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Employees’ innovative work behaviour can help firms’ competitiveness. Existing research focuses on several factors, including HR policies, psychological empowerment as well as manager and co-worker support, to explain innovative work behaviour. However, much of this literature analyses just one of these, neglecting how they interact and limiting our understanding of the causes of innovative work behaviour. Synthesizing this work, we develop a novel and holistic framework that examines 1) how high-involvement HR systems are linked via the mediating role of psychological empowerment to innovative work behaviour and 2) how both manager and co-worker support moderate this relationship. Analysing software companies in Pakistan, we use hierarchical linear modelling to assess this framework. We draw on a unique dataset that captures HR policies at the organizational level as well as management and co-worker support, and supervisors’ assessments of individuals’ innovative work behaviour at the individual level. We analyse specific groups of HR practices. Psychological empowerment mediates the relationship between high-involvement HR systems and employees’ innovative work behaviour. Manager and co-worker support moderate the relationship between psychological empowerment and innovative work behaviour. Motivation-enhancing HR practices have a direct effect on innovative work behaviour, whereas ability- and opportunity-enhancing ones are mediated by psychological empowerment.  相似文献   
Eye tracking research has shown that infants develop a repertoire of attentional capacities during the first year. The majority of studies examining the early development of attention comes from Western, high‐resource countries. We examined visual attention in a heterogeneous sample of infants in rural Malawi (= 312–376, depending on analysis). Infants were assessed with eye‐tracking‐based tests that targeted visual orienting, anticipatory looking, and attention to faces at 7 and 9 months. Consistent with prior research, infants exhibited active visual search for salient visual targets, anticipatory saccades to predictable events, and a robust attentional bias for happy and fearful faces. Individual variations in these processes had low to moderate odd‐even split‐half and test‐retest reliability. There were no consistent associations between attention measures and gestational age, nutritional status, or characteristics of the rearing environment (i.e., maternal cognition, psychosocial well‐being, socioeconomic status, and care practices). The results replicate infants’ early attentional biases in a large, unique sample, and suggest that some of these biases (e.g., bias for faces) are pronounced in low‐resource settings. The results provided no evidence that the initial manifestation of infants’ attentional capacities is associated with risk factors that are common in low‐resource environments.  相似文献   
Using a resource scarcity framework, the current study investigated whether Black people’s perceptions of competition for Black mates related to ascribing a Black identity onto Black/White Multiracial people. Participants took online questionnaires that assessed competition for Black mates, likelihood of forcing a Black identity onto a self-identified Black/White Multiracial person, essentialism, and contact with Multiracial people. Results indicated that increased perceptions of competition for Black mates was related to increased forced Black identity onto self-identified Black/White Multiracial people, above and beyond levels of essentialism and contact. This relationship was stronger for sexual minorities. The current research supports the proposition that scarcity of resources (i.e., mates) affects ideologies regarding Black/White Multiracial people’s identities.  相似文献   
