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Neo-Confucianism of the Han and Tang dynasties is an indispensable part of the history of Chinese philosophy. From Han dynasty Confucians to Tang dynasty Confucians, the study of Confucian classics evolved progressively from textual research to conceptual explanation. A significant sign of this transformation is the book Lunyu Bijie 论语笔解 (A Written Explanation of the Analects), co-authored by Han Yu and Li Ao. Making use of the tremendous room for interpretation within the Analects, the book studied and reorganized the relationship between “the study of literature” and “the Dao and principles.” It clearly shows an inevitable development of Confucianism, shifting its focus from phenomena to the nature of the heart-mind in order to comprehend nature and heavenly Dao, both of which “cannot be heard (from Confucius).”  相似文献   
以1982~2012年中国期刊网收录的88例追踪研究为对象,从应用现状、设计特征、数据处理三方面分析和评估追踪研究方法在国内心理研究的应用情况及存在的问题。结果显示,2005年之前追踪研究方法应用增长缓慢,2005年开始呈显著增长趋势,研究对象以未成年及成年早期群体为主。主要采用固定样本追踪设计,大部分研究测量2-3次、样本量在10~300之间、持续时间在3年内。61例有缺失的研究中,38例用删除法处理缺失;主要运用 HLM、方差分析、t检验和SEM分析追踪数据。相当部分研究存在测量次数少、样本量较小、持续时间短、被试缺失严重及数据处理方法相对陈旧问题。追踪研究方法的应用应注意,根据理论模型和研究有效性要求确定设计类型和设计特征,根据数据特征选择缺失处理方法和追踪数据分析方法。  相似文献   
周潇 《管子学刊》2006,(1):123-127
晚明万历朝诗坛上,公安、竟陵风靡天下,笼盖一时,齐鲁诗坛却独树一帜,不为所动。齐鲁文人的审美取向总体上呈现出鲜明的地域文化特征,厌弃公安、竟陵,传扬历下诗脉,倡导浑厚雅正。万历前期,于慎行、公鼐、冯琦诸公立足齐鲁文化,标举“齐风”,倡言革新,“齐风”的内涵有雄浑大雅、自我树立、真情为宗、自然化工等;万历后期,王象春、公等人主张重开诗界,不袭陈言,诗风纵横放驰,“齐气”奔轶。  相似文献   
Freud 's declared position regarding the management of 'transference love' advocated 'abstinence', objectivity and even 'emotional coldness in the analyst'. However, his essay on Jensen's Gradiva reveals an identification with an involved and responsive 'maternal' analytic position associated with theorists such as Ferenczi, Balint and Winnicott. These theorists attribute the origins of transference love to the pre-oedipal stage, shaping their analytic model on the basis of the early relationship with the mother. Freud generally had difficulty identifying with such a position, since it entailed addressing his own inner feminine aspects. Yet a literary analysis of his 'Gradiva' reveals this stance in his textual performance, i.e. in the ways in which he reads and retells Jensen's story. Freud 's narration not only expresses identification with Zoe, the female protagonist, but also idealizes her 'therapeutic' conduct, which is closer in spirit to that of object-relations theorists. His subtext even implies, however unintended, that an ideal treatment of transference love culminates in a psychical 'marriage' bond between the analytic couple, a metaphor used by Winnicott to describe the essence of the mother–baby (analyst/patient) bond. Freud 's reading process is itself analogous to Zoe's 'therapeutic' conduct, in that both perform a creative and involved interaction with the text/patient.  相似文献   
This essay discusses the most recent manifestations of the debate of the law and literature movement. The essay traces the evolution of the Law and Literature schools and identifies some of their adherents and conclusions, shows how these schools have influenced the conceptual development and teaching of American law, presents connections between the Critical Legal Studies and Law and Economics movements in the U.S., and raises questions about the Law and Literature movement.  相似文献   
Robert Schaible 《Zygon》1997,32(2):277-288
By tracing the trajectory of his own personal and professional life, the author provides a perspective on how intellectual and religious or spiritual growth, while often seemingly at odds with each other, can nonetheless advance in a mutually enhancing manner. The historical conflict between literature and science is briefly outlined as a parallel to that between religion and science, and the importance of metaphor as a common element in all three fields is explored. Emphasis is placed on metaphor as a means of challenging absolutism, encouraging humility, and promoting a sense of wonder about the universe.  相似文献   
