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We conducted two studies extending basic matching research on self-control and impulsivity to the investigation of choices of students diagnosed as seriously emotionally disturbed. In Study 1 we examined the interaction between unequal rates of reinforcement and equal versus unequal delays to reinforcer access on performance of concurrently available sets of math problems. The results of a reversal design showed that when delays to reinforcer access were the same for both response alternatives, the time allocated to each was approximately proportional to obtained reinforcement. When the delays to reinforcer access differed between the response alternatives, there was a bias toward the response alternative and schedule with the lower delays, suggesting impulsivity (i.e., immediate reinforcer access overrode the effects of rate of reinforcement). In Study 2 we examined the interactive effects of reinforcer rate, quality, and delay. Conditions involving delayed access to the high-quality reinforcers on the rich schedule (with immediate access to low-quality reinforcers earned on the lean schedule) were alternated with immediate access to low-quality reinforcers on the rich schedule (with delayed access to high-quality reinforcers on the lean schedule) using a reversal design. With 1 student, reinforcer quality overrode the effects of both reinforcer rate and delay to reinforcer access. The other student tended to respond exclusively to the alternative associated with immediate access to reinforcers. The studies demonstrate a methodology based on matching theory for determining influential dimensions of reinforcers governing individuals' choices.  相似文献   
Gibbon and Church (1990, 1992) have recently confirmed an important, parameter-free prediction of the behavioral theory of timing (Killeen & Fetterman, 1988): The times of exiting from a bout of activity are positively correlated with the times of entrance to it. The correlations were slightly less than predicted, however, and the correlations between the start of an activity and the time spent engaged in that activity were negative, rather than zero. We adapted their serial model as an augmented (one-parameter) version of the behavioral theory, positing a lag between the receipt of a pulse from the pacemaker and transition into the next class of responses. The augmented version of the behavioral theory further improved the correspondence between the theory and the correlational data reported by Gibbon and Church. It also accounts for previously unpublished data from our laboratory derived from a new timing technique, the “peak choice” procedure. We show that the measured variance of movement times from one key to another closely approximates the estimated variance of transition times recovered from fits of the augmented model to the data. Such correspondence both attests to the correct identification of this source of variance and suggests ways to remove it, both from behavior and from our models of behavior.  相似文献   
Lever pressing by 2 squirrel monkeys was maintained under fixed-interval 6-min and fixed-interval 2-min schedules of electric-shock presentation. Preference for these schedules was assessed during three experimental phases. In all phases, responses on one lever produced shock according to one or the other fixed-interval schedule, and responses on a second, changeover, lever switched between schedules. The opportunity to change over was presented during separate choice periods (during which the fixed-interval schedules did not operate) that followed the first through fourth shocks in each schedule. If no changeover occurred during those choice periods, a changeover automatically occurred following the fifth shock. In Phase I, durations of the choice periods were fixed. In Phase II, the choice periods equaled a proportion of their respective fixed interval. During Phase III (completed with 1 monkey) a response on the changeover lever during a given choice period reinstated the most recent fixed interval, and a failure to respond resulted in a changeover. During each of these phases, distinct preferences developed for the 6-min schedule. These results suggest that the maintenance of lever pressing by fixed-interval presentation of electric shock may not be an example of positive reinforcement, and that the response-maintaining characteristics of shock presentation may derive from other properties of the schedule.  相似文献   
Models of choice in concurrent-chains schedules are derived from melioration, generalized matching, and optimization. The resulting models are compared with those based on Fantino's (1969, 1981) delay-reduction hypothesis. It is found that all models involve the delay reduction factors (T - t2L) and (T - t2R), where T is the expected time to primary reinforcement and t2L, t2R are the durations of the terminal links. In particular, in the case of equal initial links, the model derived from melioration coincides with Fantino's original model for full (reliable) reinforcement and with the model proposed by Spetch and Dunn (1987) for percentage (unreliable) reinforcement. In the general case of unequal initial links, the model derived from melioration differs from the revised model advanced by Squires and Fantino (1971) only in the factors affecting the delay-reduction terms (T - t2L) and (T - t2R). The models of choice obtained by minimizing the expected time to reinforcement depend on the type of feedback functions used. In particular, if power feedback functions are used, the optimization model coincides with that obtained from melioration.  相似文献   
Discrete-trial choice in pigeons: Effects of reinforcer magnitude   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The preference of pigeons for large reinforcers which occasionally followed a response versus small reinforcers which invariably followed a response was studied in a discrete-trial situation. Two differently colored keys were associated with the two reinforcement alternatives, and preference was measured as the proportion of choice trials on which the key associated with uncertain reinforcement was pecked. A combination of choice and guidance trials insured that received distributions of reinforcement equalled the scheduled distributions. For five of six subjects, preference for the uncertain reinforcer appeared to be a linear function of the magnitude of the certain reinforcer. In addition, there was greater preference for the response alternative associated with uncertain reinforcement than would be expected on the basis of net reinforcer value.  相似文献   
