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In contemporary culture, narcissism is an important and common personality trait. This trait is very significant for the meaning people experience in their lives. This article deals with an inquiry into the relationship between narcissism and the meaning of life among pastors. Narcissism is further specified into several dimensions (centripetal narcissism, centrifugal narcissism, isolation and self-satisfaction) and the significance of these dimensions is examined for two central dimensions of the attribution of meaning (frame of reference and fulfilment). The article discusses the significance of the relationship between narcissism and meaning for the professional performance of pastors. Hessel J. Zondag is lecturer in the psychology of religion at the Theologische Faculteit Tilburg in the Netherlands. His teachings and research interests are psychology of religion, cultural psychology, and pastoral psychology. Currently he conducts research to the functions of narcissism in contemporary culture, especially the effects of narcissism on functioning of pastors. Recent publications have appeared in Pastoral Psychology, Journal of Psychology & Theology, and Review of Religious Research.  相似文献   
认知负荷对小学生工作记忆资源分配策略的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以不同认知负荷的连环数认知运算为实验材料,以小学三到六年级175名学生为被试,考察了认知负荷对小学生工作记忆资源分配策略的影响。结果表明:认知负荷的难度明显地影响到了小学生工作记忆资源分配策略。在策略的选择方面,认知负荷对于小学生认知操作成绩的影响力在低年龄段时没有达到显著性差异,而小学六年级则差异显著;在策略的正确率方面,认知负荷难度的影响力随年级的升高而相对减少;在策略的解题速度方面,认知负荷的难度也明显地影响到了小学生工作记忆资源分配策略的解题速度。  相似文献   
分散注意条件下前瞻记忆的完成水平及其影响因素初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭纬  贺莉 《心理科学》2005,28(1):111-113
本研究试图探讨在分散注意条件下前瞻记忆的完成水平及其影响因素。被试为98名大学生。在实验中,当前任务为数字听写,同时放映一段无声动画短片,将前瞻记忆任务(即看到某一靶线索画面时在相应数字上做记号)嵌入其中,动画片结束后要求被试完成若干与动画片内容有关的问题(事先通过指导语告知)。结果发现:1、前瞻记忆任务的成绩与被试的性别几乎无关,与材料熟悉程度也无显著相关;2、与被试对材料的喜好程度显著相关,提示即使在分散注意条件下,被试在完成前瞻记忆任务时也可能会根据偏好自动调整注意的分配。  相似文献   
孙晓敏  张厚粲 《心理科学》2005,28(3):646-649
随着素质教育的推进.表现性评价受到越来越多的重视。影响表现性评价结果信度的一个重要因素是评分者之间的不一致。文章使用模拟数据,在对比评分者一致性的相关法、一致性百分比法和概化系数等各种估计方法的基础上,提出概化理论在表现性评价中评分者信度问题上的应用是理论和实践发展的有益方向。  相似文献   
记忆老化信念是元记忆研究的一个重要研究领域。本研究测量了94名老年人,38名年轻人记忆老化信念中关于自身记忆信念。结果发现,各年龄组间在对特定情境记忆能力信念上有差异,60~64岁、65~69岁年龄组被试对特定情境记忆能力评价最高,而70岁以上老年人与年轻组被试对特定情境上记忆能力评分无差异;年轻人对记忆的控制感要低于各组老年人;研究并没有发现被试在一般记忆能力信念上的年龄差异。  相似文献   
工作记忆成分与儿童算术认知   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王明怡  陈英和 《心理科学》2005,28(3):611-613
根据Baddeley和Hitch(1974)提出的工作记忆多成分模型,研究者对工作记忆的各个成分与儿童算术认知之间的关系进行了广泛的探索。同语音环和视空间模板相比,中央执行在儿童算术认知加工中的作用显得更为关键。目前,探讨各种中央执行功能与儿童算术认知的关系,以及由此来解释算术学习困难儿童的认知成因是这个领域研究者最为关注的焦点。  相似文献   
This essay analyzes the U.S. political situation before the 2003 invasion of Iraq and ties this conflict to the events of 9/11. The guiding thread of the discussion is the definition of “terrorism” that has led to George W. Bush's declared “war on terrorism.” By means of Hegel's dialectic logic, the essay exposes the problem offered by the category of causality involved in the definition of terrorism: Is terrorism the original “cause” of the war declared on it by the United States (as the Bush administration claims) or is terrorism rather the very “consequence” of that war?  相似文献   
According to mental speed theory of intelligence, the speed of information processing constitutes an important basis for cognitive abilities. However, the question, how mental speed relates to real world criteria, like school, academic, or job performance, is still unanswered. The aim of the study is to test an indirect speed-factor model in comparison to rivaling models explaining the relationships between different mental abilities and performance. In this speed-factor model, basic cognitive processing is assumed to influence higher mental abilities (IQ and creativity). Intelligence and creativity themselves should be valid predictors of school performance. We computed bivariate correlations and structural equation models to test this hypothesis, using indicators of processing speed [Zahlen-Verbindungs-Test (ZVT) and Coding Test], psychometric intelligence [Kognitiver Fähigkeits-Test (KFT) and Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM)], creativity [Verbaler Kreativitäts-Test (VKT) and Verwendungs-Test (VWT)] and school performance (grades). In a sample of 271 students from German gymnasiums (Class Levels 9 to 11) the speed-factor model can reproduce at best the empirical relationships between processing speed, intelligence, creativity, and school performance: It assumes that processing speed influences higher mental abilities (intelligence and creativity), which, in the sequel, influence school performance. Therefore, processing speed seems to have no direct effect on school performance; the effect is indirect as it operates via mediation through higher cognitive abilities.  相似文献   
This study examined the influence of affect, curiosity, and socialization-related learning on job performance, with 233 service industry employees from a diverse variety of occupations completing surveys at their places of work. Both state and trait curiosity and socialization-related learning (learning associated with employee socialization) were hypothesized to mediate the relationship between affect (operationalized as state and trait anxiety and anger) and job performance. Structural equation analyses indicate that the data are consistent with the theoretical models proposed. As expected, anxiety negatively influences curiosity, socialization-related learning, and job performance; conversely, anger positively influences curiosity, socialization-related learning, and job performance. Overall, the findings suggest that affects indeed predict perception of job performance, but through the mediation of curiosity and the learning associated with the socialization process. These results highlight the importance of the complex interplay between affect, curiosity, and learning when thinking about successful employee socialization and best possible job performance.  相似文献   
对感觉记忆在相同范畴视觉搜索中作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文以三种字母卡片为刺激物,通过两种靶字母搜索实验,探讨了感觉记忆在相同范畴视觉搜索中的作用。实验结果显示,感觉记忆和短时记忆信息都可能利用时的搜索成绩,明显高于限用短时记忆信息时的搜索成绩。这表明,感觉记忆信息可以直接用于相同范畴的视觉搜索。  相似文献   
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