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慢性腹痛病史较长,性质不定。引起慢性腹痛的原因很多,除器质性疾病外,一些功能性疾病也引起,如最终找不出具体原因,则可称之为功能性腹痛综合征。诊断比较困难,也容易误诊,甚至误治,外科医生应特别慎重。误诊的思维原因包括对引起慢性腹痛的原因认识不全面,思维惰性,辩证思维不周密和思维简化等。  相似文献   
在临床实践中,呼吸危重症的诊断和治疗存在着一些不同的观点。就其中某些热点问题,如慢性阻塞性肺疾病合并哮喘的诊断和机械通气的指征、肺栓塞的诊断、急性呼吸窘迫综合征的治疗、呼吸重症监护病房的建设和呼吸危重症的伦理学问题进行阐述,以期提高对呼吸危重症的认识。  相似文献   
低出生体重是发生成年期代谢综合征的高危因素。“代谢程序化”与“营养程序化”概念的提出对人们从多层面认识该现象的内在机制有重要指导作用。随着对发生机制研究的深入,人们终将找到预防低出生体重发生成年期代谢综合征的早期干预措施。  相似文献   
加强我国农民工职业病防治工作的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
我国现有两亿多农民工,且遭受不同程度的职业病危害,以致近年新发现的职业病人几乎是农民工,但他们却没享受法律规定的平等待遇,为此中央领导多次批示,要求制定有利于《职业病防治法》贯彻落实和职业病防治工作的制本之策。结合广西开展农民工职业病防治工作的实践,指出其6个方面的主要原因和防治对策。  相似文献   
我国医院法人治理结构改革的探索   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
从分析我国医院法人治理结构模式入手,深入探索了医院法人治理结构中存在的问题,介绍和探讨我国产权和所有权改革的形式,并对上海和无锡的法人治理结构改革做了较详细的介绍,为探索我国医院建立适应市场经济体制的体制与机制提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
循证医学在构建和谐医患关系中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医患关系是一种特殊的人际关系。采用循证医学的原理和方法,规范医疗服务行为,缓解医患矛盾,构建和谐的医患关系,已越来越成为人们的共识。试图从循证医学的角度探索改善医患关系的途径,通过对循证医学理论的应用来缓解医患冲突,改善医患关系。  相似文献   
Several visuo-motor tasks can be used to demonstrate biases towards left hemispace in schizophrenic patients, suggesting a minor right hemineglect. Recent studies in neglect patients used a new number bisection task to highlight a lateralized defect in their visuo-spatial representation of numbers. To test a possible lateralized representational deficit in schizophrenia, we used the number bisection task in 11 schizophrenic patients compared to 11 healthy controls. Participants were required to orally indicate the central number of an interval orally presented. Whereas healthy subjects showed no significant bias, schizophrenic patients presented a significant leftward bias. Therefore, these results suggest an impairment in higher order representations of the number space in patients with schizophrenia, an impairment that is qualitatively similar to the deficit described in neglect patients.  相似文献   
Outcomes for cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) in randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have rarely been compared to those in routine clinical practice. Taking the case of CBT for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), we evaluated the results of a successful RCT against those of the same treatment given in the same setting as part of routine practice. Fatigue and social adjustment scores were compared for patients who received CBT for CFS as part of a RCT (N=30) and patients who received CBT as part of everyday clinical practice (N=384). The results in the RCT were superior to those in routine clinical practice. Between pre-treatment and 6-month follow-up, the RCT showed a larger reduction in fatigue and greater improvement in social adjustment than those in routine treatment. The changes in fatigue scores were similar for both groups during treatment but were greater in the RCT between post-treatment and follow-up. Potential reasons for the superior results of the RCT include patient selection, therapist factors and the use of a manualised treatment protocol. Practitioners need to pay particular attention to relapse prevention and ensuring adequate follow-up in addition to encouraging patients to continue with cognitive-behavioural strategies once treatment has ended.  相似文献   
签署知情同意书有助于改善医患关系   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
当前医疗活动中由于缺乏人文关怀、患者对医务人员信任度下降以及医患之间信息不对称,导致现阶段医疗投诉以及医疗纠纷逐年上升,投诉和纠纷内容多样且性质趋于严重复杂。在签署医疗知情同意书时,适时给予病人情感上的关爱,重视病人心理需求,采取医学技术与人文关怀相结合的医疗活动,有助于在现代医学模式基础上构建和谐的医患关系。  相似文献   
我国婚姻法规定夫妻双方均有生育权,但事实上生育的最后支配权往往掌握在女性手中,导致近年来发生了许多有关夫妻生育权是否平等的争讼案件,受到了社会舆论和法律界的广泛关注。夫妻生育权的地位应重新审视,当因夫妻生育权的平等而发生侵权冲突时,必须在侵权法上进行适当解决,以维系各种社会关系的和谐发展。  相似文献   
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