Baboons responded on a choice task on which discrete trials involved choosing between an intravenous injection of heroin (.32 or 1.0 mg/kg) or the availability of food pellets. An intertrial interval of three hours followed the completion of each trial. Under baseline conditions baboons consistently completed the eight available trials each day. Typically, animals chose heroin on three or four trials a day and food on the remaining trials. Animals tended to space the selection of heroin rather than choosing heroin on consecutive trials. A series of single-day experimental manipulations was undertaken to characterize performance further. Manipulation of the heroin dose produced shifts in the relative frequency of choosing the drug option which were inversely related to dose. Manipulation of number of pellets per food trial produced little change in distribution of choices. Noncontingent administration of morphine produced dose-related decreases in relative frequency of heroin choices, and a higher dose decreased the number of trials completed. Noncontingent naloxone produced dose-related increases in the relative frequency of heroin choices. Noncontingent secobarbital had no effect on distribution of choices, and high doses reduced the number of trials completed per day. The results suggest that morphine and naloxone produce shifts in this choice behavior by selectively interacting with the reinforcing properties of the option involving heroin.  相似文献   
Optimal choice     
We present a classification and theoretical analysis of discrete-trial and free-operant choice procedures in which reinforcement is assigned to one alternative only, or independently to both, is either always available or conditionally available, and is either "held" or not from trial to trial. Momentary-maximizing and (globally) optimal choice sequences are defined in terms of initializing and marker events. Free-operant choice is analyzed in terms of a clock space whose axes are the times since the last A and B choices. The analysis shows that most molar matching data are derivable from momentary maximizing, and that the momentary-maximizing hypothesis has not been adequately tested in either discrete-trial or free-operant situations.  相似文献   
Some conditions affecting the choice to cooperate or compete   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Three experiments investigated conditions affecting the choice to cooperate or compete. Experiment I compared the effects first of an individual activity, then of a competitive task as an alternative to cooperation. For both comparisons, subjects could earn more by cooperating. Choice of competition, but not individual activity, was found to depend on the task choice contingencies. Competition predominated when both subjects could compete if either or both chose competition. Previously competitive pairs cooperated when both subjects could cooperate if either or both chose cooperation. Experiment II investigated the effects of differences in magnitude of the reinforcers for cooperating or competing. Choice between the two alternatives was manipulated in all pairs by varying reinforcer difference. Competition was chosen over cooperation only within the limits within which competition was potentially profitable. Experiment III replicated the findings of Experiment II using triads. Subjects in triads, however, were more likely to withdraw from the experiment. Thus, the data for pairs and triads suggest an orderly relation between reinforcer difference for cooperating or competing and task choice. Motivation of subjects to maximize relative gain by competing can be overridden by moderate reinforcer differences favoring cooperation.  相似文献   
Four pigeons in the line-positive group were trained with a vertical line on a green background that signalled intermittent reinforcement while a plain green field signalled extinction. Four pigeons in the line-negative group were trained with the opposite discrimination. Response to a control key terminated any trial and initiated the next trial. The birds also used the control key during generalization tests to control the durations of trials in which various line orientations were presented. These durations were summed to provide generalization gradients of stimulus duration that were positive or negative in accordance with the trained discriminations. In Experiment 2, birds from the line-positive group were tested with a procedure in which the control key was not available on some trials. This provided an independent assessment of response rates to the test stimuli. These rates were used to predict the stimulus durations obtained when the control key was available. The findings supported a general model for the prediction of response distributions among concurrent stimuli from rates observed with single stimuli.  相似文献   
Preference for mixed versus constant delay of reinforcement   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Preference for constant and mixed delay of reinforcement was studied using concurrent equal variable-interval schedules. For four pigeons, pecking one key was reinforced following constant delays of 8 sec and mixed delays of 6 or 10 and 2 or 14 sec. Pecking a second key was reinforced following constant delays of 0, 8, 16, and 32 sec. For two additional pigeons, pecking one key was reinforced following delays of 30, 15 or 45, 5 or 55, and 0 or 60 sec. Reinforcements on the other key were delayed 30 sec. It was found that (a) pigeons preferred mixed relative to constant delay of reinforcement, and (b) preference for mixed delay of reinforcement increased as the range of delay interval variability increased.  相似文献   
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