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真实和虚拟金钱奖赏影响风险决策行为*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在风险情境下人类如何决策是长久以来心理学和经济学研究中一个极具挑战性的核心问题。众多研究采用真实或虚拟金钱作为奖赏强化物来探索风险决策行为的过程和机制,但对金钱奖赏真实性如何影响决策了解很少。仿真气球冒险任务(BART:Balloon Analogue Risk Task)可以在实验室条件下有效评估个体在真实社会中的风险行为。本研究采用 BART任务,通过两个实验探讨和比较了真实与虚拟金钱奖赏对风险决策行为的影响。实验一的结果发现,与虚拟金钱奖赏相比,真实金钱奖赏情境下的风险决策更容易受上一次决策结果的影响,上一次决策失败会导致被试的风险偏好水平显著降低(平均吹气球的次数显著减少),同时决策失败(气球吹爆)次数也显著减少,提示真实金钱奖赏下有更强的反馈学习效应。实验二重复了实验一的结果,并进一步发现,虚拟金钱奖赏的幅度对被试的风险决策行为没有影响,而真实金钱奖赏的幅度能显著改变被试的风险决策行为,较大幅度的真实金钱奖赏可以显著降低被试的风险偏好水平,但这种奖赏幅度对风险偏好的调控效应只对感觉寻求水平低的被试有效,感觉寻求水平高的被试不受影响。这些发现表明真实与虚拟金钱奖赏对风险决策行为有不同的影响。我们的结果可以用风险决策的后悔理论或齐当别模型来解释。  相似文献   
In recent literature, the famous Millikan oil-drop experiment appears as a case of “good scientific judgment” on the one hand, and scientific misconduct on the other. This article discusses different interpretations of the fact that Nobel laureate Robert Millikan’s notebooks show that he eliminated a number of oildrops in his published 1913 paper on the charge of the electron, while reporting that he had included all the drops. Starting with the common source of all Millikan stories, historian of physics Gerald Holton’s 1978 paper, I discuss recent “canned” versions of Millikan-as-misbehaver in books on scientific fraud. Then I examine some versions of Millikan-as-good-scientist, particularly the reconstruction by historian of physics Allan Franklin, and the views of some practicing physicists. Finally, we have an instructive head-on collision between the two standard treatments of Millikan. The problem with canned stories is not only insufficient information; we also lack a realistic evaluation of the role of ethics in science. As a fundamentally knowledge-seeking enterprise, science may harbor an inherent, perhaps irresolvable, conflict between scientific and ethical concerns. The author’s special interests include standards for “good science”, science and values, and social psychology.  相似文献   
初中学业不良学生习得性无能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用两个2×2实验设计,研究强化方式、成就状况和任务类型对初中学业不良学生习得性无能倾向的影响二结果表明:外部奖赏不能提高成功组学生的内在动机,反而增加挫折组学生的无力感与挫折感;操作作业的成败对学生习得性无能倾向影响不明显,而数学作业的成败的影响则非常显著;学生在操作作业中的内在动机明显高于其在数学作业中的内在动机。  相似文献   
In previous research, children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) have demonstrated impaired response inhibition on the stop paradigm. In this study we examined whether this impairment in fact reflects a motivational deficit. Four groups of children (age range 7–13 years) participated in the study: 14 AD/HD children, 21 normal controls, 14 disruptive children, and 14 anxious children. The psychopathological groups were recruited from special educational services and mental health outpatient clinics. Parent, teacher, and child questionnaires were used to select children with pervasive disorders. Normal controls attended regular classes and scored low on all questionnaires. Children were tested once with reward contingencies and once with response cost contingencies in a randomized cross-over design. We hypothesized that if a motivational deficit underlies poor response inhibition in AD/HD children, this deficit will be remedied by response contingencies. Despite the presence of response contingencies, AD/HD children showed poor response inhibition compared with normal controls. Findings argue against a motivational explanation for the response inhibition deficit in AD/HD children  相似文献   
To investigate why men offer sperm donation via the internet, a questionnaire was disseminated via 39 Dutch-language websites thought to be visited by potential sperm donors. Nine internet donors completed the survey, men who typically knew the women they were donating to. Their responses were compared with those of a control group of 35 general sperm bank donors who were recruited using flyers in Dutch sperm banks, and who were typically unaware of the identity of the eventual recipients. The findings shed light on the motives and attitudes of internet donors. Both groups of donors indicated that their primary motivation for donating was altruism (>80% of all