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Parents who are engaged in protracted conflict following a divorce are often referred to coparenting therapy. Episodes of intense conflict are common during these therapy sessions and often result in coparents disengaging from the therapist while they engage in escalating conflict with each other, potentially disrupting their progress in therapy. The purpose of this study was to identify how therapists successfully re-engage clients in the session. To understand this process, 24 disengagement events (12 successful and 12 unsuccessful) from 13 cases were analyzed using a task analytic approach. The sample included coparent dyads referred by the judicial system to a high-conflict coparenting therapy program. Task analysis was used to create a model of how re-engagement unfolds in treatment. The empirical model that resulted has five phases: (1) disengagement from the therapeutic process, (2) disruption of the conflict, (3) de-escalating the most escalated coparent, (4) de-escalating the other coparent, and (5) therapist buffered re-engagement. Successful episodes of re-engagement tended to have therapists who remained active throughout the conflict episode, used structuring interventions aimed at disrupting and then regulating the most escalated partner, blocked attempts to re-engage in conflict, and then repeated this process with the less escalated partner. Additional interventions that promote therapeutic re-engagement are described for each phase, and implications for clinicians and researchers are discussed.  相似文献   
The extant literature has attested to the importance of poverty on child well-being generally using a unidimensional approach. Researchers have yet to establish solid evidence on how multiple dimensions of poverty (e.g., depth, volatility, and spells of exposure) might be associated with children’s socioemotional well-being during their early school years. Building upon Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological systems theory, this study used latent class analysis to identify poverty patterns by incorporating multiple dimensions of poverty and investigated the relationship between multidimensional poverty patterns and children’s socioemotional trajectories from kindergarten through fifth grade. Using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998–1999 (ECLS-K), a longitudinal dataset featuring a nationally representative cohort of children in the United States (N ≈ 20,090), the analysis identified seven poverty groups. Each group exhibited a unique poverty or economic pattern that incorporates the three poverty dimensions. Growth-curve results indicate that multidimensional poverty patterns were significantly associated with externalizing and internalizing behaviors both at kindergarten and over time by fifth grade. Children with the acutest form of economic deprivation—extreme poverty, volatile income, and multiple spells of poverty exposure—were reported to have the worst outcomes. The significant variations in children’s socioemotional trajectories due to different poverty patterns highlight the importance of poverty reduction and prevention strategies corresponding to those patterns for optimal effect. This study suggests a focus not just on helping families exit poverty temporarily, but on improving their economic security as a way to nurture children’s socioemotional well-being.  相似文献   
This paper attempts to show how unrepresented rupture/injury of primary expectations of the early relationship is reactivated in the analytic process. This becomes perceptible especially as unconscious fear and a specific defence described as ‘living behind a glass-wall’. The author, however, postulates the existence of an inherent dialogical-dyadic principle in the psyche, which she calls archetypal hope, and shows how this principle may become active in the analytical space. These aspects of analytical treatments are sketched with two vignettes, in which unconscious processes of exchange cause the analyst to experience unrepresented states. The author describes how the analyst is gradually able to experience and understand this, and how this understanding finally – without first becoming explicit – becomes effective in the analytical space. Special attention is given to the analytic attitude. A readiness to accept and move into regression and a receptivity to attune to the early sensory experience of the analysand is regarded as essential. Through this the analyst gains access to the inner space of the analysand and, through bodily experience and pre-symbolic processes, the unrepresented may thus become figurable. The reverie and countertransference fantasies are understood as a bridge: they connect the analytic pair. However, the reverie also creates the transition between that which was not – the absent representation – and that which wants to emerge. It thus bridges the personal unconscious (implicit expectation) and the archetypal (the archetypal hope). Through this, the space of hope may become a space of possibility, and help bridge the chasm between the experienced and the hoped-for.  相似文献   
Multicultural courses pose several challenges for counselor educators. This article presents a rationale for using a relational approach to teaching multicultural courses and includes 3 classroom activities based in relational pedagogy and relational-cultural theory. By using a relational approach, counselor educators can encourage students to become more engaged, more self-motivated, and more willing to take risks in the pursuit of learning inclusive, competent, and culturally aware counseling practice. Los cursos multiculturales presentan varios retos para los educadores de consejeros. Este artículo presenta un razonamiento para el uso de un enfoque relacional en la enseñanza de cursos multiculturales e incluye 3 actividades para el aula basadas en la pedagogía relacional y la teoría relacional-cultural. Mediante el uso de un enfoque relacional, los educadores de consejeros pueden animar a sus estudiantes a estar más involucrados, motivados y dispuestos a asumir riesgos en su esfuerzo por aprender una práctica de la consejería que sea culturalmente inclusiva, competente y consciente.  相似文献   
This clinical presentation shows what insights a typology-conscious analysis of clients and their families may lead to and points out what is added by applying John Beebe’s eight-function, eight-archetype model. To reflect on the inner balance between archetypal complexes in the eight-function structure that holds our psyche, the author invites clients to do a typological analysis, including an analysis of their archetypal patterns, which may, itself, provoke anxiety. This article includes a presentation of ideas and experiences sparked when confronting these complexes in clinical work. Clients are introduced to six stages of coping with stress that may allow them to be more conscious of their complexes when triggered. These stages are Faint, Freeze, Flight, Fidget, Fight, and Flow. To identify whether the stress is physiological, emotional, or intellectual, the idea of the Triune Brain is introduced. The therapeutic work may lead to redemption from opposites, which is an ethical task.  相似文献   

