalized anxiety disorder. Results indicated that higher levels of social anxiety were associated with passive and active use as well as longer duration of social media use in general, which is at odds with a previous study where passive use remained the only significant predictor for social anxiety.  相似文献   
There is a well-established link between substance use and four personality traits of anxiety–sensitivity, hopelessness, impulsivity, and sensation-seeking. However, construct-level models of personality may conceal indicator-level personality–outcome associations. The current study aims to investigate evolution of the network constellation of personality and cannabis/alcohol use from early to late adolescence. Data comes from the longitudinal Co-Venture cohort (N = 3800). Personality indicators, measured by Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) items, and the frequency of cannabis/alcohol use were assessed at four consecutive years (13–17 years old). Network constellations of the SURPS items and cannabis/alcohol use were estimated using Bayesian Gaussian graphical models at four time points. Results highlighted the age-specific associations between personality indicators and substance use. The positive role of the sensation-seeking trait (e.g. attitude towards transgression) was constant, whereas the positive role of hopelessness indicators (e.g. not being enthusiastic about future) and the negative role of anxiety–sensitivity indicators (e.g. fear of having unusual body sensations) were more prominent at early adolescence. The current study provides a novel perspective on the network structure of personality and substance use in adolescence and suggests substance-specific and age-adjusted targets in intervention efforts. © 2020 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   
采用图-图干扰范式来考察非熟练中-英双语者言语产生中非目标语言的激活范围。实验1探讨用汉语命名时,干扰图的英语名称能否得以激活。结果发现,干扰图的词汇熟悉度高时,音译词的反应时显著长于音韵无关词,而熟悉度低时,二者无显著差异,说明在一语的产生过程中只能激活二语中高熟悉的非目标词。实验2探讨用英语命名时,干扰图的汉语名称能否激活。结果发现,不论熟悉度高还是低,音译词的反应时均显著长于音韵无关词,说明在二语的产生过程中会激活一语中的非目标词。总的结果说明,非熟练中-英双语者在言语产生过程中非目标语言中的非目标词也会激活,并且激活范围既受非目标语言的熟练程度的影响,也受非目标词熟悉度的影响。  相似文献   
唐瑜婷  陈宝国 《心理科学》2014,37(3):649-655
本研究选取初二、高二、大三三个年龄段的被试,考察在句子阅读过程中,工作记忆容量、语境限制强度和句子长度对第二语言词汇学习的影响。研究结果发现,在句子阅读条件下,工作记忆容量是影响第二语言词汇学习的重要因素,高工作记忆容量促进了第二语言词汇的学习;在中等和长句子的条件下,语境的限制性越强,词汇学习的成绩越好;相比初二年龄组被试,高二和大三年龄组被试,在低语境限制性的情况下,阅读的句子越长,第二语言词汇学习效果越差。研究结果说明,个体工作记忆的容量,以及阅读材料等变量,都是影响自然阅读条件下二语词汇学习的重要因素。  相似文献   
青少年吸毒行为预防干预研究述评及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
青少年吸毒问题已令人触目惊心,应引起研究者高度的关注。该文对国外18岁以下青少年吸毒预防干预的方法、模式和影响干预效果有效性的重要要素进行了述评,介绍了一些国外著名的青少年吸毒预防干预方案,在此基础上结合当前最新的研究进展对该领域未来的发展方向和趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   
语音训练对幼儿英语语音意识和字母知识的促进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
语音意识是影响英语阅读能力的关键因素。本研究结合语音教学法的思想,采用自编的教学材料和语音游戏,通过字母故事和语音训练游戏,训练儿童的语音意识。研究者在北京市一所普通幼儿园选取了无英语学习经验的3岁左右中国幼儿63名,随机分为实验组和控制组,经过8周的语音教学实验,发现接受语音教学的实验组儿童在音节意识、音韵意识、音素意识和字母识别等方面较接受普通英语教学的控制组都有显著提高。结果表明早期有针对性的语音训练可能能够更快地提高幼儿的语音意识。  相似文献   
运用排列和组合原理,通过三个实验研究了样例解题步骤的编码方式对原理运用的作用.实验1和实验2分别探讨了样例解题步骤的不同编码方式对解决表面概貌变化和表面对应变化的新问题时原理运用的影响;实验3探讨了不同编码条件下原理运用概化的形成.结果表明:用子目标编码样例的解题步骤有利于消除新问题解决中由于表面概貌和表面对应变化带来的消极影响;用子目标编码样例的解题步骤促进了学习者对原理的理解和获得原理的概化图式.  相似文献   
杨萌  王剑桥  夏裕祁  杨帆  张学民 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1056-1061
摘要:采用3D模拟驾驶情景结合眼动技术探讨音乐节奏和歌词语言熟悉程度对驾驶行为和眼动规律的影响,研究结果表明:(1)驾驶经验对驾驶行为及眼动影响显著,新手与老手相比速度更慢、错误数更多;(2)音乐节奏对驾驶速度、眼跳和垂直搜索广度影响显著,快节奏与慢节奏相比,驾驶速度更快、平均眼跳距离更短、垂直搜索广度更短;(3)歌词语言熟悉程度对驾驶速度、错误数和平均注视时间影响显著,熟悉语言与陌生语言相比,驾驶速度更慢、错误数更多、平均注视时间新手更长,老手无影响。(4)节奏与语言共同影响驾驶过程中的水平搜索广度,陌生语言时快节奏的水平搜索广度高于慢节奏,熟悉语言时快节奏的水平搜索广度低于慢节奏。通过本实验,建议驾驶员在选择音乐时选择陌生语言歌词的音乐,音乐节奏则可视情况而定。  相似文献   
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