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The play fighting behaviour of male rats (Rattus norvegicus) castrated at weaning was compared to that of intact controls during the juvenile and post-pubertal phases of development. Following puberty, both the castrated and intact animals exhibited an age-related change in their play fighting; the frequency of initiating play fighting decreased and juvenile patterns of playful defense were replaced by more adult-like patterns. As these changes occurred even in the absence of the pubertal surge of gonadal hormones, they were more likely to result from the organizational effects of gonadal hormones in the perinatal period than the activational effects of these hormones at puberty. Although the castrated animals exhibited the age-related changes in behaviour, they did not exhibit the asymmetries in play associated with dominance relationships. As demonstrated in previous studies, in pairs of intact rats, the animal that attacks the most and uses more juvenile defenses during play fighting and weighs the least is typically the subordinate. In the castrates, asymmetries in weight and playful defense are not related to play frequency, indicating the absence of a dominance relationship. Although the characteristic changes in male play fighting at puberty are independent of the activational effects of gonadal hormones, dominance relationships and their associated changes in play fighting are dependent on these hormones. Therefore, in the perinatal period gonadal hormones most likely organize the age-related changes in play behaviour, whereas post-pubertally gonadal hormones activate dominance relationships and thus, indirectly modify play fighting by affecting dominance-associated assymetries in behaviour. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We designed a series of analyses to develop a measurement system capable of simultaneously recording the free-play patterns of 20 children in a preschool classroom. Study 1 determined the intermittency with which the location and engagement of each child could be momentarily observed before the accuracy of the measurement was compromised. Results showed that intervals up to 120 s introduced less than 10% measurement error. Study 2 determined the extent of agreement between two observers who simultaneously collected data for 20 children using 30-, 60-, 90-, and 120-s momentary time sampling (MTS) intervals. The three larger intervals resulted in high levels of interobserver agreement (above 90%), whereas the 30-s interval resulted in unacceptably low levels of agreement (less than 80%). By allowing observers to select from among the different MTS intervals via a datasheet array and then collect data with the chosen system, Study 3 determined observers' preferences for the remaining MTS intervals. Both data collectors preferred the 90-s MTS procedure. The sensitivity of the 90-s MTS procedure, which was shown to be accurate, reliable, and preferred, was then demonstrated by its use to describe activity preferences of a classroom of children in Study 4. This system identified high- and low-preference activities for individual children and revealed interesting patterns of response allocation by the group.  相似文献   
During an object sharing paradigm, we compared infant-caregiver interactions between two groups: i) infants at high-risk (HR) for being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and ii) low-risk (LR) infants, observed at 9, 12, and 15 months of age. 16 HR infants (14 infants with an older sibling diagnosed with ASD and 2 preterm infants that received a diagnosis of ASD at 2 years) and 16 LR infants (typically developing infants without older siblings diagnosed with ASD) were included in the study. At each visit, infants played with objects in the presence of their caregivers as crawlers or walkers. Previously, we found that HR infants are less likely to share their object play with caregivers at walker ages. The present study found that caregivers of HR infants used greater directive bids including being more proximal to infants and using greater verbal and non-verbal bids to sustain their infant’s attention and to ensure their compliance during the task compared to caregivers of LR infants. Our study emphasizes the bidirectional and dynamic nature of infant-caregiver interactions. Our findings have implications for caregiver training programs that teach parents appropriate strategies to promote early social communication skills in at-risk infants.  相似文献   
任何一种文学现象的出现,既要有长期发展的历史积淀,也要有那个时代所提供的政治、经济和文化等基本的社会条件。元代山东能成为杂剧艺术的兴盛之地亦是如此。文章考略了齐鲁古典戏曲的渊源,就山东元杂剧兴盛的原因作了较为全面、系统地探寻,并概述了其主要的表现及影响。  相似文献   
This study evaluates a prominent functional explanation for play aggression, the practice hypothesis, employing data from a non-Western culture, the Zapotec of Oaxaca, Mexico. The practice hypothesis proposes that play aggression, sometimes called rough-and-tumble play, has evolved primarily as a “safe” way for young individuals to practice and perfect adult fighting and/or hunting skills. Ethological observations of 3–8-year-old Zapotec children (n = 48) form the basis for investigating serious and play aggression, and for evaluating predictions stemming from the practice hypothesis. Play aggression in Zapotec children is superficially similar to real aggression, but can be differentiated from aggression in a number of ways, such as by facial expression, nature of outcomes, and amount of behavioral variability. Rates of play aggression were not significantly different between Zapotec boys and girls; however, mixed-sex dyads during play aggression occurred less often than same-sex dyads. Play partners were closer in age than chance would predict, with initiators tending to be slightly older than recipients, except when boys initiated play aggression toward girls. Injuries during play aggression occurred very infrequently (in about 1% of the episodes), and children were more likely to stay together following play than following serious aggression. The Zapotec data are discussed in relation to predictions regarding play partner choice, sex differences, the overall nature (design) of play aggression (in relation to Zapotec adult aggression), as well as in relation to phylogenetic and cross-cultural considerations. It is concluded that most of the findings are consistent with the practice hypothesis. It is also suggested that because play and serious aggression can be distinguished and apparently stem from different underlying motivations, these behavioral patterns not be confounded as is sometimes done in observational studies of children's aggression.  相似文献   