En este artículo se expone un nuevo sistema de análisis de la interacción, basado en los análogos de la petición y oferta de objetos y de la aprehensión, conservación y uso de instrumentos, diseñado para dar cuenta de procesos de control interpersonal en las interacciones cara a cara. Se dan muestras de la aplicación de sus categorías y se ofrecen pruebas de su fiabilidad.  相似文献   

Los autores comienzan su trabajo con una exposición de diversos alegatos a favor y en contra de los modelos multialmacén, considerando la validez de las pruebas en que se basan con referencia a los conceptos de capacidad, codificación y características del olvido, centrándose respecto a este último en la función de retención. Seguidamente proponen un marco alternativo en términos de niveles de procesamiento, manteniendo que el trazo de la memoria constituye un subproducto del análisis perceptivo y que su persistencia constituye una función positiva de la profundidad con la que se analiza el estímulo. Los autores reexaminan los datos existentes respecto al aprendizaje incidental, atención selectiva y almacén sensorial, distinción almacenamiento a corto/largo plazo, curva de posición serial y efectos de repetición y repaso. El trabajo termina aclarando que el enfoque de los autores no constituye una teoría sino más bien un marco conceptual con arreglo al cual podría proceder la investigación sobre memoria.  相似文献   

En este trabajo Francisco Valle cuestiona el enfoque de la literatura americana sobre el lenguaje de los niños, en la que se considera el orden de las palabras como el medio estructural básico para transmitir significados y comunicar diferentes intenciones. Fundamenta sus críticas desde cuatro vertientes: datos provenientes de otras lenguas, algunas excepciones en niños angloparlantes o anglodiscentes, resultados de estudios de aceptabilidad gramatical y la nueva orientación de la lingüística y la psicología del lenguaje, para las que el componente semántico se ha convertido en el núcleo mismo del lenguaje. El autor coincide con Howe en el peligro del adultomorfismo, sugiriendo que tal vez la única manera de comprobar la presencia de intenciones semánticas en las expresiones lingüísticas infantiles sea comparar nuestras interpretaciones con las supuestas intenciones reales de los niños, retomando para ello el método de las expansiones inadecuadas. En la última parte se aclaran algunas confusiones cometidas por Bushnell y Aslin al aplicar este método y se explican las diferencias entre significado referencial y relacional, finalizando con un resumen de los puntos básicos que hay que tener en cuenta al hacer expansiones inadecuadas.  相似文献   

Esta investigación estudia el proceso de deliberación del jurado. Un conjunto de sujetos, representativos, miembros de distintos jurados, asistieron a la proyección de un vídeo de un juicio que presentaba tres delitos, deliberaron en grupos de seis miembros, dieron un veredicto para cada uno de los cargos, y rellenaron un cuestionario posdeliberatorio que evaluó el proceso de juicio de cada sujeto. Las deliberaciones se recogieron en vídeo y se analizó su contenido. Los resultados indicaban que la distribución del voto inicial permitía una buena predición del veredicto final: las mayorías tendían a prevalecer. El contenido de la deliberación se centró en dos temas básicamente: a) los hechos del caso y b) las expresiones favorables al veredicto de culpabilidad o no culpabilidad. El Análisis de Pautas sugirió que las decisiones relativas al primer cargo se basaban en conjunto en el contenido de las deliberaciones y en la distribución del voto grupal, en tanto las decisiones sobre los restantes cargos se basaban básicamente en presiones de carácter normativo. El que los jurados hubieran cambiado o no de veredicto durante la deliberación afectaba a sus impresiones acerca del juicio tras la deliberación.  相似文献   
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