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A growing number of approaches in psychotherapy make use of internet‐ and other media‐based interactions. This paper discusses the impact on the therapist‐client relationship of using media technology and gives an overview of the current state of the debate. It is suggested that the technical conditions of internet‐based interactions produce new forms of social relationships that differ significantly from face‐to‐face‐interactions and that unconscious, nonverbal cues get lost. Research on the therapeutic interaction making use of ‘discourse linguistic’ methods is presented. The loss of nonverbal cues has implications for psychotherapy in general and especially for the treatment of patients who have difficulties relying on a secure therapeutic relationship. Emotional security in interactional relationships is transmitted to a much greater extent by nonverbal cues than by verbal content; psychoanalytic methods are specialized to refer to this level of interaction. Two alternative scenarios are discussed based on the psychoanalytic theories of Winnicott and Lacan: the risk of an illusionary, idealized image of the other and the possibility that cyberspace can be used for psychological development as a transitional space.  相似文献   
Psychotherapy research is a rapidly developing area of study that aims to explore the integration of inner and outer conditions of an individual’s experience, the interplay between subjective and objective, as well as between individual and collective. Questions regarding a more integrative view and qualitative research in psychotherapy are discussed in the paper. The author introduces some ideas from the studies on psychotherapy effectiveness that were done at Vilnius University by a group of researchers who work in the ‘Centre for research on the psychodynamics of personality’. Clinical psychologists who hold a doctorate degree or who are in doctoral studies in the Department of Psychology at Vilnius University are members of this research group. The subjective understanding about healing episodes and the development of depth premises were the main tasks of these studies. Among other methods, the researchers used the drawing a picture of a healing moment and telling a psychotherapy story recalled by the client to collect data. Two examples of drawing a picture of a healing moment and one example of telling a therapy story are analyzed in the paper. The themes of subjective experience of renewal in psychotherapy as well as the multiplicity of experience and results in psychotherapy are discussed in the paper with case illustrations. This study showed that drawing a picture opens one more dimension of reflection and that it can be an appropriate tool for developing individual narratives as well. Authoring and re‐authoring one’s life narrative is accepted as part of a productive therapy as well as discovering one’s inner authorship. The ability to follow a succession of meanings, as well as a connection to nature and culture could be one of the ways of actualizing an integrative view in psychotherapy research.  相似文献   
This paper gives an overview of psychoanalytic process research, which brings to light the complexity of psychotherapy sessions. This complexity is so rich that many instruments intended to make the process measurable failed in the past because they initially used a strategy of complexity reduction. This method however did not help to further our understanding of the complexity involved. Three former presidents of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (Stiles, Hill, Elliot 2015) decided to solve the following equivalence paradox: many therapies work successfully though they all follow different theories, produce a heterogeneity of processes and often enough a misfit between what theories maintain to be a good process and their realization in the treatment room. As theories are often compared to maps, a driver would wonder which route to take. But therapists‐as‐drivers go undaunted ‐ and nevertheless achieve their goals together with their patients. Norcross and Wampold (2018) found that good therapists invent new therapies with every new patient. They hypothesize that it is because of conversation. This is in accord with the 3 former presidents’ proposal to return to detailed single case analyses including the micro‐analytic power of conversation analysis of which a few insights are outlined in this article.  相似文献   
