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中医专科是祖国传统医学的重要组成部分,是中医的精华和灵魂,对中医的延传和发展意义重大。为了解区级中医院中医专科的发展现状,笔者对广州各区级中医院进行实地问卷调查。结果显示区级中医院中医专科设置较单一,各专科在医疗方面的优势地位不突出,学科队伍建设欠完善,部分专科的科研水平亟待提升。  相似文献   
曾红  苏得权  姜醒  陈骐  叶浩生 《心理学报》2015,47(7):890-902
药物相关线索反应不仅表现在心理渴求, 也表现在强迫性用药行为上。相关线索下, 除包括奖赏环路在内的边缘系统被激活外, 感觉-运动脑区也被激活, 引发自动化动作图式的表达, 这对相关线索反应及复吸行为具有特殊的意义。是否所有相关线索都会激活感觉-运动脑区, 目前, 还不清楚, 而这对临床治疗具有重要意义。本研究采用磁共振扫描, 生理测试等方法探索了不同类型相关线索下, 海洛因成瘾戒断者的大脑激活状况, 试图了解他们在不同线索刺激下的大脑反应。采用组内实验设计, 测量29名海洛因成瘾者相关线索反应下的血氧水平。结果发现, 相比对照线索, 所有药物相关线索, 包括药物、用药工具、用药动作线索都更多激活扣带回、海马、舌回、梭回等与奖赏机制相关的脑区; 而不同类型的药物相关线索之间的比较则显示, 用药工具和用药动作线索更多激活了双侧颞中回、双侧顶下小叶、左侧顶上小叶和右侧额下回等感觉-运动脑区。用药动作线索比单纯药物和用药工具线索, 激活了更为广泛的动作脑区。由此, 我们认为药物相关线索导致成瘾者大脑中奖赏和感觉-动作两套系统被激活, 包含用药工具、用药动作在内的相关线索会激活更多的感觉-运动脑区。  相似文献   
This study explored relations of job-content perceptions (i.e., skill variety and task significance), and performance–reward expectancies, with absenteeism among 134 low-wage public-sector clerical employees. Results indicated that those employees who perceived limited performance–reward expectancies (i.e., lower instrumentality), and who considered their jobs to be either higher on skill variety or task significance, were likely to be absent more often. Moreover, the link between skill variety and absenteeism was moderated by instrumentality in a manner suggesting that respondents may have utilized absenteeism as a means of compensating for perceived workplace contributions not extrinsically rewarded. These findings further suggest that employees in occupational settings for which performance-related extrinsic rewards are less available may not respond to favorable job-content perceptions in the positive manner generally predicted by job characteristics theory.  相似文献   
当前,语言学习策略已成为我国中学英语教学的一项重要目标。该研究通过科学设计的问卷,调查了406名高三学生的英语学习策略掌握情况,并进一步分三个分维度、十个子维度,进行了深入的分析。研究表明,问卷提供的多维度的详细信息可以帮助详细了解学生对策略的掌握情况,从而进行有针对性的指导。同时,问卷的设计,维度划分等,也为研究人员,高中英语学习策略的教材编写和教学提供可靠有用的参考。  相似文献   
The graffiti of children, an unobtrusive measure collected in Puerto Rican natural settings, revealed the children's views about the world. Results show that these graffiti reflect a wide variety of content related to the child's immediate life experiences such as concerns with their self-identity, interpersonal relations, cultural understandings, sexuality, and religious and political beliefs.  相似文献   
The Unit Behavioral Health Needs Assessment Survey (UBHNAS) is a tool used to aid behavioral health providers in assessing the needs of service members of a military unit. Traditionally, the survey has been administered by paper-and-pencil; however, implementing the survey via the Internet may be a faster and easier way to administer the survey. There are, however, potential drawbacks to Internet survey administration, and previous studies comparing the 2 methods have yielded inconsistent findings. Using a between-subjects design with a combat-deployed military sample, the present study compared the 2 survey administration methods. Specifically, we assessed comparability for (a) psychological constructs, (b) auxiliary measures (such as completion time, frequency of missing data, and length of written comments), and (c) ratings and perceptions of the UBHNAS, and preference in methodology. The method of survey administration did not predict differences in the psychological outcome variables. However, participants in the paper-and-pencil condition reported higher rates of comfort answering questions, belief that responses would remain anonymous, and frankness and honesty in answering questions. Nevertheless, participants in both conditions preferred to take the survey via the Internet as opposed to paper-and-pencil in the future. Finally, participants in the Internet condition completed the survey faster and tended to write longer comments, although in terms of the comments being informative, there was no difference between the groups. Based on our findings, we recommend the use of the Internet for administering the UBHNAS; however, we caution that there may be tradeoffs regarding concerns about comfort, honesty, and anonymity.  相似文献   
大学新生心理健康水平调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用国家教育部中国大学生心理健康测评系统(CSPA)中的《中国大学生心理健康量表》对天津某高校3826名2013年入学的大学新生进行问卷调查,并分析大学新生心理健康水平的人口学差异。结果 :(1)大学新生整体心理健康状况较好;(2)女生的整体心理健康水平要好于男生,但女生比男生表现出更多的自卑;(3)汉族学生比少数民族学生表现出更高的焦虑;(4)独生子女的心理健康水平显著好于非独生子女;(5)理工类、文史类、文体艺术类大学新生的心理健康水平存在差异,理工类大学生的整体心理健康水平要好于文体艺术类大学新生。  相似文献   
石湖清  卢家楣 《心理科学》2016,39(4):862-868
本研究旨在探索刺激的视觉显著性和奖赏价值分别在协同和竞争的条件下对眼跳过程的影响。实验材料为成对的Gabor图案,要求被试选择具有更高奖赏价值的图案,并记录下其眼动过程。实验分为协同条件和竞争条件。结果发现,在不同实验条件下,奖赏价值对眼跳命中率和潜伏期均存在显著效应;视觉显著性的效应则在不同实验条件下出现了分离。刺激驱动过程和目标驱动过程对眼动行为的影响可能是互相区别的两种不同模式。  相似文献   
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