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In most models of vision, a stimulus is processed in a series of dedicated visual areas, leading to categorization of this stimulus, and possible decision, which subsequently may be mapped onto a motor-response. In these models, stimulus processing is thought to be independent of the response modality. However, in theories of event coding, common coding, and sensorimotor contingency, stimuli may be very specifically mapped onto certain motor-responses. Here, we compared performance in a shape localization task and used three different response modalities: manual, saccadic, and verbal. Meta-contrast masking was employed at various inter-stimulus intervals (ISI) to manipulate target visibility. Although we found major differences in reaction times for the three response modalities, accuracy remained at the same level for each response modality (and all ISIs). Our results support the view that stimulus-response (S-R) associations exist only for specific instances, such as reflexes or skills, but not for arbitrary S-R pairings.  相似文献   
Pigeons' key pecking was reinforced by food delivered by several fixed-interval, variable-ratio, and differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedules. Rate of responding, number of responses per reinforcer, length of postreinforcement pause, running response rate, and the time required to collect an available reinforcer changed systematically within sessions when the schedules provided high rates of reinforcement, but usually not when they provided low rates. These results suggest that the factors that produce within-session changes in responding are generally similar for different schedules of reinforcement. However, a separate factor may also contribute during variable-ratio schedules. The results question explanations for within-session changes that are related solely to the passage of time, to responding, and to one interpretation of attention. They support the idea that one or more factors related to reinforcement play a role.  相似文献   
Adult male subjects saw a sexual film clip paired with a nonsense syllable (C1). Similarly, an emotionally neutral film clip was paired with a second nonsense syllable (C3). Responses to the nonsense syllables were recorded as skin resistance responses. Subjects were also trained in a series of related conditional discriminations, using the C1 and C3 stimuli, from which the following equivalence relations were predicted; A1-B1-C1, A2-B2-C2, and A3-B3-C3. Some subjects were given matching-to-sample (equivalence) tests after the conditional discrimination training (Experiment 1), whereas others were not (Experiment 2). Subjects were tested for a transformation of eliciting functions by presenting the A1 and A3 stimuli, which were related through equivalence to C1 and C3, respectively. Five of the 6 subjects who showed significantly greater conditioned responses to C1 than to C3, also showed significantly greater skin resistance responses to A1 than to A3. Two additional subjects demonstrated a transformation of an eliciting stimulus function in accordance with five-member equivalence relations (Experiment 3), and another 5 subjects demonstrated similar effects in accordance with the relations of sameness and opposition (Experiment 4).  相似文献   
Two experiments studied the conditions of stimulus control necessary for the generalization of relational matching to sample. Matching required the selection of comparison shapes rotated 90 degrees clockwise from the orientation of the corresponding sample. In Experiment 1, five children were taught to: (a) code the orientations of samples, (b) transform sample codings to account for the 90 degree rotation, and (c) repeat the transformed sample coding response to a comparison. High levels of generalization occurred with a set of novel stimuli for which stable sample-coding responses were initially available. In another novel set, where stable sample-coding responses were not initially available, low levels of generalized matching were recorded. Matching performance improved after stable coding responses were trained. In Experiment 2, two children and three adults were trained in a form of the matching task that produced poor generalization despite the presence of stable sample-coding responses. Retraining to modify the stimulus control exerted by these coding responses produced an immediate improvement in generalized matching to sample. Results suggest that the generalization of matching is dependent on structure of stimulus control that the component responses exert on each other.  相似文献   
In order to affect more rapid response acquisition for autistic children, researchers have recently begun to investigate the functional relationships of reinforcers to other components of the operant conditioning paradigm. Previous research suggested that functional relationships between target behaviors and reinforcers might be especially effective. For example, locating a reward inside a container might be a more efficient way to teach a child to open the container than by handing the child a reward for opening an empty container. The present experiment assessed, within a multiple baseline design, the possibility of improving autistic children's learning by changing arbitrary response-reinforcer relationships (while holding target behaviors and reinforcers constant) so that the target behaviors became functional (i.e., a direct part of the response chain required for the child to procure the reinforcer). The results showed that: (1) arranging functional response-reinforcer relationships produced immediate improvement in the children's learning, and resulted in rapid acquisition of criterion level responding; and (2) high levels of correct responding initially produced by functional response-reinforcer relationships were continued even when previously ineffective arbitrary response-reinforcer conditions were reinstated. The results are discussed in terms of understanding and improving autistic children's learning.  相似文献   