The field of infant mental health is conventionally comprised of professional discourses including developmental science, psychology, and psychiatry, among others, and involves spheres of practice as wide-ranging as pediatrics, maternal/child health, early intervention, early care and education, and child welfare. The World Association of Infant Mental Health [WAIMH] put out its position paper on the rights of infants in 2014 (amended in March 2016) in recognition of the human rights implications of professional understanding of infants’ unique, yet universal, developmental capacities and needs. This article links the policy issues outlined in the WAIMH position paper with critical issues in the field of reproductive justice, extending the reach of WAIMH's call to action on behalf of infants’ rights, and pointing the way toward potent alliances among interconnected movements. Connecting the dots among economic injustice, race-based health disparities, and gender inequities, the article demonstrates that it is not possible to safeguard infant mental health unless we make reproductive justice a reality.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die Häufigkeit somatoformer Symptome in einer dermatologischen Universitätsambulanz untersucht. An der Studie nahmen n=195 Patienten teil, die Screeningfragen zu somatoformen, dermatologischen und depressiven Symptomen ausfüllten. Zusätzlich wurde eine dermatologische Beurteilung der Symptome hinsichtlich der Ätiologie erfasst. Danach wiesen 26,2% der Patienten Hinweise auf eine somatoforme Störung auf; am häufigsten waren somatoforme Schmerzstörung (16,9%) und körperdysmorphe Störung (15,4%). Unter den spezifischen dermatologischen Symptomen wurde Juckreiz besonders häufig (10,3%) als somatoform klassifiziert. Der Anteil von Patienten mit erhöhten depressiven Beschwerden lag bei 17,3%. Die Ergebnisse sprechen für eine erhöhte Prävalenz somatoformer Störungen bei dermatologischen Patienten. Die Identifizierung und psychotherapeutische Versorgung dieser Patientengruppe sollte in der dermatologischen Routineversorgung mehr Beachtung finden.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung W?hrend im ersten Teil der übersicht über die Relevanz der Bindungstheorie Grundlagen und Methoden der Bindungsforschung skizziert wurden, werden nun die m?glichen Implikationen der Theorie für die Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik er?rtert. überlegungen zur allgemeinen klinischen Relevanz und zum Verh?ltnis der Bindungstheorie zur Psychoanalyse bilden die Basis für die Darstellung konkreter Anwendungen von Ergebnissen der Bindungsforschung in der therapeutischen Praxis. Es folgen zusammenfassende Darstellungen von Untersuchungen, die sich mit der Bedeutung von Bindungscharakteristika für die Entwicklung psychosomatischer St?rungen und die Krankheits- bzw. Stre?verarbeitung befassen sowie von Studien, in denen Bindungscharakteristika psychischen St?rungen zugeordnet wurden. Schlie?lich wird die Bedeutung der Theorie für die Psychotherapie und die Psychotherapieforschung dargestellt.   相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Psychotherapie ist in den industrialisierten L?ndern ein fester Bestandteil der modernen Heilkunst geworden. In diesen Gesellschaften übernehmen die Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten wichtige soziale und kulturelle Aufgaben. Zun?chst wird deshalb der Kontext dargestellt, in dem das Wissen über Psychotherapie als Methode akkumuliert wurde. Eine Betrachtung der impliziten, jedoch widersprüchlichen, Perspektiven, die offenbar die Forscher über Psychotherapeuten zu haben scheinen, ist zun?chst notwendig, um die Art und Weise der Fragestellungen in den Studien zu beleuchten. Nach einer Reflexion der gesellschaftspolitischen Aufgaben der Psychotherapie geht es dann in diesem übersichtsartikel darum, die unterschiedlichen Studien über die Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten und ihren Einflu? auf die Behandlung des Patienten zusammenzufassen. Der rote Faden ergibt sich aus der Fragestellung, welches forschungsbasierte Wissen über Psychotherapeuten auf welche Weise klinisch genutzt werden kann.   相似文献   
Speakers tend to repeat materials from previous talk. This tendency is experimentally established and manipulated in various question-answering situations. It is shown that a question's surface form can affect the format of the answer given, even if this form has little semantic or conversational consequence, as in the pair Q: (At) what time do you close. A: “(At)five o'clock.” Answerers tend to match the utterance to the prepositional (nonprepositional) form of the question. This “correspondence effect” may diminish or disappear when, following the question, additional verbal material is presented to the answerer. The experiments show that neither the articulatory buffer nor long-term memory is normally involved in this retention of recent speech. Retaining recent speech in working memory may fulfill a variety of functions for speaker and listener, among them the correct production and interpretation of surface anaphora. Reusing recent materials may, moreover, be more economical than regenerating speech anew from a semantic base, and thus contribute to fluency. But the realization of this strategy requires a production system in which linguistic formulation can take place relatively independent of, and parallel to, conceptual planning.  相似文献   
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