Two longitudinal studies were conducted to quantify the social behaviors exhibited by both male and female Long-Evans rats from the immediate postweaning period until young adulthood. In Experiment 1, male sibling pairs engaged in a high level of play fighting during the early juvenile period but such activity declined to a level significantly lower than that of female and mixed-sex pairs after 54 days of age. In Experiment 2, social exchanges during maturation were examined during the presence and absence of the piloerection response in an effort to distinguish play fighting from agonistic interactions. In male pairs, piloerection was rarely seen before 55–75 days of age but thereafter occurred with increasing frequency especially among dominant males. Furthermore, subordinate males retreated from their dominant partners and remained in an escape chamber for a significant amount of time only during encounters involving the exhibition of piloerection. This finding suggests that piloerection can be useful in identifying play and aggressive interactions. In female and heterosexual pairs, piloerection was observed infrequently during social encounters occurring throughout maturation. In addition, when given the opportunity to escape, females were less likely to retreat from play activity if their partner was another female than a male.  相似文献   
In this essay I develop the logic of play from the writings of the British psychoanalyst Donald W. Winnicott and the French philosopher Jacques Derrida. The logic of play serves as both a conceptual framework for theoretical clinical thinking and a space of experiencing in which the therapeutic situation is located and to which it aspires. I argue that both Winnicott and Derrida proposed a playful turn in Western thinking by their attitude towards oppositions, viewing them not as complementary or contradictory, but as 'peacefully-coexisting'. Derrida criticizes the dichotomous structure of Western thought, proposing playful movement as an alternative that does not constitute itself as a mastering construction. I will show that Winnicott, too, proposes playful logic through which he thinks and acts in the therapeutic situation. The therapeutic encounter is understood as a playful space in which analyst and analysand continuously coexist, instead of facing each other as exclusionary oppositions. I therefore propose the logic of play as the basis for the therapeutic encounter. The playful turn, then, is crucial for the thought and praxis expressed by the concept of two-person psychology. I suggest the term playful psychoanalysis to characterize the present perspective of psychoanalysis in the light of the playful turn. I will first present Derrida's playful thought, go on to Winnicott's playful revolutionism, and conclude with an analysis of Winicott's clinical material in the light of the logic of play.  相似文献   
The author outlines the contribution and relevance of Winnicott's thinking to the practice of Brief Dynamic Therapy. Specifically he notes three transitions that can be employed to deepen the therapeutic engagement with the patient and enhance effectiveness. The transitions involve acknowledging the let-down, facing the patient's destructiveness and reaching back to what had been good enough in their early experience. The importance of play and spontaneity in the transitional space of brief therapy are also noted as well as their relationship to particular therapeutic techniques. The augmentation that Gustafson has provided to Winnicott's ideas which map the notion of changing a reiterating pattern onto the terrain of the patient's current external world as well as in dreams is described. These themes are then illustrated by two case studies.  相似文献   
The intention of this article is to contribute to the understanding of play as a dialogue. This recognises both the human creator potential and the collective character of human existence. The argument is developed through a phenomenological approach based chiefly on Merleau-Ponty's ideas about habit and expressivity, together with a consideration of the relevance of authors such as Huizinga, Gadamer and Buber. According to Merleau-Ponty ‘habit’ is not repetition, but always presents something new which makes the border between what is acquired and what is created uncertain. The innovatory character of the habit is connected with our expressive potential. In order to go beyond our historicity we need more than we can find in ourselves. We need ‘the Other’, not necessarily another person, but a question. During play the Other's movements and responses are questions to us. Our corporeality is called upon by the world to represent itself and in order to continue playing we need to be expressive. However, the dialogue carried out through play can create conflicts that cannot be suppressed or avoided. One of the possibilities presented by play is the recognition of our ability to adopt different perspectives and to create new kinds of relationship with the Other.  相似文献   
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