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This qualitative study examined high‐achieving urban African American high school graduates' (N = 5) retrospective appraisal of what K–12 students from high‐risk urban areas need to succeed academically despite seemingly insurmountable social, financial, and educational barriers. Findings revealed 6 themes: shared responsibility for educational outcomes, being a part of the solution, parental involvement by any means, natural support systems, school counselors as change agents, and community collaboration to raise a scholar. Recommendations for school counselors are discussed. Este estudio cualitativo examinó la opinión retrospectiva de un grupo de graduados Afroamericanos urbanos de alto nivel académico en educación secundaria (N = 5) sobre lo que necesitan los estudiantes de K–12 en áreas urbanas de alto riesgo para tener éxito académico a pesar de las barreras sociales, económicas y educativas aparentemente infranqueables. Los hallazgos revelaron 6 temas: responsabilidad compartida por los resultados educativos, ser parte de la solución, implicación de los padres en cualquier modo posible, sistemas naturales de apoyo, consejeros escolares como agentes de cambio, y colaboración comunitaria para educar a un individuo estudioso. Se discuten recomendaciones para los consejeros escolares.  相似文献   

En este trabajo Francisco Valle cuestiona el enfoque de la literatura americana sobre el lenguaje de los niños, en la que se considera el orden de las palabras como el medio estructural básico para transmitir significados y comunicar diferentes intenciones. Fundamenta sus críticas desde cuatro vertientes: datos provenientes de otras lenguas, algunas excepciones en niños angloparlantes o anglodiscentes, resultados de estudios de aceptabilidad gramatical y la nueva orientación de la lingüística y la psicología del lenguaje, para las que el componente semántico se ha convertido en el núcleo mismo del lenguaje. El autor coincide con Howe en el peligro del adultomorfismo, sugiriendo que tal vez la única manera de comprobar la presencia de intenciones semánticas en las expresiones lingüísticas infantiles sea comparar nuestras interpretaciones con las supuestas intenciones reales de los niños, retomando para ello el método de las expansiones inadecuadas. En la última parte se aclaran algunas confusiones cometidas por Bushnell y Aslin al aplicar este método y se explican las diferencias entre significado referencial y relacional, finalizando con un resumen de los puntos básicos que hay que tener en cuenta al hacer expansiones inadecuadas.  相似文献   
The research into the phenomenon of cultural trauma is growing as the effects of historical transformations are recognized and analysed. The concept of cultural trauma and the analytic concept of the cultural complex is a suitable theoretical approach for this research. The Lithuanian experience of cultural trauma after the historical shifts indicates the importance of the interplay between societal and individual factors in coping with trauma. Academic psychotraumatological studies carried out at Vilnius University indicate a stronger traumatic experience by people who are survivors of direct political repression and even intergenerational transmission of trauma, but this group also seems to demonstrate an intergenerational transmission of resilience. Paradoxically, from a long‐term perspective, the victims of direct repression seem to have suffered less than the people who accommodated to the regime, and this applies also to their offspring. Analysis in terms of overcoming cultural trauma indicates that society is gradually integrating historic traumatic experiences, although a healthy cultural identity has not yet been restored.  相似文献   
Using a methodology derived from management and organizational studies, the author reviews the future of Jungian analysis. The methodology is termed SWOT – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats. A selected list in each of these categories is presented. The author is transparent in allowing for the fact that the paper not only derives from a public lecture on the topic, but also retains the immediacy and the contrarian and opinionated style of such a lecture.  相似文献   
Introducing the ‘participatory’ paradigm associated with the work of transpersonalists Richard Tarnas and Jorge Ferrer, the author outlines an approach to Jung's archetypal thinking that might offer a more adequate basis in which to ground a non‐reductive approach to practice. In order to demonstrate the relevance of this outlook at the present time, the author begins by examining recent debates concerning the nature of ‘truth’ in the clinical setting. Reflecting on the difficulties analysts face in attempting to maintain professional authority without falling into an implicit authoritarianism, it is argued that any approach to therapy seeking to orient itself towards ‘the unconscious’ must posit the challenges of pluralism as a central concern for practice. With reference to the relationship between analytical psychology and the psychoanalytic mainstream, attention is drawn to the theoretical problems raised by the relational commitment to constructivist epistemologies, and a consequent tendency towards biological reductionism. Turning to the Jungian literature, similar tensions are observed at play in the present state of analytical psychology. Drawing attention to the process‐oriented qualities of Jung's work, it is suggested that the speculative nature of Jung's psychology offers a more adequate basis for contemporary practice than might be assumed.  相似文献   
This paper describes a case study of a 60-year-old Peruvian refugee in some detail, focusing on the importance of building emotional resilience in a patient in Spanish in order to create a space for learning the English language – the patient did not speak English after 20 years of living in Britain. The work was carried out with an interpreter and some of the literature on working with interpreters is referred to. The paper also briefly outlines the refugee journey in broad terms, which is a journey from the culturally known to the culturally unknown. The question of how well the literature on resilience, which sits firmly within a Western developmental perspective, can be applied to refugees, most of whom come from group and family-based cultures dominated by ideas of honour and shame, is discussed. The paper also touches on the importance of the receiving country enabling or not, as the case may be, a transitional space for refugees who have lost their home and are seeking to find a safe haven in a strange culture.  相似文献   
Prior research indicates that couples who cope with chronic illness from a relational “we” orientation experience more positive outcomes than couples that cope individually; however, little prior research identifies clinical processes that promote reciprocity or how societal gender processes are involved. This grounded theory analysis of 25 videotaped therapy sessions with six heterosexual couples coping with chronic liver disease (LD) used a feminist-informed relational lens to focus on the clinical processes involved in shifting from an individual to a relational orientation. Findings identified three contextual barriers to attaining a “we orientation”: (a) autonomy discourse, (b) illness-related power, and (c) gendered power. Analysis detailed therapist actions that decreased the impact of barriers to reciprocity and fostered relational coping. Clinical implications attend to complex intersections among gender, caregiving, and contextual barriers to reciprocity.  相似文献   
This study explored how individual- and community-based resilience factors operated together in order to reduce risk of suicide for a sample of transgender therapy clients. We collected cross-sectional survey data from 106 transgender therapy clients at a local community center, including demographic information, experiences of relational support, participants' emotional stability, and risk for suicide. Results from our mediation analysis indicated that high levels of perceived relational support are related to reduced risk for suicide and that this happens by way of a person's emotional stability. Clinical implications for family therapists are discussed based on the significant indirect effect found in this study.  相似文献   
This study explores factors that influence problem‐solving coping style across cultures. There was no significant difference in applying problem solving across U.S., Taiwanese, and Chinese samples. The effective predictors of problem solving in the U.S. and Chinese samples were self‐efficacy and trait resilience, respectively. In the Taiwanese sample, predictors were self‐efficacy and trait resilience. Trait resilience was found to mediate the effect of self‐efficacy on problem solving in the Taiwanese and Chinese samples. Practical implications are discussed. Este estudio explora factores que influyen en el estilo de afrontamiento a la resolución de problemas aplicado a distintas culturas. No se halló una diferencia significativa en la aplicación de resolución de problemas entre muestras estadounidenses, taiwaneses y chinas. Los predictores efectivos de la resolución de problemas en las muestras estadounidense y china fueron respectivamente la autoeficacia y los rasgos de resiliencia. En la muestra taiwanesa, los predictores fueron las autoeficacia y los rasgos de resiliencia. Se halló que los rasgos de resiliencia mediaron el efecto de la autoeficacia sobre la resolución de problemas en las muestras taiwanesa y china. Se discuten las implicaciones prácticas.  相似文献   
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