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具有悠久历史的中医药在现代医学中有鲜明的时代特点。心血管疾病是现代社会严重威胁生命及健康的病患。本文总结分析了古老中药在现代心血管疾病中应用的现状,并深入分析其影响因素,从而提出扬长避短的未来心血管疾病应用中药的思路。  相似文献   
药物性肝损伤的诊断思维   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
药物性肝损伤(DILI)是指由于药物或其代谢产物引起的肝脏损害。DILI的诊断尚无金标准,目前国际上比较常用的诊断标准分别从数个不同方面各自进行量化评分,根据得分情况做出诊断。本文归纳DILI的产生机制、诊断标准、临床分型及病理类型,总结推论其临床诊断思维与决策,以供临床医生参考,提高诊断水平。  相似文献   
比较两类群体在创造性思维品质的敏捷性、灵活性、深刻性和独创性四个方面的差异,进而分析差异产生的原因。采用词汇联想测验收集数据,被试为28位社会科学和艺术领域的创造者,30位相应学科大学生。结果:思维的深刻性和独创性方面差异显著,创造者明显优于领域新手,其他两方面没有显著差异。结论:作为专家的创造者在创造性思维的深度方面明显优于领域新手。在创造性人才的培养方面,应当注重学生思考力和思考深度的培养。  相似文献   
医学哲学是对医学科学成就总的概括,并以此为基础探讨生命活动和病程的一般规律,研究医学科学的思维方式,直至疾病预防、诊断治疗。同时研究辩证规律和范畴在医学科学中的表现,从而指导骨科医师解决在骨科疾病诊治中遇到的诸多问题,并有助于形成正确的临床思维。结合临床工作体会,探讨医学哲学在骨科疾病诊治临床思维中的应用。  相似文献   
两种医学模式的方法论问题评价   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
生物医学模式和生物心理社会医学模式是对医学发展具有重要意义的两种医学模式,它们在对疾病和健康的看法上形成不同的思维方式;且这种思维方式在人们进行医学科研中具有不同的方法论作用。  相似文献   
本文选取《易》四卦探析其思维特征:从《泰》、《否》剖辨其因果思维,《泰》之以"果"示"因"更属辩证逻辑思维,从而否定C·G荣格关于《易》不从"因果关系论事"的判断。以《蛊》卦之"蛊"不训"弊乱"而应训如钱钟书先生所证之"事"、"事业",论定《蛊》属于创造性思维范畴,继承前辈事业,在自己的努力实践中创新业,立新功。以《》卦辞"不利即戎"断句或连读,探析前人关于战争的两种思考,一是果决地抓住战机打击敌人,如周武王讨伐纣之《牧誓》所示;一是先安顿内部,"施禄及下"以得民心,如《左传》"曹刿论战"所示,是"攘外必先安内"的战略性思考。  相似文献   
Past research has shown that counterfactual (“If…then…”) thoughts influence causal and responsibility attribution in the judicial context. However, little is known on whether and how the use of counterfactuals in communication affects lay jurors' and judges' evaluations. In two studies, we asked mock lay jurors (Study 1) and actual judges (Study 2) to read a medical malpractice case followed by an expert witness report, which included counterfactuals focused on either the physician, the patient, or external factors. Results showed that counterfactual focus had a strong effect on both lay jurors' and judges' causal and responsibility attributions. Counterfactual focus also moderated the effect of outcome foreseeability on responsibility attribution. Discussion focuses on how counterfactual communication can direct causal and responsibility attribution and reduce the importance of other factors known to influence judicial decision‐making. The potential implications of these findings in training programs and debiasing interventions are also discussed.  相似文献   
The learning goals of a well‐designed course in the liberal arts include not only the imparting of knowledge but also the development of critical thinking and disciplinary expertise. A class on Luther can help students acquire those intellectual skills associated with the discipline of history and the liberal arts more generally as they consider broader questions about institutional religion, spirituality, moral choices, and human agency. Current scholarship on how people learn highlights the importance of adequate mental frameworks for the acquisition, retention, and retrieval of new ideas and information. This scholarship underlies the choice of specific strategies used to teach about Luther and the Reformation. Assignments provide “scaffolding,” which begins with modeling and then moves from simpler to more complex assignments. Students practice the specific intellectual skills of critical reading and textual analysis over the course of the semester.  相似文献   
Two experiments examined predictions from two separate explanations for previously observed display effects for communicating low‐probability risks: foreground:background salience and proportional reasoning. According to foreground:background salience, people's risk perceptions are based on the relative salience of the foreground (number of people harmed) versus the background (number of people at risk), such that calling attention to the background makes the risk seem smaller. Conversely, the proportional reasoning explanation states that what matters is whether the respondent attends to the proportion, which conveys how small the risk is. In Experiment 1, we made the background more salient via color and bolding; in contrast to the foreground:background salience prediction, this manipulation did not influence participants' risk aversion. In Experiment 2, we separately manipulated whether the foreground and the background were displayed graphically or numerically. In keeping with the proportional reasoning hypothesis, there was an interaction whereby participants given formats that displayed the foreground and background in the same modality (graphs or numbers, thereby making the proportion easier to form) saw the probability as smaller and were less risk averse than participants given the information in different modalities. There was also a main effect of displaying the background graphically, providing some support for foreground:background salience. In total, this work suggests that the proportional reasoning account provides a good explanation of many display effects related to communicating low‐probability risks, although there is some role for foreground:background salience as well. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
冥想与创造性的关系正逐渐被关注,澄清冥想练习对创造性思维的影响效果和作用机制对个体创新潜能的培养与提升具有重要意义。不同冥想类型对创造性思维的影响具有特异性,专注冥想主要通过注意聚焦和提升自上而下的执行控制能力来对聚合思维产生积极影响;正念冥想引起的离焦的注意状态,以及对认知灵活性和积极情绪的促进,有助于发散思维。未来应加强不同冥想类型与创造性思维的整合研究,探讨冥想影响创造性思维的脑机制,以及冥想与其他干预训练对创造性思维的不同作用机制等。  相似文献   
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