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周婷  李娟 《心理科学进展》2009,17(6):1185-1190
“语义一致性加重复”范式(congruity-plus-repetition paradigm)在早前重复范式的基础上增加了早期语义情境用以控制重复效应的前期成份N400和后期成份P600之间的相互干扰。作者回顾了这种范式在轻度认知损伤(mild cognitive impairment,MCI)的事件相关电位研究领域的应用,并分析了该范式在MCI的识别及预测其向痴呆转归方面的优越性。提示效应的组合更能标记正常认知老化向痴呆的动态过渡;能产生两个或多个效应组合的实验范式将是该领域未来研究方向之一。  相似文献   
Spatial-numerical associations have been found across different studies, yet the basis for these associations remains debated. The current study employed an order judgment task to adjudicate between two competing accounts of such associations, namely the Mental Number Line (MNL) and Working Memory (WM) models. On this task, participants judged whether number pairs were in ascending or descending order. Whereas the MNL model predicts that ascending and descending orders should map onto opposite sides of space, the WM model predicts no such mapping. Moreover, we compared the spatial-order mapping for numerical and non-numerical sequences because the WM model predicts no difference in mapping. Across two experiments, we found consistent spatial mappings for numerical order along both horizontal and vertical axes, consistent with a MNL model. In contrast, we found no consistent mappings for letter sequences. These findings are discussed in the context of conflicting extant data related to these two models.  相似文献   
采用事件相关电位技术和三类刺激的经典oddball范式,以内隐的方式探讨外倾特质个体的自我参照加工程度效应及其神经机制。实验发现,外倾被试的高自我相关名字在各个ERP成分上都比其他刺激诱发了更大波幅。在P2上,高自我相关的刺激比其他刺激诱发了更大的P2波幅和更长的P2潜伏期,其中中线脑区的效应最大。在N2上,高自我相关的刺激比其他刺激诱发了更大的N2波幅和更短的N2潜伏期,其中额区位置的效应最大。控制组被试的高自我相关名字比外倾型被试的高自我相关名字诱发了更大的N2的波幅和更短的N2潜伏期。在P3平均波幅上,高自我相关的刺激比其他刺激诱发了更大的P3波幅,其中中线效应最大。对比外倾型被试,控制组被试的自我参照刺激诱发了更大的P3波幅。研究结果表明外倾特质个体的自我参照加工具有程度效应,但对比控制组被试,外倾特质个体的自我参照加工的程度效应更弱。  相似文献   
The present study examined the impact of Primacy/Recency Effects and Hazard Monitoring on driver attributions. Participants viewed a simulated near collision from the perspective of a trailing motorist. The amount of error free driving prior to the near collision varied between two groups, where the near incident occurred either early or later in their viewing experience. They were then given the opportunity to provide judgments of the offending driver based on how safe, dangerous, risky, and skilled the driver was in general, and to evaluate their overall performance. Results showed a Primacy Effect dominance in that judgments of the driver were most negative in the early group, but this was moderated by high Hazard Monitoring for ratings of “dangerous” and “safe”. This suggests that judgments of other drivers are likely to be quick and based on early information, but are impacted by personal factors such as a tendency to monitor for hazards.  相似文献   
胡哲  张钦  梁九清  郭春彦 《心理学报》2013,45(7):725-739
使用事件相关电位(ERP)技术和测试来源记忆的多键范式,探讨不同情绪效价背景下来源提取的认知神经机制。学习阶段,同时呈现汉字和3种效价情绪图片(重叠);测验阶段,只呈现汉字,要求被试进行四键判断:旧字且背景为中性,旧字且背景为正性,旧字且背景为负性,新字。结果发现:在提取阶段,刺激呈现后300~500 ms,3种情绪背景下来源判断正确项目和来源判断错误项目都比新项目诱发了更正的ERPs(即都存在新旧效应),这一结果反映出刺激呈现后300~500 ms 是一个早期的项目提取阶段,它独立于来源提取。并且,在中性背景下,两种新旧效应没有差别;而在正性和负性背景下,来源判断正确项目的新旧效应显著大于来源判断错误项目。说明相比于中性背景,情绪背景下被试可能更早对来源信息产生熟悉感。在500~650 ms,3种情绪背景下都存在来源判断正确项目的新旧效应,在来源判断错误项目和新项目之间没有显著差异,来源正确与来源错误有显著的新旧效应差异,但二者在头皮分布上是类似的,这反映了晚期的来源提取过程。同时来源正确的新旧效应在这两个时段有显著不同的头皮分布,表明这两个时段有不同加工过程。另外,在500~650 ms,存在显著的情绪效应,正性背景下正确判断来源诱发的ERPs比中性和负性背景下的更正,而且来源判断错误条件下没有情绪效应。综上所述,来源正确和来源错误可能仅仅反映了大脑激活在量上的不同,并不能推断两者存在质的差异;大脑神经活动的早期不仅反映了对记忆项目的熟悉性,而且也受情绪效应的影响,500 ms之后大脑神经活动反映的是对记忆项目回想的过程,这一回想过程也与情绪效应有关,受到情绪效应的调节。  相似文献   
本研究旨在探究不同执行意向编码形式对前瞻记忆加工机制的影响是否存在差异。结果显示在低认知负荷下,混合编码效果最好,仅执行意向编码次之,标准编码效果最差,而在高认知负荷下三种编码效果无差异。眼动指标显示在低认知负荷下混合编码的注视点数量最多,总注视时间最长;在混合编码条件下进行中任务和前瞻记忆任务的总注视时间均长于仅执行意向编码和标准编码。结果说明,执行意向编码容易受认知负荷的影响;在低认知负荷下混合编码的被试对任务刺激进行更多的监控和加工,而仅执行意向编码促进前瞻记忆任务的自动化加工。  相似文献   
