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保持手卫生是感染防控的重要策略,但是如何提高其依从性成为预防传染性疾病和减少医疗机构获得性感染的一大挑战。以行为科学为基础的手卫生助推干预以更“隐性”的方式将洗手转变为一种可自动触发的行为习惯,弥补了以知识分享和健康宣教为主的传统手卫生干预策略的诸多局限性。基于影响机制的不同,手卫生助推干预策略可分为提供决策信息、优化决策选项、影响决策结构、提醒决策方向4个大类的框架体系。多模式助推策略的有效性也已在实践中得到印证,但目前还非常缺乏在中国社会文化情境下开展的助推洗手行为的干预研究,今后可尝试基于行为科学理论有针对性地在医院、学校和社区等公共场所开展此类干预研究和实践,为感染防控、疾病预防和改善公共健康做出相应的贡献。  相似文献   
运用基于学校的研究范式,以上海市某中学为样本学校,考察社会参与特色课程学习经历对青少年社会参与素养的影响机制。结果显示:(1)修学的特色课程门数(量)、情感体验(质)、公共服务动机和社会参与素养两两显著正相关;(2)情感体验和公共服务动机在课程学习数量和社会参与素养间发挥部分中介作用;(3)未发现基础课程成绩在链式中介中起调节作用。研究为通过加强课程情感体验进而提升青少年核心素养提供了积极启示。  相似文献   
现代社会生活的生产实践表明,分工是交换的前提,交换是分工的实现,这就是现代社会活动的全部内容和过程。在此事实基础上构建的市场经济体制,其管理理念内含着丰富的伦理意蕴[1]。本文首先分析阐述了市场经济信用体系的建立是市场经济体制内在规律的必然要求,揭示了“信用”是承诺者之间能量均衡与博弈的结果,既具有丰富的道德理性又具有明显的功利要求。文章进而通过对信用体系维护的动力因素及其与市场主体行为的相关性进行比较研究后指出:政府在参与市场经济活动中要坚持“有所为,有所不为”,应把政府置于经济利益之外,使之具有超脱于市场各成员的地位;同时,信用体系的创立和维护并不必然由政府主导,而是市场经济环境中公共合意选择的必然结果。  相似文献   
论公共行政管理的伦理基础——一个公共伦理分析视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代中国正处在以城市化为主导的社会转型的关键时期,社会出现了种种不协调,需要相应价值尺度来引导。行政管理本身不是最终目的,它是传达人民的需求与愿望,并保证这些需求和愿望能够通过国家控制反映出来。长期以来,行政管理学界高扬效率、忽视伦理的主题定位,在一定程度上阻碍了行政管理学研究向纵深领域的发展。公共行政管理从产生时起就与某种伦理价值观相联系;公共行政管理的主要伦理规范有公益至上、有害不为、慎用权力、社会责任、平等竞争、增进信任。这些规范为公共行政管理奠定了伦理基础。  相似文献   
In mid‐June 2009, the Obama administration dissolved the President's Council on Bioethics (PCBE), a group established by President George W. Bush in August 2001 and whose nearly eight‐year life was marked from beginning to end by controversy. While some will regret the PCBE's passing, others will regard the Council as a failed experiment in doing public bioethics.  相似文献   
In Evangelium Vitae Pope John Paul II calls for a renewal of culture to combat the culture of death. He criticizes various aspects of a pluralistic, liberal society—a type of society that he claims is based on moral relativism and a view of democracy that becomes a substitute for moral law. He maintains that such a view trivializes moral choice. In this essay I argue that John Rawls's notion of a liberal society as an overlapping consensus of comprehensive doctrines can avoid relativism while allowing for reasonable debate among opposed positions. While Rawls maintains that comprehensive doctrines, including religions, should employ a form of public reason that is not a unique feature of any one comprehensive doctrine, I argue that this requirement is too strong. One is often justified in appealing to features of comprehensive doctrines other than one's own, features that are unique to the doctrines themselves. Such an appeal does not pretend to be neutral as public reason would seem to be. In the final section of the paper I discuss some suggestions made by the Pope regarding actions in civil society that are independent of debates about legal change and suggest some ways in which they might contribute to desired cultural transformation.  相似文献   
The popularity, and subsequent ambiguity, in the use of the term “empowerment” has created an even greater need for reassessment in the applied context than in the theory and research literatures. This paper outlines some of the areas of community, organizational, and societal level social intervention and policy ostensibly based on the concept of empowerment. These include neighborhood voluntary associations (for environmental protection, community crime prevention, etc.), self-help groups, competence-building primary prevention, organizational management, health care and educational reforms, and national and international community service and community development policies. Issues in applying social research to community organizations and to legislative and administrative policy making are reviewed. Ten recommendations are offered, including the value of a dialectical analysis, for helping researchers and policy makers/administrators make more effective use of empowerment theory and research. Humpty Dumpty: “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean neither more nor less.” King of Hearts: “If there's no meaning in it, that saves a world of trouble, you know, as we needn't try to find any.”—Lewis Carroll Portions of this paper were first presented in the program “Empowerment Theory, Research and policy” at the Biennial Conference on Community Research and Action, Williamsburg, Virginia, June 18, 1993. The author thanks Barbara B. Brown, Jo Ann Lippe, Ken Maton and his students, David V. Perkins, Marc A. Zimmerman, and the anonymous reviewers for their very helpful comments on earlier drafts.  相似文献   
The current rationale for Freedom of Speech is entangled in Enlightenment assumptions about the relationship of discourse to public life. This article critiques those assumptions and proposes an alternative rationale for Freedom of Speech based in assumptions of contemporary rhetorical theory.  相似文献   
Using an organizational culture framework, this case study examines the critical preconditions necessary for employee empowerment and highlights how the multiple cultures within one public bureaucracy differently impacted their implementation. SERVE, a large human service organization, initiated an employee empowerment program that contradicted and thus collided with many elements of its overall organizational culture. Despite the best intentions of the organizational leaders, upper management support, and opportunities for participatory decision making, the organization could not foster the critical preconditions needed for employee empowerment. Leaders had difficulty expanding the employees' power and promoting member inclusion. Concurrently, most employees rejected these new opportunities for control and distrusted the leader's intentions. Yet, despite the widespread rejection of these empowerment initiatives, most employees described their work lives as empowering. The role the local site subculture played in promoting employee empowerment is examined. We discuss how a localized (vs. system-wide) empowerment endeavor may be a more appropriate and feasible focus for public bureaucracies seeking to initiate greater staff empowerment. Particular attention is paid to the interaction between individuals and their environments, and how this interaction affects the empowerment process.  相似文献   
The effect of an instructional package on public-speaking behaviors was analyzed in two experiments. The instructional package was designed to teach public-speaking trainees to look at the audience, make gestures, and perform a number of speaking behaviors. The results of Experiment I, with a university student serving as the trainee, showed that the percentage of each category of public-speaking target behavior increased only after the instructional package was introduced for that category. The results of Experiment 2, with three low-income paraprofessional staff members of a neighborhood service center serving as trainees, showed that the percentage of target behaviors increased after the instructional package was introduced for the respective trainee. Audience ratings of public-speaking performance were correlated with direct observations of target responses. All trainees showed marked improvements in audience ratings from pretraining to posttraining. This study demonstrated an effective procedure for training public-speaking behaviors.  相似文献   
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