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Ursula Goodenough 《Zygon》2000,35(3):561-566
Religiopoiesis describes the crafting of religion, a core activity of humankind. Each religion is grounded in its myth, and each myth includes a cosmology of origins and destiny. The scientific worldview coheres as such a myth and calls for a religiopoietic response. The difficulties, opportunities, and imperatives inherent in this call are explored, particularly as they impact the working scientist.  相似文献   
Dose-dependent changes in sensitivity to reinforcement were found when rats were treated with low, moderate, and high doses of the partial dopamine D1-type receptor agonist SKF38393 and with the nonselective dopamine agonist apomorphine, but did not change when rats were treated with similar doses of the selective dopamine D2-type receptor agonist quinpirole. Estimates of bias did not differ significantly across exposure to SKF38393 or quinpirole, but did change significantly at the high dose of apomorphine. Estimates of goodness of fit (r2) did not change significantly during quinpirole exposure. Poor goodness of fit was obtained for the high doses of SKF38393 and apomorphine. Decrements in absolute rates of responding were observed at the high dose of quinpirole and at the moderate and high doses of SKF38393 and apomorphine. Changes in r2 and absolute responding may be due to increases in stereotyped behavior during SKF38393 and apomorphine exposure that, in contrast to quinpirole, were distant from the response lever. The present data provide evidence that sensitivity to reward is affected more strongly by dopamine D1-like receptors rather than D2-like receptors, consistent with evidence from other studies investigating consummatory dopamine behavior and the tonic/phasic dopamine hypothesis.  相似文献   
The effects of two widely abused drugs, ethanol and cocaine, were examined alone and in combination on intracranial reward processes. In agreement with previous research, higher doses of both cocaine and ethanol alone produced facilitation of behavior maintained by brain stimulation reward. Low intraperitoneal doses of ethanol and cocaine, which alone did not affect performance, were found to reduce stimulation reward threshold and modestly increase response rate. The enhancement of brain stimulation reward by the combination of ethanol and cocaine suggests that both drugs may produce their rewarding effects through common neuronal substrates and that they may potentiate the abuse of each other.  相似文献   
Investigated was a deficit in avoidance learning in situations of competing rewards and punishments in boys with behavior disorders. This learning style has been found to differentiate adults with psychopathy and controls and has been labeled reward dominance. The present study investigated the reward dominance paradigm in a group of 9- to 13-year-old boys with disruptive behavior disorders (N=21) and a normal control group (N=22). Subjects played four computer games programmed to provide the subject with a steadily decreasing ratio of rewards to punishments. Although the groups did not differ initially on the number of trials played, significant group differences emerged when measures of anxiety were included in the analysis. That is, boys with disruptive behavior disorders played more trials (reward dominance) only when the effect of anxiety was controlled. These findings are consistent with Gray's biobehavioral theory of personality and are also consistent with research indicating that anxiety is an important marker for a distinct subgroup of children with behavior problems.  相似文献   
