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Detecting threat cues in the environment is an important aspect of social functioning. This is particularly true for adolescents as social threats become more salient and they navigate increasingly complex relationships outside of the family. Sleep relates to socioemotional processing throughout development, but the neurobiological relevance of sleep for threat perceptions in adolescence remains unknown. In the present study, 46 human adolescents (aged 14–18 years; 26 female) made judgments while undergoing a brain scan about whether unfamiliar, affectively neutral, computer‐generated faces were threatening. Prior to the scan, several indices of sleep were assessed nightly for two‐weeks using actigraphy. Sleep duration and poor sleep quality (defined as less efficiency, more awakenings, longer awakenings), factors influenced by biological and psychosocial changes during adolescence, elicited distinct neural activation patterns. Sleep duration was positively associated with activation in visual and face processing regions (occipital cortex, occipital fusiform gyrus), and this activation was linked to increased threat detection during the threat perception task. Sleep quality was negatively related to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation, which moderated the relation between reaction time (RT) and exposure to faces. Findings suggest reduced threat perception for adolescents with shorter sleep durations and more impulsive responding (as evinced by less consistent RT) for adolescents experiencing worse quality sleep. This study identifies an association between sleep and neural functioning relevant for socioemotional decision making during adolescence, a time when these systems undergo significant development.  相似文献   
This study investigated within-subject test-retest reproducibility (i.e., reliability) of language lateralization obtained with fMRI. Nine healthy subjects performed the same set of three different language tasks during two fMRI sessions on separate days (verb generation, antonym generation, and picture naming). A fourth task analysis was added in which the three tasks were analyzed conjointly (combined task analysis, CTA). The CTA targets brain areas that are commonly used in different language tasks, aiming more selectively at language-critical structures. The number of active voxels (i.e., robustness) and calculated lateralization index (LI) were compared across sessions, tasks, subjects, and two a priori defined volumes of interest (classical language regions versus whole hemisphere) for a wide range of statistical thresholds. Robustness and reliability strongly varied between task analyses. The CTA was a robust detector of language-related brain activity, in contrast to the single task approaches. The CTA and verb generation task allowed for reliable calculation of the LI. Higher thresholds yielded a clear increase in left lateralization, which was largest when calculated from active voxels in classical language regions.  相似文献   
外倾性和正性情绪关系的研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人格特质与情绪关系的研究表明外倾性与正性情绪存在一定相关,主要表现为以下几方面:(1)外倾个体在日常生活中体验到更多的正性情绪;(2)外倾个体对正性刺激有更为强烈的愉悦体验和情绪反应;(3)外倾个体对正性刺激有注意等认知加工偏向;(4)外倾程度与皮层及皮层下某些组织的激活程度相关。随着认知神经科学的发展,ERP及fMRI技术逐步被引入到这方面的研究中,进而从脑机制等方面更加客观的揭示了外倾性与正性情绪的关系。通过整合近年来的研究成果,分析现阶段的研究疑点,从人格理论假设,人格测量方法和实验方法这个三个方面探悉了疑点存在的原因,并在此基础上展望未来发展趋势  相似文献   
Jakob Hohwy 《Synthese》2007,159(3):315-328
Different cognitive functions recruit a number of different, often overlapping, areas of the brain. Theories in cognitive and computational neuroscience are beginning to take this kind of functional integration into account. The contributions to this special issue consider what functional integration tells us about various aspects of the mind such as perception, language, volition, agency, and reward. Here, I consider how and why functional integration may matter for the mind; I discuss a general theoretical framework, based on generative models, that may unify many of the debates surrounding functional integration and the mind; and I briefly introduce each of the contributions.  相似文献   
Two same/different discrimination tasks were performed by amateur-musician subjects in this functional magnetic resonance imaging study: Melody Discrimination and Harmony Discrimination. Both tasks led to activations not only in classic working memory areas--such as the cingulate gyrus and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex--but in a series of premotor areas involved in vocal-motor planning and production, namely the somatotopic mouth region of the primary and lateral premotor cortices, Broca's area, the supplementary motor area, and the anterior insula. A perceptual control task involving passive listening alone to monophonic melodies led to activations exclusively in temporal-lobe auditory areas. These results show that, compared to passive listening tasks, discrimination tasks elicit activation in vocal-motor planning areas.  相似文献   