Federally funded out‐of‐school time (OST) programs provide academic support, enrichment, and safety for students and families in low‐resource communities. However, programs struggle to meet these aims, in part because of the lack of program structure and limited training and support for staff. This observational case study documents the training and technical assistance (TA) delivered to OST frontline staff and program leadership to implement Positive Behavior in Out‐of‐School Time (Positive BOOST), an adaptation of positive behavior interventions and supports conducted in multiple settings. Findings across three programs indicate that varied levels of TA (i.e., business as usual, performance feedback, coaching) are associated with different levels of staff‐ and program‐level implementation. Taken together with previous research, these findings suggest that targeted investment in developing the skills of OST staff and improving program‐wide outcomes is critical for supporting youth in low‐resource communities.  相似文献   
组织公正感的研究近些年在美国受到了众多学者的关注,其研究成果也越来越多地被运用于公司管理的实践。而在中国,组织公正感理论还鲜为人知。本文试图对组织公正感理论的内容及其研究成果作一系统的分析,并在此基础上,阐述其对中国人力资源管理实践的意义,以及如何运用组织公正感理论。  相似文献   
The current study examined the occupational stress-strain relationship among a sample of 109 white-collar employees in Singapore. Participants completed a survey that assessed the presence of 8 human resource practices (job training, communication, job redesign, promotional opportunities, employee involvement, family-friendly policies, pay systems, and individual-focused stress interventions [SMIs]), 2 major stressors (role overload and responsibility), 2 types of strain (vocational and interpersonal), and organizational commitment. Results indicate that human resource (HR) practices did not reduce the sources of stress (role overload and responsibility) within the workplace. However, there was a direct negative relationship between HR practices and interpersonal strain. In particular, family-friendly practices, job training, and SMIs reduced interpersonal strain. An examination of vocational strain showed that it was negatively associated with SMIs and job training. In addition, organizational commitment mediated the relationship between HR practices and vocational strain. It was concluded that HR practices may be effective as part of a symptom-directed approach to stress intervention and that further replication of these results in both Asian and Western samples is required.  相似文献   
章哲明  金盛华  吴嵩  周翔 《心理学报》2013,45(4):453-465
过去社会困境的领导研究大多都以被试作为领导, 发现贴上领导标签后, 被试倾向于拿取更多的公共资源, 从而有碍公共利益的实现。本研究指出, 如果领导的背叛行为能够使群体成员表现出自我节制行为的话, 那么设置领导则有可能促进公共利益的实现。研究通过三个实验, 考察领导与普通群体成员不同的行为方式以及领导的产生方式对群体成员行为的影响, 并检验公平理论和社会认同理论的解释力。研究结果表明, 领导表现出背叛行为时, 被试表现出更多的自我节制行为; 指派领导及外群体选举领导背叛时, 被试表现出更多的自我节制行为, 验证了社会认同理论的正确性。  相似文献   
资源两难问题的研究及其新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为多人社会两难问题的基本范式之一,近年来资源两难问题引起了包括社会学家、经济学家和心理学家在内诸多领域研究者越来越多的关注。文章介绍了资源两难问题的定义、特点、研究意义并总结了以往的研究成果,着重介绍了Samuelson和Messick于1994年提出的资源两难决策模型。在此基础上进一步指出以往研究存在的一些不足,如忽视了对不确定性的研究等。文章最后指出了近年来有关资源两难问题的研究在心理学界的发展,并提出了对以后研究的一些建议。  相似文献   
城镇化是当前的热点问题,而城镇化中的卫生问题引起了学界的广泛关注。重庆是西部唯一的直辖市和国家中心城市,自身具有大城市带大农村的典型城乡二元结构特征,对重庆市城镇化过程中城乡卫生资源配置现状及对策的研究对全国其他省市具有借鉴意义。本文运用文献查询和专家咨询法,对主要卫生指标进行对比分析,运用基尼系数评价城乡、区域间卫生资源配置的公平性,针对存在的主要问题,提出建议。  相似文献   
卫旭华 《心理科学》2017,40(1):129-135
关系型决策往往涉及关系行使人和关系受益人两大主体。先前研究很少考察关系受益人的非关系因素对关系行使人决策结果的影响。为了弥补这一缺陷,通过一系列的实验室实验来检验关系受益人的绩效水平对关系行使人资源分配结果的影响。四个组内实验设计重复验证了如下结果:当关系受益人绩效明显低于同伴时,关系行使人会照顾关系受益人,并做出对关系受益人更有利的不公平资源分配;然而,当关系受益人绩效明显高于同伴的时候,关系行使人不会照顾关系受益人,并做出更为公平的资源分配。这说明只有当人们处于明显劣势的时候,关系才会在资源分配过程中起到一定的补偿作用。研究结果有助于理论界和实践界更好地理解关系型决策过程。  相似文献   
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