Three individuals with mental retardation exhibited stimulus overselectivity in a delayed matching-to-sample task in which two sample stimuli were displayed on each trial. Intermediate accuracy scores indicated that participants could match one of the samples but not both of them. Accuracy in a baseline condition was compared to accuracy with a differential observing response procedure. This procedure prompted participants to make simultaneous identity-matching responses that required observation and discrimination of both sample stimuli. These observing responses were never followed by differential consequences. When observing responses were prompted, participants' accuracy scores improved. In a return to the baseline condition, when differential observing responses were no longer prompted, accuracy returned to intermediate levels. The results show that stimulus overselectivity can be greatly reduced by a behavioral intervention that controls observing behavior and verifies discrimination, but that exposure to such procedures alone may be insufficient for lasting benefits.  相似文献   
Yoked variable-ratio and variable-interval responding in pigeons   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons' key pecks were maintained by variable-ratio or variable-interval schedules of food reinforcement. For pairs of pigeons in one group, variable-ratio reinforcement was arranged for one pigeon's pecks; for the second pigeon, reinforcement was arranged according to a variable-interval schedule yoked to the interreinforcement times produced by the first pigeon. For pairs of pigeons in another group, variable-interval reinforcement was arranged for one pigeon's pecks; for the second pigeon, reinforcement was arranged according to a variable-ratio schedule yoked to the interreinforcement responses produced by the first pigeon. For each pair, the yoking procedure was maintained for four or five consecutive sessions of 50 reinforcements each. In more than three-quarters of the pairs, variable-ratio response rates were higher than variable-interval rates within two sessions; in all cases, the rate difference developed within four sessions.  相似文献   
Pigeons were trained to peck a key under a chained fixed-ratio 15 fixed-interval 25-sec schedule of food presentation. In Experiment 1, blocks of sessions in which 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25% of the sequences ended with food presentation were conducted. When food presentation was omitted, a timeout of equal duration replaced it. As the frequency of food presentation decreased so did the frequency of completing the chained schedule. In Experiment 2, 75%, 50%, or 25% of the sequences terminated with food presentation and outcomes were signalled, i.e., completion of the fixed ratio resulted in either a stimulus correlated with the fixed-interval 25-sec schedule or a stimulus correlated with extinction. As the frequency of food presentation decreased, the number of sequences completed per session increased for two pigeons and remained high for a third. In Experiments 3 and 4, assessments of the effects of signalling the outcome of the chained schedule were made with response-independent presentation of events at the end of the sequence. Again, signalling the outcome of the chained schedule led to more chains being completed per session than did not signalling the outcome. Stimuli differentially paired with food presentation have powerful behavioral effects that may be attributed to the potency of these stimuli as conditioned reinforcers.  相似文献   
Item response curves for a set of binary responses are studied from a Bayesian viewpoint of estimating the item parameters. For the two-parameter logistic model with normally distributed ability, restricted bivariate beta priors are used to illustrate the computation of the posterior mode via the EM algorithm. The procedure is illustrated by data from a mathematics test.This work was supported under Contract No. N00014-85-K-0113, NR 150-535, from Personnel and Training Research Programs, Psychological Sciences Division, Office of Naval Research. The authors wish to thank Mark D. Reckase for providing the ACT data used in the illustration and Michael J. Soltys for computational assistance. They also wish to thank the editor and four anonymous reviewers for many valuable suggestions.  相似文献   
The present study manipulated the number of responses in a modified fixed-interval schedule by imposing a blackout after each unreinforced response during the interval. The blackout duration was varied, and the duration of the fixed interval was held constant. The subjects were initially exposed to a fixed-interval 300-sec schedule. Blackout durations of 0, 10, and 50 sec were used. Following this, a fixed-interval 30-sec schedule was used with blackout durations of 0, 1, and 5 sec. Under the fixed-interval 300-sec schedule, the number of interreinforcement responses varied over a wider range than occurred under the fixed-interval 30-sec schedule. The duration of the postreinforcement pause decreased as blackout durations were increased and number of responses decreased on the fixed-interval 300-sec schedule, but pause length did not vary with changes in blackout duration and number of responses for the fixed-interval 30-sec schedule. The differences in the effects of blackout duration and response manipulation on the two fixed-interval schedules were attributed to relatively greater changes in the number of interreinforcement responses for the fixed-interval 300-sec schedule.  相似文献   
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