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This study examined whether children use prosodic correlates to word meaning when interpreting novel words. For example, do children infer that a word spoken in a deep, slow, loud voice refers to something larger than a word spoken in a high, fast, quiet voice? Participants were 4- and 5-year-olds who viewed picture pairs that varied along a single dimension (e.g., big vs. small flower) and heard a recorded voice asking them, for example, “Can you get the blicket one?” spoken with either meaningful or neutral prosody. The 4-year-olds failed to map prosodic cues to their corresponding meaning, whereas the 5-year-olds succeeded (Experiment 1). However, 4-year-olds successfully mapped prosodic cues to word meaning following a training phase that reinforced children’s attention to prosodic information (Experiment 2). These studies constitute the first empirical demonstration that young children are able to use prosody-to-meaning correlates as a cue to novel word interpretation.  相似文献   
该文从个体层面和群体层面对员工建言行为结果的研究进行综述。个体层面建言结果大致可以分为五个方面:员工绩效、工作态度、人际关系、建言采纳和后续建言行为; 群体层面的结果主要包括群体绩效、群体创新和群体离职。无论是在个体层面还是在群体层面, 建言对其结果的影响研究结论都不尽一致。个体层面研究结论的不一致可能是受建言特点(类型和策略)、建言者身份、建言对象反应、建言情境等调节因素的影响; 群体层面结论的不一致可能归因于建言对象和管理者可用资源等的调节作用。未来研究应进一步探索管理者对建言不同类型反应的原因, 探究群体建言的作用机制。  相似文献   
Our voices sound different depending on the context (laughing vs. talking to a child vs. giving a speech), making within‐person variability an inherent feature of human voices. When perceiving speaker identities, listeners therefore need to not only ‘tell people apart’ (perceiving exemplars from two different speakers as separate identities) but also ‘tell people together’ (perceiving different exemplars from the same speaker as a single identity). In the current study, we investigated how such natural within‐person variability affects voice identity perception. Using voices from a popular TV show, listeners, who were either familiar or unfamiliar with this show, sorted naturally varying voice clips from two speakers into clusters to represent perceived identities. Across three independent participant samples, unfamiliar listeners perceived more identities than familiar listeners and frequently mistook exemplars from the same speaker to be different identities. These findings point towards a selective failure in ‘telling people together’. Our study highlights within‐person variability as a key feature of voices that has striking effects on (unfamiliar) voice identity perception. Our findings not only open up a new line of enquiry in the field of voice perception but also call for a re‐evaluation of theoretical models to account for natural variability during identity perception.  相似文献   
Although significant scholarly attention has been devoted to understanding subordinates’ information seeking from supervisors, researchers have not paid adequate attention to information sharing by supervisors. Moreover, research on supervisors’ information sharing behavior has focused almost exclusively on work-related information sharing, disregarding supervisors’ sharing of information not related to work (e.g., that related to family). Drawing on self-disclosure theory, we argue that supervisors share both work-related and nonwork information with their subordinates and propose that these two forms of information sharing are conceptually distinct. Furthermore, to unravel the role of supervisors’ nonwork information sharing, we develop an interactive model to test how it may be associated with important employee outcomes. We conducted pilot studies using five samples and, through a sixth study, tested the hypothesized model using a four-wave data collection design. This study makes three major contributions to research and theory. First, it integrates information sharing and information seeking literatures. Second, it underlines the importance of supervisors’ nonwork information sharing in organizations by testing its direct and interactive effects. Third, it contributes to theory by presenting trust as a mechanism that links information disclosure in dyads. Results obtained using structural equation modeling generally supported the proposed model.  相似文献   
Our study contributes to research exploring the differential antecedents of employee promotive and prohibitive voice. We first examined the mediating role of employee felt responsibility for constructive change (FRCC) in the positive relationship between servant leadership and their prohibitive and promotive voice. We then tested the differential moderating effects of employee dispositional avoidance-approach orientation, where the indirect effect of servant leadership on prohibitive voice is weakened for the high avoidance-motivated, and the indirect effect of servant leadership on promotive voice is weakened for the high approach-motivated. To test our hypotheses, multi-source data were collected from 231 supervisor-supervisee dyads working in a range of companies and sectors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As predicted, employee FRCC mediates the positive relationship between servant leadership and prohibitive voice and these indirect effects are significantly weaker for the high avoidance-motivated. We did not observe the predicted weakening effects of high approach-motivation on the indirect relationship between servant leadership and promotive voice. It seems servant leaders may be less influential for those avoidance-motivated individuals already predisposed to enact prohibitive forms of voice, such as voicing concerns about harmful organizational processes and practices. Implications for social exchange and role theories, and managerial practice, are discussed.  相似文献   
虽然团队建言被普遍认为会为团队带来积极结果(如高的团队绩效和团队创新), 但实证研究结果却并不一致。从群体信息加工的视角, 在团队层次区分建言质量与数量两个维度, 进而构建了建言起作用的正向和负向双路径模型, 探讨团队建言的有效性及其作用机制。主要内容包括:(1)开发团队建言质量与数量量表并检验其信效度, (2)检验团队建言的双路径模型, (3)开发针对团队领导的建言管理培训项目以切实提高团队建言的有效性。这不仅可以从理论上丰富和加深现有建言研究, 也将为团队管理实践提供支持。  相似文献   
组织中的进谏行为   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
进谏行为是指以改善环境为目的,以变化为导向,富有建没性的人际问的交流行为。文章系统地介绍了进谏行为的概念,进谏行为对组织的作用以及影响进谏行为的因素。  相似文献   
摘要:通过对551名企业员工问卷调查,研究心理契约破裂、工作满意度与建言行为的关系,并探讨人格特征的神经质维度在以上关系中的调节作用。结果发现:(1)心理契约破裂感知与建言行为显著负相关。(2)工作满意度在心理契约破裂感知与建言行为关系中起部分中介作用;(3)神经质显著调节了心理契约破裂通过工作满意度影响建言行为这一路径。  相似文献   
基于积极心理资本理论和情感事件理论相结合的理论视角,研究采用两阶段追踪问卷调查方法收集数据,探讨了心理资本与员工建言行为的关系以及变革开放性和组织支持感在这个过程中的作用机制。数据分析结果表明:员工心理资本显著正向影响建言行为,变革开放性在心理资本与建言行为之间起着部分中介作用,组织支持感显著调节心理资本通过变革开放性影响建言行为的间接效应,在高组织支持感的条件下,变革开放性在心理资本影响建言行为过程中的中介作用显著,但是在低组织支持感的条件下,变革开放性的中介作用不明显。。  相似文献   
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