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This study used the ostracism detection theory to investigate how ostracism impacts individuals in two ways: (1) immediate poststressor needs, mood, ruminative thoughts, and desire to affiliate, and (2) short‐term affective and cortisol reactivity. A total of 58 college students were randomly assigned to the inclusion or ostracism conditions of Cyberball, a virtual ball‐tossing game. Immediately following the experimental manipulation, ostracized participants reported more thwarted psychological need states, more negative mood, and fewer positive ruminative thoughts, relative to their included counterparts. Ostracized participants reported a greater interest in affiliating with others in online or in‐person settings. In the short‐term, ostracized males reported more hostility than included males, although the scores were within expected norms for most males. There was no relation between Cyberball condition and gender across time for depression, anxiety, or positive affect. Approximately 20 min after the onset of the stressor, women in the luteal phase and women taking oral contraceptives in the ostracized group displayed higher cortisol than their counterparts in the included group. Relative to baseline, however, cortisol did not reliably increase after the onset of the stressor. Ostracized females taking oral contraceptives showed the greatest decline in cortisol, compared to included oral contraceptive users. Overall, results suggest that most of the negative effects of ostracism are immediate and limited to psychological, not neuroendocrine, responses.  相似文献   
应激是机体受到各种内外环境因素刺激时的适应性反应,当反应持续时间过久或长期处于激活状态,则会对机体产生不良影响。目前认为,老化与糖皮质激素的过量分泌所致大脑相关区域的损伤相关,这些区域不仅参与认知与情绪,而且与下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴控制的其他活动相关。除此之外,皮质醇基础水平的差异性、皮质醇在脑内的可用性、糖皮质激素受体的失衡及大脑本身的易损性、回弹性等都是应激影响脑老化的参与因素。本文将对应激所致正常或非正常老化过程的相关影响机制与学说进行综述。  相似文献   
Objective: We examined whether an empirically based, randomised controlled trial of a preventive intervention for divorced mothers and children had a long-term impact on offspring cortisol regulation.

Design: Divorced mothers and children (age 9–12) were randomly assigned to a literature control condition or the 11-week New Beginnings Program, a family-focused group preventive intervention for mothers and children in newly divorced families.

Main Outcome Measures: Fifteen years after the trial, offspring salivary cortisol (n = 161) was measured before and after a social stress task.

Results: Multilevel mixed models were used to predict cortisol from internalizing symptoms, externalizing symptoms, group assignment and potential moderators of intervention effects. Across the sample, higher externalizing symptoms were associated with lower cortisol reactivity. There was a significant group-by-age interaction such that older offspring in the control group had higher reactivity relative to the intervention group, and younger offspring in the control group exhibited a decline across the task relative to younger offspring in the intervention group.

Conclusions: Preventive interventions for youth from divorced families may have a long-term impact on cortisol reactivity to stress. Results highlight the importance of examining moderators of program effects.  相似文献   
This study examined the contribution of illness severity and attachment style to marital satisfaction among mothers of infants with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) as well as the mediating role of cognitive appraisal and ways of coping with motherhood tasks. Eighty-five mothers of newborns with CHD rated their attachment style 2 weeks after the infant's CHD diagnosis and two physicians rated the severity of the disease. One year later, mothers completed self-reports scales tapping marital satisfaction, appraisal of motherhood tasks, and ways of coping with these tasks. The severity of infant's disease and mothers’ attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance were related to less marital satisfaction. Moreover, whereas illness severity and attachment anxiety had direct effects on marital satisfaction, the negative effects of attachment avoidance were mediated by the appraisal of motherhood in threatening terms and the reliance on emotion-focused coping. The interconnections between attachment style, the process of coping with the stress of a chronic illness, and marital satisfaction were discussed.  相似文献   

