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中国留守儿童研究述评   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
留守儿童是指农村地区因父母双方或单方长期在外打工而被交由父母或长辈、他人来抚养、教育和管理的儿童。通过对留守儿童产生背景,概念界定,心理健康、自我意识、情绪与社会支持、社会行为、人格、学业与校园关系,家庭与生活等方面研究的系统总结,概括了已有研究中在多个学术领域宏观呈现与微观分析的“22N”模式及其存在的问题,提出了在目前干预措施实施不利的情况下,以保护性因素作为突破的新进展。最后从理论研究和实践干预方面提出:留守儿童并不一定是问题儿童,留守儿童之间存在个体差异,他们自身具有发展与成长的心理资源,而且留守儿童研究的纵深趋势与切实可行的干预模式必须是以社会的发展与需求为背景。  相似文献   
基于社会排斥的多元动机模型、负性情绪影响健康的四通路模型,通过对一项覆盖中国31个省级行政区(不含港澳台)农村居民社会调查数据的分析,考察了1803名农村老年人社会排斥体验与健康状况的关系,以及负性情绪、人际信任、经济状况在两者中的作用。结果表明,农村老年人的社会排斥体验负向预测其健康状况;负性情绪在农村老年人社会排斥体验和健康状况之间起中介作用;人际信任、经济状况均在农村老年人社会排斥体验和负性情绪之间起调节作用;经济状况还在农村老年人负性情绪和健康状况之间起调节作用。该结果不仅验证并拓展了上述两个理论模型,还为农村的养老服务体系建设、农村老年人的健康服务工作提供了启示。  相似文献   
民国乡村建设运动是旧中国先进知识分子为扭转近代中国农村的衰败局势而做出的可贵探索。定县模式和邹平模式是当时最具代表性的两种乡建模式。这两个县的乡村卫生建设是共同的经验是:开展公德教育,依托新型农民,建好乡村卫生。公德教育与乡村卫生建设成为了一对“互动的盟友”。这两个县的建设提示,乡村卫生事业的建立与完善在根本上有赖于培养和支持具有现代公德素质的新型农民群体。  相似文献   
研究采用间隔两年的追踪设计,分析了477名农村随迁儿童(男生57.10%;2014年时平均年龄为11.54±0.64岁)与245名城市原住儿童(男生50.60%;2014年时平均年龄为11.36±0.51岁)的同伴侵害与和谐性、人际触觉两个人际关系取向人格维度的相互影响。这些儿童分别来自上海市采取融合教育的四所公立初中。他们首次参加本研究时为初中预备年级。交叉滞后分析表明,(1)在原住儿童组,时间1的同伴侵害可以负向预测时间2的和谐性与人际触觉;(2)在随迁儿童组,和谐性与同伴侵害有负向循环作用关系,且时间1的同伴侵害可以负向预测时间2的人际触觉。研究一定程度上揭示了人际人格发展与所处环境(特别是同伴侵害的不利环境)的动态相互作用模式。文章最后讨论了原住儿童与随迁儿童混合编班的融合教育模式对所有城市儿童适应社会转型的现实意义。  相似文献   
We reflect on and illustrate with concrete examples the various systematic and creative steps taken along the process of grounded theory (GT). This process led to the emergence of a theoretical framework centered on building reciprocity as a way of collaborating with socio-economically disadvantaged communities and a means for facilitating poverty-reduction initiatives. This article aims to present the systematic processes of analysis that lie behind the theoretical framework and to reflect on the lessons learned along the path to creating a GT. In this way, the emergence of the theoretical framework is examined along the different inductive and analytic steps, and the interrelation between concepts is discussed. Theoretical sensitivity, pacing, sampling, coding, memoing, and sorting in this research are illustrated and brought to light.  相似文献   

While many studies have examined the life quality of HIV-infected persons in large metropolitan areas, few studies have investigated quality of life issues among persons living with HIV disease in America's small and rural communities. In the present study, 78 people living with HIV/AIDS in small and rural communities (i.e., populations <25,000) reported on their health-related quality of life. Many respondents reported decreased social, emotional, functional, and physical well-being. Results revealed that participants' emotional well-being and the quality of their relationship with their doctor were related to their overall quality of life. The majority of participants (73%) expressed interest in participating in a telephone-linked support group involving other people living with HIV designed to improve quality of life.  相似文献   

This study examined the free book giving program of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library and its influence upon storybook reading and early literacy within one county-wide setting in the United States. Family literacy and early literacy experiences are known to be critical to young children's literacy development. The study found that childre who received the Imagination Library books were statistically different from those children who did not participate in the free book giving program. This study has implications for the early literacy outcomes for young children and their families, as well as other communities who utilize Dolly Parton's Imagination Library.  相似文献   
This paper reports on a large scale cross‐sectional study examining subjective perceptions of community social life held by a randomly selected sample of residents (n = 428) in all small rural settings (n = 89) of the region of North Aegean Sea. The notion of social capital was used as a conceptual tool in order to explore different aspects of the relational life of contemporary rural communities. This study has two aims: First to provide an account of rural residents' perceptions of village life in terms of interpersonal support, mutual aid, trust, social cohesion and community competence, and second to examine the suitability of the social capital notion within the specific cultural context. A combination of data collection procedures and a range of sources were employed, such as key informants, rural residents and researchers' field observations. The findings indicate that small farming communities of high devotion with deep roots and strong sense of belonging face severe demographic imbalance and experience low civic power given the limited links with external agents. The mainstream notion of social capital as an unconditionally beneficial factor is thus questioned. The findings call for revisiting its relevance across communities with varying capacities and needs. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
新型农村合作医疗补偿模式现状分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
新型农村合作医疗工作试点推广以来,各地都在探索适合本地实际的运行机制和模式。尝试在归纳我国新型农村合作医疗补偿模式的基础上,分析其发生发展的动因度机制,以供研究和实践者参考。  相似文献   
阐述了在建设农村卫生服务网络中坚持公有制为主导的必要性,论证乡镇卫生院是公有制的具体实现形式,剖析乡镇卫生院两权分离方式的选择过程中曾经沿用过的租赁制、承包制失败的原因,在此基础上提出了"院长任期目标责任制"是乡镇卫生院两权分离的适宜形式,提出了在乡镇卫生院防止公有资产流失的一系列措施.  相似文献   
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