respondents). However, internet donors had a more pronounced desire to procreate than sperm bank donors (6 out of 9, i.e. 66 vs. 22%, respectively) and more often felt that they had good genes they wished to pass on (5 out of 9, i.e. 55 vs. 31%, respectively). The main reason internet donors gave for donating via the internet was that they wanted to know the prospective parents and be kept up to date on the progress of the offspring conceived from their donations. This distinguishes them significantly from sperm bank donors. A further finding was that they were not prompted to avoid the formal donation circuit for which, by law in the Netherlands, pregnancies resulting from donations have to be registered in a central database. This study is subject to several, in some cases inevitable, limitations, but it provides an interesting starting point that future studies can seek to confirm and extend.  相似文献   
Abstract. In order to survive as a species and grow in complexity, humanity must adopt a new image of what it means to be human, rediscover a reward system beyond the merely material, and see that young people find joy in challenges and in cooperating with others.  相似文献   
谢继红  刘华山 《心理科学进展》2012,20(12):2069-2078
无意识目标追求是指个体自动地追求由情境线索激活的目标, 而全然不知目标对自己行为的导向作用。无意识目标追求具有灵活性、抑制性和坚持性。无意识目标追求经由行动的无意识准备和目标价值的自动评估与努力过程实现。积极情绪、内隐态度和人际关系影响无意识目标追求。未来研究需要进一步探讨无意识目标追求的影响因素, 完善无意识目标追求的机制, 探究无意识目标追求结果对个体心理和行为的影响, 提高研究结果的生态效度, 拓展应用研究。  相似文献   
Psychophysics of Remembering: The Discrimination Hypothesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a psychophysical approach to remembering, the events to be remembered are discriminated from other possibilities at the time of remembering, and not at the time of encoding or learning. The discrimination is specific to the retention interval at which remembering occurs, as shown by experiments demonstrating that discriminability and response bias are delay–specific. This article discusses a discrimination model for remembering that emphasizes the individual's history of learning about reward payoffs in similar experiences in the past. This model predicts the two characteristics of forgetting functions, initial discriminability and rate of forgetting.  相似文献   
Adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are known to have stronger preferences for smaller immediate rewards over larger delayed rewards in delay discounting tasks than their peers, which has been argued to reflect delay aversion. Here, participants performed a delay discounting task with gains and losses. In this latter condition, participants were asked whether they were willing to wait in order to lose less money. Following the core assumption of the delay aversion model that individuals with ADHD have a general aversion to delay, one would predict adolescents with ADHD to avoid waiting in both conditions. Adolescents (12–17 years) with ADHD (n = 29) and controls (n = 28) made choices between smaller immediate and larger delayed gains, and between larger immediate and smaller delayed losses. All delays (5–25 s) and gains/losses (2–10 cents) were experienced. In addition to an area under the curve approach, a mixed-model analysis was conducted to disentangle the contributions of delay duration and immediate gain/delayed loss amount to choice. The ADHD group chose the immediate option more often than controls in the gain condition, but not in the loss condition. The contribution of delay duration to immediate choices was stronger for the ADHD group than the control group in the gain condition only. In addition, the ADHD group scored higher on self-reported delay aversion, and delay aversion was associated with delay sensitivity in the gain condition, but not in the loss condition. In sum, we found no clear evidence for a general aversion to delay in adolescents with ADHD.  相似文献   
心理韧性是指个体对不幸、逆境或挫折等压力情形的有效适应。以非人类动物为模型的心理韧性研究一般改称心理韧性为“抗逆力”, 本文也将沿用“抗逆力”来区分不同物种的韧性研究。近年来采用非人类动物模型对抗逆力神经机制的探索取得了重要进展, 内侧前额叶、海马、奖赏环路等脑区及其投射均参与调控抗逆力的表现, 操控其神经环路的影响与所面对的压力形式有关, 并且高抗动物拥有特异性适应机制。鉴于人类研究的伦理及实验手段等原因, 抗逆力的研究将为人类的韧性研究提供重要参考。  相似文献   
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