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刘建洲 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1204-1207
在人才测评的理论、方法论以及具体方法的背后,隐含着科学心理学的范式取向。新时期人才测评理论与实践所遭遇的深刻危机,与科学心的理学范式影响有着密切关系。科学主义心理学与人文主义心理学两大范式的张力,与后现代思潮相互激荡,汇集成心理学后现代转向的潮流。心理学的后现代转向对新时期人才测评启发甚多,它召唤人才测评理沦基础、方法论及实践的创新,昭示着新时期人才测评的范式转换。  相似文献   
Thomas P. Maxwell 《Zygon》2003,38(2):257-276
There is a growing understanding that addressing the global crisis facing humanity will require new methods for knowing, understanding, and valuing the world. Narrow, disciplinary, and reductionist perceptions of reality are proving inadequate for addressing the complex, interconnected problems of the current age. The pervasive Cartesian worldview, which is based on the metaphor of the universe as a machine, promotes fragmentation in our thinking and our perception of the cosmos. This divisive, compartmentalized thinking fosters alienation and self‐focused behavior. I aim to show in this essay that healing the fragmentation that is at the root of the current world crises requires an integrated epistemology that embraces both the rational knowledge of scientific empiricism and the inner knowledge of spiritual experience. This “deep science” transcends the illusion of separateness to discern the unity, the unbroken wholeness, that underlies the diverse forms of the universe. Our perception of connectedness, of our integral place in the web of life, emerges as an attribute of our connection with the eternal, beatific source of all existence. This awakened spiritual vision “widens our circle of understanding and compassion, to embrace all living creatures in the whole of nature” (Einstein, quoted in Goldstein [1976] 1987). Our behavior, as it emerges naturally out of our perception of the sacredness of the natural world, will naturally embody love and respect for all life forms. This vision promotes the healing of our long‐standing alienation from the natural world and offers hope for renewal in the midst of widespread cultural deterioration and environmental destruction.  相似文献   
We respond to concerns raised by Langdon Gilkey. The discussion addresses the nature of theological thinking today, the question of truth within the situation of pluralism, the identity and difference between theological models and scientific models, and the proposed methods for testing theological models.  相似文献   
为了解大连地区小学教师科学素养的现状,采用自编调查问卷对265名大连市城乡小学教师进行了调查研究。结果表明:1)本、专科学历小学教师的科学素养明显高于中专学历的教师;2)小学教师较好地掌握了小学水平的科学知识,但对中学以上水平的科学知识掌握较差;3)教师的科学素养水平没有表现出随教龄的增长而提高。  相似文献   
The main objective of this Special European Issue is to investigate some topical aspects of recent research on adult development in Europe. More specifically, the issue offers a detailed discussion of questions involved in complex forms of adult cognition, scientific thinking, responses to the demands of everyday life, the effects of various life events on well-being, and the construction of an integrated model of the cognitive, social, and personality domains. Theo- retically, the articles are based on various viewpoints such as the neo-Piagetian perspectives on thinking, although others have connections with the Vygotskian approach to learning. In conclusion, we assert that the developmental processes of adulthood should always be viewed multidimensionally, contextually, and holistically, as the articles themselves clearly demonstrate.  相似文献   
基于文献的科学假说   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
科学假说是形成和发展科学理论的必经途径.探讨了一种从非相关文献间的隐含联系中建立假说的方法,对其研究背景、哲学基础及建立假说的模式作了介绍.  相似文献   
冠状动脉旁路移植术被广泛用来治疗冠心病及其并发症,其发展历程体现了以人为本、全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观.科学发展观属于重要的哲学思想,它从世界现和方法论的角度认识、把握和指导发展,是顺应时代潮流的发展现.分析冠状动脉旁路移植术研究所体现的科学发展观,将对准确把握冠状动脉旁路移植术发展的趋向和特点,使我国冠脉外科的发展在21世纪赶超国际先进水平起到重要的作用.  相似文献   
浅析农村卫生保健改革的若干难点与起点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农村医疗单靠政府行政预算拨付进行运作管理,只能起到临时输血的功能.卫生健康水平的提高,一方面取决于经济收入水平的增长,另一方面则取决于政府公共财政支持力度和行政管理的有效性.资金是基础,制度是保证,政府需通过工具性的制度创新,减少国家对农民的制度排挤,充分发挥政府调控和监管作用,改善农村医疗面临的财政、技术、人员严重不足的问题.  相似文献   
团队情绪氛围对团队创新绩效的影响机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘小禹  刘军 《心理学报》2012,44(4):546-557
基于85个团队的团队领导和475名团队成员的配对数据, 考察了团队情绪氛围、情绪劳动及团队效能感对团队创新绩效的影响机制。结果发现:团队中有两种类型的情绪交换—— 团队情绪氛围是团队内部的情绪交换, 而情绪劳动是团队成员对外的情绪交换。高强度的情绪劳动(高外部情绪交换)具有情绪资源攫取的效果, 削弱了团队积极情绪氛围与团队创新绩效之间的关系; 当团队工作的情绪劳动程度较高时, 团队较低的积极情绪氛围对于团队创新反而有更强的促进作用。团队积极情绪氛围(团队内部的积极情绪交换)对于团队效能感有促进作用。团队情绪氛围与情绪劳动的交互作用以团队效能感为完全中介进而影响团队创新绩效。  相似文献   
工作场所中员工创新的内驱力:员工创造力自我效能感   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自我效能感在创新领域具体运用后,发展为创造力自我效能感, 是指个体对创造成功的信念。以往的研究多集中于教育领域。随着员工创新在组织创新中地位提升, 研究者发现, 对创新成功所抱有的信念是支撑员工将创新行为实施到底的重要内在力量, 创造力自我效能感的研究开始向组织领域拓展。文章对创造力自我效能感在组织领域的最新研究进行归纳,总结了影响员工创造力自我效能感的主要因素:领导支持、工作的复杂度等;提炼了员工创造力自我效能感与员工创新的关系, 说明员工创造力自我效能感无论是作为员工创新心理的一个维度, 还是作为一个独立变量在个体创新机制中起中介或者调节作用, 均与员工创新紧密相关; 最后, 提出下一步的研究需要对员工创造力自我效能感的测量以及影响因素进行深入研究, 为管理实践提供更多的理论依据。  相似文献   
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