Rapid object visual categorization in briefly flashed natural scenes is influenced by the surrounding context. The neural correlates underlying reduced categorization performance in response to incongruent object/context associations remain unclear and were investigated in the present study using fMRI. Participants were instructed to categorize objects in briefly presented scenes (exposure duration = 100 ms). Half of the scenes consisted of objects pasted in an expected (congruent) context, whereas for the other half, objects were embedded in incongruent contexts. Object categorization was more accurate and faster in congruent relative to incongruent scenes. Moreover, we found that the two types of scenes elicited different patterns of cerebral activation. In particular, the processing of incongruent scenes induced increased activations in the parahippocampal cortex, as well as in the right frontal cortex. This higher activity may indicate additional neural processing of the novel (non experienced) contextual associations that were inherent to the incongruent scenes. Moreover, our results suggest that the locus of object categorization impairment due to contextual incongruence is in the right anterior parahippocampal cortex. Indeed in this region activity was correlated with the reaction time increase observed with incongruent scenes. Representations for associations between objects and their usual context of appearance might be encoded in the right anterior parahippocampal cortex.  相似文献   
Our subjective confidence about particular events is related to but independent from the objective certainty of the stimuli we encounter. Surprisingly, previous investigations of the neurophysiological correlates of confidence and uncertainty have largely been carried out separately. After systematically reviewing the blood oxygenation-level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD fMRI) literature, and splitting studies on the basis of their task requirements, a voxel-based meta-analysis was performed to identify: (i) those regions which are replicably modulated by the uncertainty of environmental conditions; (ii) those regions whose activity is robustly affected by our subjective confidence; and (iii) those regions differentially activated at these contrasting times. In further meta-analyses the consistency of activation between these judgement types was assessed. Increased activation was consistently observed in the salience (anterior cingulate cortex and insula) and central executive network (dorsolateral prefrontal and posterior parietal cortices) in conditions of increased uncertainty; by contrast, default mode network (midline cortical and medial temporal lobe) regions robustly exhibited a positive relationship with subjective confidence. Regions including right parahippocampal gyrus were positively modulated by magnitude across both certainty and confidence judgements. This region was also shown to be more significantly modulated by confidence magnitude as compared with degree of environmental certainty. The functional and methodological implications of these findings are discussed with a view to improving future investigation of the neural basis of metacognitive judgement.  相似文献   
The Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory proposes that the Behavioral Approach System (BAS) comprises dopaminergic brain regions and underpins reward sensitivity causing impulsivity. It has been shown in a supraliminal priming task that highly reward sensitive subjects have a larger reaction time (RT) priming effect and make more commission errors to prime-incongruent targets. We adapted a similar task to event-related fMRI and hypothesized that (1) high reward sensitivity is associated with increased activation in dopaminergic brain regions, the ventral striatum in particular, (2) that BAS related personality traits predict impulsivity and (3) that the BAS effects are larger after adjusting for the interactive influence of trait avoidance, as predicted by the Joint Subsystems Hypothesis. Fourteen healthy females participated in the fMRI experiment and were scored on sensitivity to reward (SR) and trait avoidance, i.e., sensitivity to punishment (SP) and neuroticism (N). SR scores were adjusted by SP and N scores. As hypothesized, adjusted SR scores predicted, more than SR scores alone, activity in the ventral striatum (left caudate nucleus and nucleus accumbens). SR+/ SP− scores predicted increased impulsiveness, i.e., a right side RT priming effect. These results support the Joint Subsystems Hypothesis.  相似文献   
There is considerable evidence that prediction and attention aid perception. However, little is known about the possible neural mechanisms underlying the impact of prediction and unconscious attention on perception, probably due to the relative neglect of unconscious attention in scholarly literature. Here, we addressed this issue using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We adopted a variant of the double-cue paradigm, in which prediction and attention were factorially manipulated by two separate cues (prediction and attention cues). To manipulate consciousness, the attention cues were presented subliminally and supraliminally. Behaviorally, we reported an unconscious-attended effect in the predictable trials and a conscious-attended effect in the unpredictable trials. On the neural level, it was shown that prediction and unconscious attention interacted in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC). More specifically, there was a significantly decreased activation in dlPFC for predictable relative to unpredictable stimuli in the unconscious-attended trials, but not in the unconscious-unattended trials. This result suggests that prediction and unconscious attention operate synergistically to facilitate stimulus processing. This is further corroborated by the subsequent functional connectivity analysis, which revealed increased functional connectivity between the left dlPFC and the premotor cortex for predictable versus unpredictable stimuli in the unconscious-attended trials.  相似文献   
整体运动知觉老化伴随颞中回静息态功能改变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以个体整体运动一致性阈值为指标, 探讨老年人整体运动敏感性(GMS)下降和静息态下兴趣脑区功能活动的关系。发现与阈值负相关且老年人低于青年人的指标主要有:MT/V5区的ReHo和ALFF值, 各网络拓扑属性; 与阈值正相关且老年人显著高于青年人的有:MT/V5区与前运动皮层之间的、各兴趣脑区之间的功能连接。结果用“去分化”等观点进行了解释, 提示老年人GMS的下降可能不仅与安静状态下MT/V5区的功能改变有关, 还可能与全脑更广泛区域的功能改变有关。  相似文献   
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