Attentional bias toward threatening stimuli is a central characteristic of anxiety and acute stress. Recent small-scale studies have provided divergent perspectives on the association between the stress hormone cortisol and attentional bias toward threat cues. In a larger sample size than previous studies, we examined this association by investigating the impact of cortisol on attentional bias in two studies using a psychological stressor (N=35) and a physical stressor (N=65), respectively. Attentional bias and salivary cortisol were measured prior to and following the administration of a stressful task designed to increase cortisol levels. Results across these studies were equivocal relative to the association between baseline cortisol and baseline attentional bias. In addition, the association between acute change in cortisol and change in attentional bias appeared to differ as a function of the presence or absence of psychological stress. There was a trend toward a stronger negative association between acute cortisol change and attentional bias change among women relative to men. These results imply that the association between cortisol and attentional bias may be moderated by additional factors, such as gender or presence of stress.  相似文献   
自尊水平影响着个体在应激情境中的内分泌反应,在以人个人主义文化下的研究发现,由于低自尊具有较低的内部控制力,因此在应激情境中的唾液皮质醇反应更强烈。但是在中国集体主义文化中,由于集体性自我的评价是自尊的一个重要组成部分,高自尊更加期望集体或社会的积极性评价,因此假设在心理性应激情境下(即个体的能力被否定的时候),高自尊的应激反应会比低自尊更加强烈。本研究以健康大学生为被试,分别以Rosenberg自尊量表和特里尔社会应激测试(TSST)为实验手段,以自尊量表得分、主观应激报告(5点量表)和客观应激参数(心率和唾液皮质醇)为指标,在中国文化背景下探讨自尊与心理性应激的关系。结果发现,在TSST开始时(20分钟)自尊与心率呈正相关,自尊水平越高,心率越快;在TSST结束后(60分钟)自尊与唾液皮质醇水平呈正相关,自尊水平越高,唾液皮质醇水平越高。总体来说,相对于低自尊被试而言,高自尊被试在心理性应激情境中的反应更为强烈。  相似文献   
We examined continuity and change in emotional reactiviy as assessed by hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) activity in rhesus monkeys. Plasma samples were obtained from mother-peer–reared and surrogate-peer–reared monkeys and assayed for cortisol concentrations at 5 time points in infancy. Both plasma and saliva samples were collected for cortisol assay from the same monkeys as 1-, 2-, and 3-year-old juveniles, respectively. Plasma cortisol concentrations increased during the first 5 months of life and decreased from 1 to 3 years of age. Females consistently had higher plasma cortisol concentrations than males. Plasma cortisol concentrations were lower in surrogate-peer–reared than mother-peer–reared monkeys during the first month of life. Juvenile plasma cortisol concentrations were significantly correlated with infant cortisol levels at all but the earliest time point. Analysis of salivary cortisol from a subset of animals showed a similar age-related decline and the presence of a significant rearing effect, with lower concentrations in surrogate-peer–reared juveniles, but no sex difference. Salivary and plasma cortisol concentrations in these animals were significantly correlated.  相似文献   
Background: We report on the preliminary results of two independent studies that (1) compare the hair cortisol concentrations (HCC) of healthy controls with patients displaying post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS, study 1+2), (2) investigate whether pre-trauma HCC are predictive for the development of acute stress symptoms (ASS) and PTSS (study 1) and (3) determine whether HCC correlate with PTSS in a clinical sample of children (study 2).

Methods: In study 1, the clinical symptoms of 35 minors were examined one (T1) and seven weeks (T2) after surgery following an accident. Hair samples were taken after the accident that reflect cortisol secretion over the past three months before the accident (healthy controls). In study 2, HCC and PTSS symptoms were cross-sectionally assessed in 22 minors who had experienced a psychological trauma.

Results: The HCC of patients with PTSS were lower than the HCC of healthy controls (study 1+2). Secondary analyses showed that HCC were significantly lower in male PTSS patients than in male healthy controls, whereas the HCC in females were comparably low in both groups. Pre-trauma HCC did not predict the total ASS and PTSS scores (study 1) and HCC were not directly related to the total PTSS scores (study 2).  相似文献   
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