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En este trabajo Ekman y Oster sintetizan los estudios acerca de las expresiones faciales de la emoción. Comienzan presentando los datos observados y las cuestiones pendientes de los estudios transculturale s y evolutivos, centrándose a continuación en el repaso de las mediciones faciales llevadas a cabo desde diversas perspectivas, en las cuestiones relativas a la exactitud de la información proporcionada por la expresión y en los trabajos sobre retroalimentación facial. La última parte se reserva a la exposición del control neural y correlatos autónomos de la expresión facial, cerrando su síntesis con una visión prometedora de las aportaciones de investigaciones futuras en este campo a otras áreas de la psicología y citando varios hallazgos que muestran cómo el estudio de la expresión facial puede ayudar a entender algunos de los aspectos prácticos de la interacción social.  相似文献   

El objetivo del trabajo radica en llevar a cabo una revisión sobre el estado actual de las investigaciones rejerentes a los aspectos psicosociales de la religión.

Se comienza planteando los problemas que ello extraña: escaseZ de investigaciones rigurosas, connotaciones ideológicas de los planteamientos y estrategias, diversas y contrapuestas acepciones de términos elementales, etc.

Se aborda la polémica que ba enfrentado a psicólogos y teólogos, que, a pesar de su poca operatividad, ha supuesto un foco de interés.

Se analiza la multidimensionalidad de las actitudes religiosas, aportaciones realizadas al respecto y los instrumentos de medida que han gomado de mayor predicamento.

Se concluye con la exposición panorámica de las investigaciones actuales más relevantes sobre el tema, señalando cómo se han ocupado básicamente de correlacionar las actitudes religiosas o la religiosidad con diversas variables de personalidad, como autoritarismo, neuroticismo, autoestima, etc.  相似文献   

