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珠心算训练儿童加法心算的ERP早成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用事件相关电位(ERP)的方法,对32名儿童进行了双位数加法心算实验,探讨了珠心算训练方式对儿童加法心算加工早期感知觉的影响。研究结果表明,与非珠心算训练儿童相比,在加法心算过程的早期阶段,珠心算训练儿童枕部P1、额中央区的N1波幅增大,而颞枕区N170以及额中央区P2波幅减小。本研究结果发现珠心算训练对儿童心算过程的早期感知有显著影响。  相似文献   
郑媛媛  李晓庆 《心理科学进展》2011,19(12):1749-1758
主语优先是言语加工中的一种语序效应, 它具体表现为三个方面:论元歧义句的理解过程中, 首论元倾向于被解释为主语; 非歧义句的理解过程中, 首论元为宾语时的加工难于首论元为主语时的加工; 关系从句的理解过程中, 主语的提取比宾语的提取更容易。本文对主语优先现象主要进行了以下方面的论述:① 结合印欧语系和非印欧语系中的各种类型的语言, 详细分析了主语优先现象及其普遍性与特殊性; ② 主语优先现象的理论解释:基于工作记忆的理论、句法关联理论、突出性特征理论和基于频率的理论; ③ 与主语优先现象有关的脑电成分及其所体现的认知加工过程。最后, 结合已有的研究, 指出了主语优先现象未来的研究方向。  相似文献   
The optimality of the centroid method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Choulakian  Vartan 《Psychometrika》2003,68(3):473-475
The aim of this note is to show that the centroid method has two optimality properties. It yields loadings with the highest sum of absolute values, even in absence of the constraint that the squared component weights be equal. In addition, it yields scores with maximum variance, subject to the constraint that none of the squared component weights be larger than 1.This research is financed by NSERC of Canada. The author is grateful to Michel Tenenhaus for pointing the similarity of the procedures in the centroid method and Q-mode PCA in L1. The author also thanks the editor and associate editor for providing shorter proofs of the theorems, along with the referees for their helpful comments.  相似文献   
Despite the common occurrence of drug abusers in the psychoanalytic clinic, contemporary literature on the subject, particularly among publications in the IJP, is sparse. This paper aims to review the most important psychoanalytic contributions on drug dependency in the past 100 years, then attempts to compare their postulations to the findings ofpertinent prospective studies. In these patients, a persistent symbiotic object relationship is found, which ties them to narcissistic functioning, where drug use is viewed in the light of both pleasure without object and omnipotently controlled need. The author also discusses the possible contribution of the mother and father in the genesis of this condition, focusing on the compromise of the paternal function as the deciding factor. The theoretical and technical implications of this approach are illustrated by clinical material.  相似文献   
Component loss functions (CLFs) are used to generalize the quartimax criterion for orthogonal rotation in factor analysis. These replace the fourth powers of the factor loadings by an arbitrary function of the second powers. Criteria of this form were introduced by a number of authors, primarily Katz and Rohlf (1974) and Rozeboom (1991), but there has been essentially no follow-up to this work. A method so simple, natural, and general deserves to be investigated more completely. A number of theoretical results are derived including the fact that any method using a concave CLF will recover perfect simple structure whenever it exists, and there are methods that will recover Thurstone simple structure whenever it exists. Specific CLFs are identified and it is shown how to compare these using standardized plots. Numerical examples are used to illustrate and compare CLF and other methods. Sorted absolute loading plots are introduced to aid in comparing results and setting parameters for methods that require them.The author is very indebted to a reviewer for pointing him to the generalized hyperplane count literature and to all the reviewers for valuable comments and suggestions.  相似文献   
Abstract: Exploratory methods using second‐order components and second‐order common factors were proposed. The second‐order components were obtained from the resolution of the correlation matrix of obliquely rotated first‐order principal components. The standard errors of the estimates of the second‐order component loadings were derived from an augmented information matrix with restrictions for the loadings and associated parameters. The second‐order factor analysis proposed was similar to the classical method in that the factor correlations among the first‐order factors were further resolved by the exploratory method of factor analysis. However, in this paper the second‐order factor loadings were estimated by the generalized least squares using the asymptotic variance‐covariance matrix for the first‐order factor correlations. The asymptotic standard errors for the estimates of the second‐order factor loadings were also derived. A numerical example was presented with simulated results.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the nature of transition between stages. The Model of Hierarchical Complexity of tasks leads to a quantal notion of stage, and therefore delineates the nature of stage transition. Piaget's dialectical model of stage change was extended and precisely specified. Transition behavior was shown to consist of alternations in previous-stage behavior. As transition proceeded, the alternations increased in rate until the previous stage behaviors were “smashed” together. Once the smashed-together pieces became coordinated, new-stage behavior could be said to have formed. Because stage transition is quantal, individuals can only change performance by whole stage. We reviewed theories of the specific means by which new-stage behavior may be acquired and the emotions and personalities associated with steps in transition. Contemporary challenges in the society increasingly call for transition to postformal and postconventional responses on the part of both individuals and institutions as the examples illustrate.  相似文献   
采用理想点方法检验生活取向测验及其修订版的单维性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
该文从项目反应过程出发,认为可能是由于原有的维度分析方法将生活取向测验(LOT)及其修订版(LOT-R)这两个测验的项目反应理想点过程错误地限定为优势过程,导致两个测验违背单维性的结论;进而采用主成分分析的未旋转成分负荷散点图和对应分析的维度分数散点图,并结合项目相关矩阵法验证LOT和LOT-R的维度。结果显示LOT-R的单维性得到了验证,LOT由于包含两个测量应对的项目而导致违背单维性。最后作者提出应该与理想点过程相一致的心理计量学模型对LOT-R的数据进行分析。  相似文献   
阅读障碍检测的“差异模型”因其操作性强的特点备受研究者喜爱且已成为该领域研究中广为采用的检测模型,然而研究表明“差异模型”在理论与实践方面存在诸多弊端;鉴于此,一些研究者提出了基于阅读成分理论、以干预为导向、科学合理、简便易施的“成分模型”,从而避免了单一采用“差异模型”进行阅读障碍检测。研究表明“成分模型”在汉语阅读障碍检测和亚类型鉴定中同样具有可行性和有效性,因此尝试采用“成分模型”实施阅读障碍检测可以避免汉语阅读障碍检测方面存在的混杂现象,进而促使我国阅读障碍检测及亚类型鉴定朝向更加科学化、规范化方向迈进  相似文献   
期望、体验和回忆: 当消费者不能从体验中学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐菁  蒋多 《心理学报》2009,41(8):745-752
人们对消费体验的期望、回忆与真实体验时常发生分离, 而且人们很少从真实体验中得到学习。本研究认为原因之一是期望、体验和回忆三者基于不同的输入信息, 以及三者特殊的交互关系。本研究首先提出了一个关于消费者期望、体验和回忆的理论框架, 系统阐述了消费者何时不能从体验中学习以及如何能促进学习, 然后在一个消费情景中通过3×2混合实验设计考察了三者的关系。实验比较了在“预期(无体验)”、“体验后即时评价”和“体验后延迟评价”三种评价方式下被试对两种品牌火腿肠的口味评价和偏好选择。结果发现: 消费者对口味体验的期望和回忆相似, 但两者都和真实体验发生分离。最后, 本研究还讨论了这一理论框架在消费者行为中的应用、未来研究拓展等。  相似文献   
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