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以微博相关视频为研究对象,对选取样本进行内容分析,探究有可能影响公众健康态度和疫苗健康决策的社交媒体内容如何呈现人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus, HPV)疫苗相关议题,并利用扩展的平行过程模式(expended parallel process model,EPPM)对其内容中的“威胁”和“效能”信息分析得出,兼具大众传播功能和人际传播影响力的微博中,不同来源的HPV疫苗视频对HPV健康风险及疫苗改善措施的信息呈现上存在差异,对于HPV疫苗的接种信息呈现不足,有可能影响用户的健康效能,对公众的健康促进需要更加全面、准确、平衡的HPV疫苗信息呈现。

慢性非传染性疾病的急剧增加, 亚健康状态的出现, 不良生活方式的广泛存在, 对人们的健康产生了越来越显著的影响。研究认为, 科学的慢性病管理应当包括亚健康和不良生活方式在内的全人群的慢性病预防。从两种体检、三个状态、九种体质、四种干预方法出发, 提出以健康帮扶、健康促进、体质调理为特色的“二三九四”中西医结合慢性病管理模式。进一步联合企业和社区的初步实践证明, 该模式有利于降低亚健康的现患率, 可提高健康人群的比例, 为中西医结合防治慢性病提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   
梳理了国外医患关系的相关文献,基于社会交换理论视角探析医患关系的内涵,深入剖析了医疗质量和患者信任是构成医患关系的两个重要因子,并进一步构建了简约化的四类医患关系模式,即和谐医患关系模式、改善医患关系模式、不善医患关系模式和紧张医患关系模式。认为医患关系的建立是一个动态的过程,在诊疗过程中医患关系模式之间是可以相互转换的,患者信任是构建和谐医患关系的基础,为我国和谐医患关系的建立进行了理论上的探索。  相似文献   
生态只是影响生命和健康的因素之一,而非全部;生态有其明确的范围,不能无限扩大;生物医学是整个医学的基础;生态医学要成为科学,必须植根于生物医学的基础;生态医学很难成为一种独立的医学模式,只能是生物心理社会医学模式的补充,理想的医学模式应当是生物心理社会生态医学模式;探索生态是如何影响生命与健康,如何应对生态之于生命与健康的影响,如何调整医学理念,是生态医学面临的三项任务。  相似文献   
杨柳  黄敏儿 《心理科学》2022,(1):126-132
研究通过问卷星收集了150对异性恋情侣的情绪分享、感知恋人回应、亲密关系满意度的数据,并采用行动者-对象互依模型进行统计分析。结果显示:(1)情绪分享通过感知恋人回应的中介作用影响亲密关系满意度。女性的积极情绪分享与男性的消极情绪分享直接正向影响自身亲密关系满意度。(2)男性的积极情绪分享正向影响女性的亲密关系满意度。研究揭示了亲密关系中情绪分享和感知恋人回应对关系满意度的影响特点。  相似文献   
分析了生物医学模式没有转型为生物心理社会医学模式的原因。认为生态危机背景下的医学发展模式研究,应把提高人的生命质量和改善人的生存、生活环境等相关条件,纳入视野之中,这正表现出生态医学模式的价值基础与科学发展观在根本上的一致性。以生态医学模式引领未来医学发展是实践科学发展观的必然要求和具体行动。  相似文献   
In this study the eco-cultural model of parenting (Keller, H. (2007). Cultures of infancy. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum) was applied to the study of joint attention behavior of children from families with different socio-economic status (SES). It was hypothesized that infants’ early communication styles would differ with SES reflecting more independent or interdependent interactions with their caregivers. It was also hypothesized that infants would use the same types of behaviors whether they have declarative or imperative communication goals. The Early Social Communication Scales (ESCS, Mundy et al., 2003) was administered to 103 typically developing infants of 12 months (approximately half of them siblings of children with autism). A factor analysis, yielding four behavioral factors, namely pointing, eye contact, actions and following points, confirmed the hypothesis that infants use behaviors consistently across situations independent of their communicative intent. MANOVAs (comprising parental education and income) revealed that higher SES infants showed actions more frequently in the ESCS whereas lower SES infants followed experimenter's points more frequently. The results are discussed in the context of presumably differing socialization goals for infants and the divergent contribution of parental education and income that seem to have additive contribution to some factors (actions, following points) but divergent contributions to others (pointing, eye contact).  相似文献   
In jurisdictions throughout the United States, thousands of sexual assault kits (SAKs; also known as a “rape kits”) have not been submitted by the police for forensic DNA testing. DNA evidence may be helpful to sexual assault investigations and prosecutions by identifying perpetrators, revealing serial offenders through DNA matches across cases, and exonerating those who have been wrongly accused. This paper describes a longitudinal action research project conducted in Detroit, Michigan after that city discovered approximately 11,000 untested sexual assault kits in a police department storage facility. We conducted a root cause analysis to examine individual, organizational, community, and societal factors that contributed to the development of the rape kit backlog in Detroit. Based on those findings, we implemented and evaluated structural changes to increase staffing, promote kit testing, and retrain police and prosecutors so that cases could be reopened for investigation and prosecution. As we conducted this work, we also studied how this action research project impacted the Detroit criminal justice system. Participating in this project changed stakeholders’ attitudes about the utility of research to address community problems, the usefulness of DNA evidence in sexual assault cases, and the impact of trauma on survivors. The results led to new protocols for SAK testing and police investigations, and new state legislation mandating SAK forensic DNA testing.  相似文献   
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