After 2003, Iraqi literature, particularly the novel, rediscovered the now extinct Jewish community in Iraq. The Jews were the first major community in Iraq to be completely erased. Writing about the Jews served to underline the pluralism of Iraqi society in the past and to admonish against a similar fate awaiting other small communities in Iraq today. This article will focus on two recent Iraqi novels, written by two of Iraq’s prominent novelists, in which Jews are at the centre of the narratives: ‘Ali Badr’s “Haris al-Tabagh” (The Guardian of the Tobacco Shop), 2008 and Khdair al-Zaydi’s “Atlas ‘Azran al-Baghdadi” (‘Azran al-Baghdadi’s Atlas), 2015a. These are not only ordinary Jews, they are the last Jews of Iraq and Baghdad. As such, I will argue, they are doomed by the writers to serve as symbols for something exceeding their lives (and deaths) as individuals or Jews. The novels thus are more about Iraqi national identity after 2003 than about the last Jews. By choosing “the last of the Jews” as a protagonist the authors signal a pessimistic end to the illusion of sustaining a version of a pluralistic and accommodating Iraqi national identity.  相似文献   

How does academic literature across various disciplines conceptualize and empirically address active citizenship? What are the potential benefits and dangers of dominant epistemological and ideological perspectives on ‘good citizenship’? Our paper engages with these questions by drawing on literature across 12 disciplines. We used textual analysis software T-LAB to quantify and visualize co-occurrences, word associations and thematic clusters in the abstracts of 770 texts gathered by eight country teams and original in-depth qualitative analyses of ideological positions and discourses taken up in a selection of key texts across the corpus. Our paper elaborates the findings: that many of the key themes surrounding young people and citizenship in the literature share little or no connection with European citizenship; that there is a significant gap in the literature on young European citizens; and that studies connected to internal, status-based factors connected to citizenship are far more prevalent than those examining external, practice-based factors or dissidence and dissent. Our conclusions examine the potential normative implications of the disjuncture between dominant conceptions and critical accounts of youth active citizenship.  相似文献   
岳友熙  李振 《管子学刊》2011,(3):100-105
齐国的开国君主姜太公在兴周灭商的过程中,充分领悟到了民众的巨大作用。因此,在齐国的建国之初,他就将民本思想列为治国之策。记录太公言论的《六韬》就充分证明了这一点。其后,春秋时期,管仲创造性地继承和发展了太公的治国方略,他在《管子》一书中正式提出了“以人为本”的概念,并且从爱民、利民、富民、惠民等几个方面阐释了以人为本的思想内涵。到了战国时.齐国的民本思想得到了空前的发展。在这一时期,齐国创建和发展繁荣稷下学宫,荟萃天下学人,百家争鸣,著书立说。随着以孔孟苟为代表的儒家思想传人齐国,极大地丰富了齐国的民本思想,并从理论上把民本思想升华到一个空前的高度。齐国的民本思想不仅内容十分丰富,而且具有鲜明的特色。这对我们今天建设有中国特色社会主义现代化强国,深入落实“三个代表”重要思想,树立科学发展观,具有极其重要的启示和借鉴价值。  相似文献   
Freud was more interested in literature than painting and sculpture, as Louis Fraiberg and Richard Sterba note. The question is how this affected his analysis of Leonardo's paintings and Michelangelo's sculpture of Moses The author argues that because he regarded them as intellectual puzzles to be psychoanalytically deciphered, he reduced them to a species of literature, suggesting his reluctance to recognize their aesthetic significance, and perhaps his inability to do so. The visual work of art becomes something to be read rather than seen. Its sensuousness is given short shrift. For example, Freud makes no mention of chiaroscuro and sfumato in his study of Leonardo—just those elements for which his art is famous as art. As Freud said, his analytic turn of mind kept him from obtaining any pleasure from what he could not rationally explain. The author traces Freud's elevation of the literary over the visual, and with that of the analyzable over the unanalyzable, to his critique of Charcot, whom he described as a visuel,' a man who sees his patients (and photographed them) rather than listens to them. Finally, Freud's dislike of modern art is contrasted with Karl Abraham's appreciation of its sensuous uniqueness. The general point is made that Freud didn't understand that the key to art was the artist's engagement with the medium.  相似文献   
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