As postindustrial societies become more dependent on technology, they also become encumbered by greater risk. With the mounting news reports of cyberattacks, a common reaction to these technology‐based hazards is anxiety. Whether anxiety enhances or erodes information processing is a topic of debate in previous literature, and equally uncertain is whether mass anxiety facilitates or hobbles the public's ability to contemplate current events. In light of three theoretical models in the basic research of anxiety, we hypothesized that (1) anxious participants are less able to recall the information in a news report of cyberattack than their nonanxious counterparts, (2) they become increasingly inept at recalling the details as the storyline unfolds, and (3) this impairment is unique to anxiety. Participants in Study 1 (130 college students) and Study 2 (392 American adults) viewed a news story of a cyberattack and then reported their emotional states and their levels of understanding of the various parts of the report—except that the anxiety in Study 1 was naturalistic, and in Study 2, experimentally manipulated. Results from both studies showed that anxiety undermined recall performance. In addition, Study 1 found that the recall was worse towards the middle and the end of the news story and that other emotions were not significantly associated with memory deficit. Anxiety is discussed as a barrier for the public to stay informed about cyberattacks.  相似文献   
There is evidence that facial expressions are perceived holistically and featurally. The composite task is a direct measure of holistic processing (although the absence of a composite effect implies the use of other types of processing). Most composite task studies have used static images, despite the fact that movement is an important aspect of facial expressions and there is some evidence that movement may facilitate recognition. We created static and dynamic composites, in which emotions were reliably identified from each half of the face. The magnitude of the composite effect was similar for static and dynamic expressions identified from the top half (anger, sadness and surprise) but was reduced in dynamic as compared to static expressions identified from the bottom half (fear, disgust and joy). Thus, any advantage in recognising dynamic over static expressions is not likely to stem from enhanced holistic processing, rather motion may emphasise or disambiguate diagnostic featural information.  相似文献   
Individuals spontaneously categorise other people on the basis of their gender, ethnicity and age. But what about the emotions they express? In two studies we tested the hypothesis that facial expressions are similar to other social categories in that they can function as contextual cues to control attention. In Experiment 1 we associated expressions of anger and happiness with specific proportions of congruent/incongruent flanker trials. We also created consistent and inconsistent category members within each of these two general contexts. The results demonstrated that participants exhibited a larger congruency effect when presented with faces in the emotional group associated with a high proportion of congruent trials. Notably, this effect transferred to inconsistent members of the group. In Experiment 2 we replicated the effects with faces depicting true and false smiles. Together these findings provide consistent evidence that individuals spontaneously utilise emotions to categorise others and that such categories determine the allocation of attentional control.  相似文献   
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