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We conducted a comprehensive literature review of studies of word retrieval in connected speech in healthy aging and reviewed relevant aphasia research that could shed light on the aging literature. Four main hypotheses guided the review: (1) Significant retrieval difficulties would lead to reduced output in connected speech. (2) Significant retrieval difficulties would lead to a more limited lexical variety in connected speech. (3) Significant retrieval difficulties would lead to an increase in word substitution errors and in pronoun use as well as to greater dysfluency and hesitation in connected speech. (4) Retrieval difficulties on tests of single-word production would be associated with measures of word retrieval in connected speech. Studies on aging did not confirm these four hypotheses, unlike studies on aphasia that generally did. The review suggests that future research should investigate how context facilitates word production in old age.  相似文献   
情景线索效应是指个体在视觉搜索过程中通过学习重复不变的情景信息提高搜索效率的现象。本文从情景线索效应相关行为特征、眼动特征及大脑神经活动等三个方面探讨了情景线索效应与选择性注意机制的交互作用,发现现有研究中存在着许多互相冲突的现象,增加了理解注意机制的难度。未来研究应结合认知神经科学技术寻找更多的实证数据,探索注意机制对情景线索效应的影响,以进一步完善情景线索效应中的注意机制理论。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of conceptual and perceptual properties of words on the speed and accuracy of lexical retrieval of children who do (CWS) and do not stutter (CWNS) during a picture-naming task. Participants consisted of 13 3–5-year-old CWS and the same number of CWNS. All participants had speech, language, and hearing development within normal limits, with the exception of stuttering for CWS. Both talker groups participated in a picture-naming task where they named, one at a time, computer-presented, black-on-white drawings of common age-appropriate objects. These pictures were named during four auditory priming conditions: (a) a neutral prime consisting of a tone, (b) a word prime physically related to the target word, (c) a word prime functionally related to the target word, and (d) a word prime categorically related to the target word. Speech reaction time (SRT) was measured from the offset of presentation of the picture target to the onset of participant's verbal speech response. Results indicated that CWS were slower than CWNS across priming conditions (i.e., neutral, physical, function, category) and that the speed of lexical retrieval of CWS was more influenced by functional than perceptual aspects of target pictures named. Findings were taken to suggest that CWS tend to organize lexical information functionally more so than physically and that this tendency may relate to difficulties establishing normally fluent speech and language.

Educational objectives: The reader will learn about and be able to (1) communicate the relevance of examining lexical retrieval in relation to childhood stuttering and (2) describe the method of measuring speech reaction times of accurate and fluent responses during a picture-naming task as a means of assessing lexical retrieval skills.  相似文献   

Three groups of healthy younger adults, healthy older adults, and probable AD patients, performed an addition/number comparison task. They compared 128 couples of additions and numbers (e.g., 4 + 9 15) and had to identify the largest item for each problem by pressing one of two buttons located under each item. Manipulations of problem characteristics (i.e., problem difficulty and splits between correct sums and proposed numbers) enabled us to examine strategy selection and specific arithmetic fact retrieval processes. Results showed that arithmetic facts retrieval processes, which were spared with aging, were impaired in AD patients. However, AD patients were able to switch between strategies across trials according to problem characteristics as well as healthy older adults, and less systematically than healthy younger adults. We discuss implications of these findings for further understanding AD-related differences in arithmetic in particular, and problem solving in general.  相似文献   
Cholinergic modulation of the hippocampus during encoding and retrieval   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The present experiments were aimed at determining whether acetylcholine (ACh) plays a role in encoding and retrieval of spatial information using a modified Hebb-Williams maze. In addition, the present experiments tested two computational models of hippocampal function during encoding and retrieval using a maze sensitive to hippocampal disruption. Thirty male, Long-Evans rats served as subjects. Chronic cannulae were implanted bilaterally into the CA3 (n=26) and CA1 (n=5) subregions of the hippocampus. Rats were tested using a modified Hebb-Williams maze. In the first experiment, rats were injected with either saline or scopolamine hydrobromide 10 min before testing for each day. The number of errors made per day per group was used as the measure of learning. Encoding was assessed by the average number of errors made on the first five trials of Day 1 compared to the last five trials of Day 1, whereas the average number of errors made on the first five trials of Day 2 compared to the last five trials of Day I was used to assess retrieval. No deficit was found for the saline group. The scopolamine group showed a deficit in encoding, but not retrieval. In the second experiment, rats were injected with either saline or physostigmine 10 min before testing each day. In contrast to the scopolamine groups, the physostigmine group showed a deficit in retrieval, but not encoding. To test whether the retrieval deficit was due to a disruption in storage or gaining access to the information two groups of rats received either saline on Day 1 and physostigmine on Day 2 or physostigmine on Day 1 and saline on Day 2. In addition, one group received physostigmine immediately after testing on Day 1. Data indicate that physostigmine causes a disruption of retrieval by means of a disruption in consolidation process. In conclusion, the cholinergic antagonist, scopolamine, disrupts encoding in both CA3 and CA1 subregions of the hippocampus. Furthermore, the cholinesterase inhibitor, physostigmine, boosts ACh action during a time when cholinergic levels need to decline for proper consolidation.  相似文献   