La presente investigación tiene como sujetos a dos pequeños gorilas criados artificialmente. Entre ellos y sus cuidadoras se han creado episodios de juego manipulativo al efecto de que emergieran «formatos de acción conjunta», los cuales son típicos de los niños que se hallan en el mismo nivel de desarrollo. La respuesta de los gorilas ha sido muy pobre. Ha quedado, sin embargo, patente en otros episodios que los pequeños gorilas eran capaces de entender a sus cuidadoras y de hacerse entender de ellas. Esto nos ha llevado a estudiar hasta dónde llega ese «mutuo entendimiento» o capacidad de «compartir significados» atribuibles a estos antropoides. Dado que las acciones comunicativas más notables han ocurrido en situaciones que involucraban la satisfacción de alguna necesidad y también en el juego movido, hemos planteado la relación que existiría entre sistemas motivacionales y acción comunicativa. Nuestra elaboración teórica nos permite desvelar algunos de los prerrequisitos de la función simbólica y de las formas de comunicación más avanzadas que se dan ya entre los niños y no en nuestros gorilas como tampoco probablemente en los demás antropoides.  相似文献   
Family therapists have a unique opportunity to contribute toward the reduction of widespread mental health disparities impacting diverse populations by developing applied lines of research focused on cultural adaptation. For example, although evidence‐based prevention parent training (PT) interventions have been found to be efficacious with various Euro‐American populations, there is a pressing need to understand which specific components of PT interventions are perceived by ethnic minority parents as having the highest impact on their parenting practices. Equally important is to examine the perceived cultural relevance of adapted PT interventions. This qualitative investigation had the primary objective of comparing and contrasting the perceived relevance of two culturally adapted versions of the efficacious parenting intervention known as Parent Management Training, the Oregon Model (PMTO). According to feasibility indicators provided by 112 Latino/a immigrant parents, as well as findings from a qualitative thematic analysis, the core parenting components across both adapted interventions were identified by the majority of research participants as relevant to their parenting practices. Participants exposed to the culturally enhanced intervention, which included culture‐specific sessions, also reported high satisfaction with components exclusively focused on cultural issues that directly impact their parenting practices (e.g., immigration challenges, biculturalism). This investigation illustrates the relevant contributions that family therapy scholars can offer toward addressing mental health disparities, particularly as it refers to developing community‐based prevention interventions that achieve a balance between evidence‐based knowledge and cultural relevance.  相似文献   
A systematic review of self‐report family assessment measures was conducted with reference to their psychometric properties, clinical utility and theoretical underpinnings. Eight instruments were reviewed: The McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD); Circumplex Model Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales (FACES); Beavers Systems Model Self‐Report Family Inventory (SFI); Family Assessment Measure III (FAM III); Family Environment Scale (FES); Family Relations Scale (FRS); and Systemic Therapy Inventory of Change (STIC); and the Systemic Clinical Outcome Routine Evaluation (SCORE). Results indicated that five family assessment measures are suitable for clinical use (FAD, FACES‐IV, SFI, FAM III, SCORE), two are not (FES, FRS), and one is a new system currently under‐going validation (STIC).  相似文献   
We describe how we think of identity as relational, distributed, performed, and fluid, and we illustrate the use of this conceptualization within a narrative worldview. Drawing on the work of Michael White, we describe how this relational view of identity leads to therapeutic responses that give value to interconnection across multiple contexts and that focus on becoming rather than on being. We show how a narrative worldview helps focus on the relational, co‐evolving perspective that was the basis of our early attraction to family therapy. We offer detailed examples from our work of practices that help us stay firmly situated in a relational worldview that is counter to the pervasive influence of individualism in our contemporary culture.  相似文献   
Undergraduates (N = 135) evaluated 1 of 4 simulated 1st counseling sessions. Two international counselors (Canadian and Korean) alternated between making or not making broaching statements about their language and cultural differences. Significant main effects for counselor nationality and interaction effects between counselor nationality and broaching were found. Participants perceived the Canadian counselor more positively and the Korean counselor less positively in the broaching condition. Participants' cognitive flexibility was a significant covariate of their perceptions. Un grupo de estudiantes universitarios (N = 135) evaluó 1 de 4 sesiones iniciales de consejería simuladas. Dos consejeros internacionales (canadiense y coreano) alternaron entre hacer comentarios o no para abordar las diferencias entre sus idiomas y culturas. Se encontraron efectos principales significativos en relación a la nacionalidad del consejero y una interacción entre la nacionalidad y el abordamiento. Los participantes percibieron al consejero canadiense de forma más positiva y al consejero coreano de forma menos positiva en la situación de abordamiento. La flexibilidad cognitiva de los participantes fue una covariable significativa en su percepción.  相似文献   
This study sought to determine changes in 121 White counseling students following their participation in an experiential, race‐based course taught in a group format. Pre‐ and postoutcomes were reported based on instruments that measured White racial identity development, White privilege, color blindness, and the costs of racism. Findings indicated significant changes according to the majority of measures, although with certain distinctions. Findings are discussed in light of the current literature. Este estudio trató de determinar los cambios en 121 estudiantes blancos de consejería después de su participación en un curso experiencial basado en la raza que se enseñó en formato de grupo. Se comunicaron los resultados previos y posteriores basándose en instrumentos que midieron el desarrollo de la identidad racial blanca, el privilegio blanco, la falta de percepción de color y los costos del racismo. Los hallazgos indicaron cambios significativos según la mayoría de mediciones, aunque con ciertas distinciones. Se discuten los hallazgos a la luz de las investigaciones actuales.  相似文献   
This study began with curiosity regarding how long‐term couples with children manage their relationships in view of changing societal demands and ideals. Couples interviewed for this study described the intersection of time and intimacy as a core issue. Thus, this analysis focused on how couples construct intimacy in shared time. The diverse sample included 17 heterosexual working and professional class couples in the United States who had been committed for at least 10 years and whose oldest child was aged 6–16. Analysis identified four types of shared time experiences: gender divided, elusive, growing, and emotionally connected. Four factors influenced these types: (a) negotiated gendered differences, (b) intentionality, (c) mutual attending, and (d) dyadic friendship. The most emotionally connected couples reported that time together reinforced satisfaction and pleasure from their relationships. Results help explain different ways couples successfully negotiate changing expectations for heterosexual relationships and why some couples struggle. Findings suggest that therapists help couples intentionally develop habits of friendship and mutual attending.  相似文献   
The current study explored the multifaceted nature of the mother–adolescent coparental relationship with data from 167 Mexican‐origin adolescent mothers and their own mothers at 10 months post childbirth. Profiles of mother–adolescent coparenting were created with latent profile analysis using adolescents’ reports of three dimensions of coparenting (communication, involvement, and conflict). Four profiles were identified: (a) Harmonious Coparents (equal involvement, high communication, low conflict); (b) Harmonious‐Adolescent Primary (adolescent is more involved than mother, high communication, low conflict); (c) Conflictual Coparents (equal involvement, high communication, high conflict); and (d) Conflictual‐Adolescent Primary (adolescent is more involved than mother, moderate communication, high conflict). Families characterized by high mother–daughter conflict and psychological control prior to childbirth were more likely to belong in the Conflictual Coparents profile. In addition, adolescents’ and mothers’ depressive symptoms and parenting efficacy after childbirth were linked to profile membership, such that the Harmonious‐Adolescent Primary profile reported the most positive adjustment patterns, whereas profiles with high coparental conflict (i.e., Conflictual Coparenting and Conflictual‐Adolescent Primary profiles) showed the least positive adjustment patterns. Discussion considers the applied implications of identifying precursors to healthy and problematic mother–daughter coparenting for families of adolescent mothers in the early years of parenting.  相似文献   
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