Sensitive caregiving is an essential aspect of positive parenting that influences executive functions development, but the mechanisms underlying this association are less clear. Using data from the Family Life Project, a large prospective longitudinal sample of 1292 families residing in rural, predominately low-income communities, the current study examined whether sensitive caregiving impacts executive functions development by shaping behavioral reward processing systems in early postnatal life. Results indicated that higher levels of sensitive caregiving during infancy were associated with heightened reward responsivity at age 4, which in turn predicted superior executive functions ability at age 5. Notably, children's reward responsivity partially mediated the relationship between sensitive caregiving in infancy and executive functions ability at school entry. These findings add to prior work on early experience and children's executive functions and highlight caregiver scaffolding of developing reward processing systems as a potential foundational mechanism for supporting adaptive behavior and self-regulation across the lifespan.  相似文献   
Both stress and blunted reward responsiveness have been identified as core risk factors of depression. Whether blunted reward responsiveness increases psychological vulnerability to real-life stress from a dynamic perspective (from stress reactivity to recovery) has not been investigated. By utilizing a real-world stressful event (i.e. the final examination), this study aimed to explore the role of reward responsiveness in the stress-emotional distress relationship during stress reactivity and recovery phases. We followed 57 undergraduates with three assessments, from six weeks before examination weeks (T1, baseline), one day before the examinations (T2) to two weeks after the examinations (T3), therefore, covering stress reactivity (T1 to T2) and recovery (T2 to T3) phases. At baseline, reward responsiveness was measured as the Reward Positivity (RewP) in the doors task. Stress and emotional distress (anxiety and depression) were reported at T1, T2 and T3 to capture their dynamic changes. Results showed that self-report stress levels significantly increased from T1 to T2 (stress reactivity phase) and decreased from T2 to T3 (stress recovery phase). Furthermore, blunted reward responsiveness at baseline prospectively predicted emotional distress during the stress reactivity phase but not the recovery phase. Specifically, during the stress reactivity phase, higher perceived stress was associated with greater anxiety and depression only in participants with relatively smaller residual RewP amplitudes but not in participants with relatively larger residual RewP amplitudes. Our study demonstrated that a blunted reward responsiveness is a vulnerable factor of depression, especially when exposed to stress. Our findings provide insights into prevention and intervention for stress-related disturbance.  相似文献   
李小晶  李红  张婷  廖渝 《心理学报》2010,42(3):395-405
通过对情感决策的常用研究工具——标准爱荷华博弈任务进行了得失总量不变而频率改变的修改,并使之适合于年幼的3~5岁儿童,可以比较幼儿在不同奖惩频率任务中的表现,从而考察奖惩频率对幼儿情感决策的影响。对120名3~5岁幼儿在四种不同类型的任务中的表现进行分析后,所得实验结果如下:(1)儿童对惩罚和奖励频率的变化比较敏感:正向博弈任务中,"有利纸牌不变,不利纸牌的惩罚总量不变,只增加不利纸牌的惩罚频率"可以使3~5岁儿童完成博弈任务的成绩有显著提高;逆向博弈任务中,"不利纸牌不变,有利纸牌的奖惩总量不变,而有利纸牌奖励频率的增加"能促使4~5岁幼儿更多更快地做出正确选择。(2)幼儿的情感决策能力在3~4岁时期发展迅速,而在4~5岁时仍然有较快发展。  相似文献   
反馈相关负波(feedback-related negativity, FRN)是反馈加工诱发的脑电成分, 体现了个体对奖赏的敏感性。成瘾分为物质成瘾和行为成瘾, 两类个体的反馈加工都呈现病理性模式。相对于普通反馈物(如金钱), 物质成瘾个体在加工成瘾物质时诱发的FRN波幅显著增大; 在与非成瘾被试的对照研究中, 物质成瘾者加工金钱反馈时的FRN也表现出与成瘾相关的异常模式; 在行为成瘾个体中亦观察到与物质成瘾个体类似的FRN失调现象。但以往多数研究中对成瘾类型的区分还不够详细, 未来研究应进一步考虑成瘾不同亚型的特点; 且成瘾个体往往伴随其他精神障碍(如抑郁、焦虑), 将来的研究要区分共病因素的影响, 揭示成瘾独特的奖赏加工机制问题。  相似文献   
奖赏能够影响注意控制,但是关于奖赏历史对注意控制的影响还处于争论之中。本研究以大学生为被试,采用点探测范式,操作了奖赏历史和奖赏额度,考察了奖赏历史对自上而下注意控制的调节作用。实验一结果发现,有奖赏-无奖赏条件下前后阶段反应时无显著差异,无奖赏-有奖赏条件下有奖赏阶段的反应时显著短于无奖赏阶段。实验二操作了奖赏额度,结果与实验一一致。整个研究表明,奖赏历史促进自上而下注意控制,先前奖赏对随后自上而下注意控制产生持续促进效应。  相似文献   
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