Carbon monoxide (CO) is most often thought of as an exogenous toxin rather than as a possible endogenous nootrope. However, a limited number of studies have suggested that CO is necessary in memory processing for at least some tasks. While nitric oxide (NO) and CO are known activators of guanylyl cyclase (GC), only the effect of NO on GC has been extensively investigated as a mechanism underlying memory processing. The aim of the present study was to determine if inhibition of CO production would have an effect on memory processing. Using chicks trained on a single trial passive avoidance task, inhibition of CO production using zinc (II) deuteroporphyrin IX 2,4-bis ethylene glycol (ZnBG; 5 microM) resulted in two transient retention losses occurring at around 40 and 130 min post-training. The timing of these transient retention losses was similar to those observed following inhibition of GC, using the same species and task in a previous study. This supports the notion that CO is necessary in memory processing for this task and may act through a GC-dependent mechanism. As ZnBG also directly inhibits GC or nitric oxide synthase (NOS) at high concentrations, a second experiment was carried-out to confirm the specificity of ZnBG for heme oxygenase (HO) at the concentration used. The action of ZnBG was challenged with the HO agonist hemin (100 microM) and the transient deficits were abolished. This confirmed that the action of ZnBG on memory was through a CO-related mechanism rather than directly on GC or NOS. In this way the specificity of ZnBG (5 microM) for HO could be confirmed. The results support a role for endogenous CO in memory processing, possibly through activation of GC. In addition, the transient retention losses observed following administration of ZnBG suggest that CO may be necessary for memory retrieval and not formation as previously thought.  相似文献   
The medial temporal lobe has been implicated in studies of episodic memory tasks involving spatio-temporal context and object-location conjunctions. We have previously demonstrated that an increased level of practice in a free-recall task parallels a decrease in the functional activity of several brain regions, including the medial temporal lobe, the prefrontal, the anterior cingulate, the anterior insular, and the posterior parietal cortices, that in concert demonstrate a move from elaborate controlled processing towards a higher degree of automaticity. Here we report data from two experiments that extend these initial observations. We used a similar experimental approach but probed for effects of retrieval paradigms and stimulus material. In the first experiment we investigated practice related changes during recognition of object-location conjunctions and in the second during free-recall of pseudo-words. Learning in a neural network is a dynamic consequence of information processing and network plasticity. The present and previous PET results indicate that practice can induce a learning related functional restructuring of information processing. Different adaptive processes likely subserve the functional re-organisation observed. These may in part be related to different demands for attentional and working memory processing. It appears that the role(s) of the prefrontal cortex and the medial temporal lobe in memory retrieval are complex, perhaps reflecting several different interacting processes or cognitive components. We suggest that an integrative interactive perspective on the role of the prefrontal and medial temporal lobe is necessary for an understanding of the processing significance of these regions in learning and memory. It appears necessary to develop elaborated and explicit computational models for prefrontal and medial temporal functions in order to derive detailed empirical predictions, and in combination with an efficient use and development of functional neuroimaging approaches, to further the understanding of the processing significance of these regions in memory.  相似文献   
The ability of 2-month-old infants to discriminate changes in a 5-object crib mobile following a retention interval of 24 hr was assessed using the mobile conjugate reinforcement paradigm. Infants were trained in 3 daily 15-min sessions to produce mobile movement by footkicking. Twenty-four hr later, independent groups received generalization tests with mobiles containing 1–5 novel objects substituted into their original training mobile. A control group was tested with the original training mobile. These findings were compared with findings of 2 previous studies involving identical procedures with 3-month-olds, reanalyzed for measures of individual performance over successive test minutes. Although, in absolute terms, 2-month-olds had a flat generalization gradient relative to 3-month-olds, when each infant's kick rate during the generalization test was expressed relative to that infant's kick rate before, and at the end of, training, it was found that the generalization gradients of 2- and 3-month-olds were indistinguishable. The relative response measures indicated a surprising degree of specificity by both age groups: Test mobiles containing more than 1 novel object did not cue retrieval, but test mobiles containing no more than 1 new object yielded perfect retention and complete generalization. These data indicate that infants as young as 2 months are capable of encoding and maintaining a representation of the specific details of their training context for at least 24 hr and, after that delay, can perform fine discriminations based on the discrepancy between their test context and that representation.  相似文献   
The aim of this article was to provide experimental evidence that classical dissociation between levels of consciousness associated with memory retrieval (i.e., implicit or explicit) can be explained in terms of task dependency and distinctiveness of traces. In our study phase, we manipulated the level of isolation (partial vs. global) of the memory trace by means of an isolation paradigm (isolated words among non-isolated words). We then tested these two types of isolation in a series of tasks of increasing complexity: a lexical decision task, a recognition task, and a free recall task. The main result of this study was that distinctiveness effects were observed as a function of the type of isolation (level of isolation) and the nature of the task. We concluded that trace distinctiveness improves subsequent access to the trace, while the level of trace distinctiveness also appears to determine the possibility of conscious or explicit retrieval.  相似文献   
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